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Platforms to Market On? Need More Reach!


Active Pivian

Additional Platforms to Advertise On

These are some sites that I could find, but I would love to chat about more opportunities should any of you have suggestions.



  • Seems to have very positive, legit reviews
  • Allows so much different types of crypto it almost makes me nervous
  • They say they can bypass FB and Google requirements and post anyways. Seems a little sus.



  • Legit websites it puts ads on.
  • Min 100 Euro and 50 Euro/day.


  • Sponsor Twitch Streamers.
  • Either banner overlay or a certain number of read out ads during the stream.
We are very open to more and would love hear about more!


Really would like to expand out. If we can find a one-stop-shop that puts ads on multiple sites and platforms, bonus.
Personally, I think we should try a couple of these in increments or all at the same time to 'trial' how they do. The best results gets our business.

Additionally, to make these effective we still need to figure out a SOLID call to action for general use (obviously it can be changed for specified marketing campaigns).