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Ended Slush Fund 24-12


Staff member
Title: PIVX Slush Fund Dec 2024
Name: Slush-Fund-2024
Term: 1 Cycle
Cycle Amount: 5000 PIV
Total Amount: 5000 PIV
Author: leacymck
Receiver: leacymck
Address: DKoMmw3NhxCx46mdrkASh9LqEpC1nMuxov
Created: Dec 3, 2024
Status: Active

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Having a pool of PIV to use to tip community members that step up when needed is a necessity so the core team can acknowledge their work, and to let them know they are appreciated. Giving prizes of PIV to the recipients of contests has proven to be beneficial for PIVX as 99% of the winners stay and become active community members, and last but not least, helping pay costs for events and if a team member needs financial support for work of their own, supports the team.

Many thanks to everyone that voted for PIVX's September slush fund, we accomplished a lot!
PIVX received new members from the contests held and I taught a few about My PIVX Wallet so they could hold and stake their winnings vs holding on an exchange.

๐“๐จ ๐ฌ๐ž๐ž ๐ฐ๐ก๐ž๐ซ๐ž ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ฉ๐ซ๐ž๐ฏ๐ข๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ ๐๐ˆ๐• ๐ฐ๐ž๐ง๐ญ ๐ฉ๐ฅ๐ž๐š๐ฌ๐ž ๐ฅ๐จ๐จ๐ค ๐ก๐ž๐ซ๐ž:

I am asking for 5000 PIV. With this amount we will be paying for the Christmas contest (approx. 2500 PIV will be needed for the large prizes and for using PIVX Promo), rewarding the volunteers without proposals with a small Christmas thank you, and for other contests or community requests. Slush funds have been shared with Hawtch, Elena and Bouilla in the past when they needed more support for contests, and it helped pay for PIVX being at WebSummit.
I wish to have the 50 PIV submission fee be reimbursed to me.

As always a detailed accounting will be created and posted under this forum post each time PIV is taken from it.
Thank you,

Vote Hash:
Last edited by a moderator:
Carry over from https://forum.pivx.org/threads/pivx-slush-fund-sept-2024.2338/ Slush fund ~ 110 PIV

Expenses coming up to debit account when proposal passes, this will be entered properly once the other winners have replied.

- 1500 PIV to top 2 winners of Christmas Contest. PIVCards was down on the day winners were chosen, 1 of the 2 winners requested PIV instead. Gave them the equivalent of a $50 USD gift cert in PIV, 143 sent.
- -50 PIV for submission fee.
-400 PIV to 2 Twitter followers as a thank you, who promote PIVX daily and have been for years.
๐ƒ๐ž๐›๐ข๐ญ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐š๐ฆ๐จ๐ฎ๐ง๐ญ๐ฌ ๐ฅ๐ข๐ฌ๐ญ๐ž๐ ๐š๐›๐จ๐ฏ๐ž ๐š๐ฅ๐จ๐ง๐  ๐ฐ๐ข๐ญ๐ก ๐จ๐ญ๐ก๐ž๐ซ ๐ž๐ง๐ญ๐ซ๐ข๐ž๐ฌ ๐Ÿ๐ซ๐จ๐ฆ ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ ๐๐ˆ๐•. [ 110 piv carried over + 5000 proposal award.)

5110 PIV - 1500 (Christmas contest) = 3610 PIV

3610 PIV - 286 ( Equivalent of 2 $100 Amazon PIV cards) = 3324 PIV

3324 PIV - 50 PIV submission fee Slush Fund. = 3274 PIV

3274 PIV- 800 PIV to 2 long time Twitter followers as a thank you = 2474 PIV

2474 PIV - 300 PIV ( 6 x 50 PIV to winners of 2174 PIV

2174 PIV - 100 PIV ( 2 x 50 PIV to winners of = 2074 PIV
Feb 25th 2074 PIV - 563 PIV (Sent $100 USD of PIVX to Liquid per LetsExchange privacy coin contest and AMA, including PIVX, Firo, CakeWallet and Zano) = 1511 PIV
"" "" 1511 PIV - 200 PIV (PIVXcommunity contest _ x.com/PIVXcommunity/status/1893297316456550834n) = 1311 PIV.
World issues are impacting all Crypto projects at present time, it affects how we get our information out on social apps.
I don't see this ending anytime soon so we need to figure out new ways to get the attention of people who are overwhelmed with what's going on by offering fun, easy contests to enter into.
Contests have been a constant for PIVX in the past few years. They bring outside people to PIVX. Most of the contests have resulted in the winners then helping promote PIVX for extended times. Even with the price as it is right now, they still get attention.

Our slush fund helps make this all possible.