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Archived Proposal: Exchange Coordinator


Oct '17

For one month, Simon (@fused_helios) will work full-time focussed on exploring partnership possibilities with Exchanges. In particular, forging a partnership with a decentralized exchange, making PIVX the settlement layer for the exchange. In addition, I will explore whether there is a need for a dedicated exchange coordinator on a permanent basis to maintain exchange relations, pursue new listings, and encourage diversification of PIVX trade. All information that I gather will be made publicly available as I gather it.
Exchange integration has become a growing issue for PIVX again. Being on Bittrex has been quite helpful to PIVX, but our reliance on them poses risks that many are concerned about. There are also growing opportunities presenting themselves along with the rise of the decentralized exchanges. These decentralized exchanges also give a layer of immunity to PIVX from the threat of crackdowns like what we saw happen in China. Pursuing these opportunities has become a bit of a haphazard affair as people are stressed for time and can’t focus on the task for days at a time. Furthermore, these exchanges frequently have no idea who they are dealing with. Introducing an Exchange Coordinator role would prove to simplify this process and allow us to pursue more involved partnerships with exchanges.
There is an opportunity with the rise of new decentralized exchanges. About a year ago there was only one decentralized exchange and now there are more popping up all the time. It would be time consuming to pursue, but there is an opportunity to partner up with one of these new players and establish PIVX as their settlement layer. A new exchange trying to compete with all of these established exchanges at their own game is a losing scenario. PIVX has the power to negotiate their way into that settlement layer in exchange for; the power of our community, access to our Marketing and Support Teams, user base, and PIVXfan tool. These are just a few things we can offer to help propel their notoriety. Simply having PIVX as a settlement layer is a huge differentiating factor that can set them apart. This way, their clients can move PIVX to/from their exchange with complete privacy. It will be a tough thing to negotiate, but the possibility is worth exploring.
Someone coordinating exchanges can pursue this opportunity while doing more “mundane” things like keeping our current exchanges up to date on important information and offering them support for any difficulties they may have. Negotiating to have PIVX conventionally listed is another task that would fall into the realm of a coordinator. Throughout this whole process the person filling out this roll would create and update documents with detailed information on each exchange. Including contact info, though that would have to be kept to “key personnel” as it could be considered doxing to make it public.
Gather data on each exchange in existence and document them for use by the community or by future Exchange Coordinators. Data should include exchange names, websites, coins traded, settlement layers, pros, cons, and any other info that seems pertinent at the time. A separate list should be privately kept of key contacts within each organization. Publishing these contacts could damage relations.
Explore the possibility of PIVX becoming the settlement layer of a new decentralized exchange.
Keep contact channels with exchanges open to provide them with support and ensure they remain up to date on necessary information.
Promote the spreading out of PIVX transactions over more exchanges than Bittrex.
Work towards getting PIVX listed on additional exchanges.
One month.
750 PIV
The proposal submission and acceptance fees have been covered. The funding for this proposal does not request those be reimbursed.
Final Comments:
Thank you for taking the time to go over this proposal. This exploratory push may have widely varying end results, but I feel that no matter what, we will have increased our relationships with the exchanges and that can only yield positive results. Please vote according to whether you feel this proposal is worth the effort/cost.
Voting Details:
Voting Details:
Title: Exchange-Coordinator
To Vote in favor or Yes:
mnbudgetvote many 7ad3670871c93a08f72830d8f16edcce59e1c77a0ba77d12f4c5b207214bafa9 yes
To Vote against or No:
mnbudgetvote many 7ad3670871c93a08f72830d8f16edcce59e1c77a0ba77d12f4c5b207214bafa9 no
To check the Vote status:
getbudgetinfo Exchange-Coordinator