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Archived PIVX Turkey Promotion Work


Active Pivian
Term: 3 Cycles
Cycle Amount:5900PIVX
Total Amount: 17700 PIVX
Author: talhatr
Receiver: talhatr
Address: D93V74QjhcQt4kthuBy7ywFsq2T3GdJf83
Status: Active
Vote Hash:20de4658545436dc1811a8fe1be4fef29472195fdc64e49ff7e20ced61d5514b"

As a continuation of my previous proposals, I am conducting efforts to raise PIVX awareness in Turkey.

During this period, I believe the entire community has seen that I have fully focused my efforts on PIVX. I am grateful and would like to thank everyone who has supported me.

After attending several recent conference events, I would like to highlight that I have been invited as a PIVX speaker at a University Conference in Istanbul in January 2025.

I am pleased to be actively working in the field to build and enhance PIVX’s social identity. With the marketing activities I will be conducting this month, I believe that a strong Turkish community will become more established.

In this upcoming 3-month cycle, I would like to announce that I will be dedicating even more effort and focus to these activities than I have in all my previous work up to now.

In this context, considering my efforts, my active presence in the field, and my proactive personality, I would like to request a slightly higher fee due to my full dedication to PIVX.

I trust this will be understood, and I am ready to answer any questions you may have.

The amount I am requesting for the monthly cycle:

5900 PIVX

This payment includes:

  • Adobe Membership
  • Canva Membership
  • Twitter Premium Membership
I am grateful to all MN holders and community members for their trust and support.

Although living in Turkey may create the perception that I should offer lower rates, I would like to emphasize that I believe I am doing a full-time job. I am willing to make any sacrifices necessary for PIVX and am always ready to step up whenever needed.

I would like to thank Eric, Jeffey, and Leacymyk for their support during this process. I am happy that they have helped me with everything.

The Turkish community will continue to grow, and we will create a strong society.

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