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PLEASE HELP , Cant Get Access to my Masternode Coins


New Pivian
looks like Ledger Live dont support Pivx anymore , so i went on MyPivxWallet.org was managed to connect my ledger that way . i was able to see my coins for one of my wallet. however i wasnt able to see my coins for many other where my masternode coin is. before with ledger live i was able to to see which masternode coin i want to move if i wanted too. anyone having same issue ?

also i am able to move my masternode reward using SMTP
looks like Ledger Live dont support Pivx anymore , so i went on MyPivxWallet.org was managed to connect my ledger that way . i was able to see my coins for one of my wallet. however i wasnt able to see my coins for many other where my masternode coin is. before with ledger live i was able to to see which masternode coin i want to move if i wanted too. anyone having same issue ?

also i am able to move my masternode reward using SMTP
Could you please visit Discord.PIVX.org and go to the support channel where you will be helped.