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Archived zPIV Staking - Block reward update


Nov '17

Hello Everyone,
We are nearing another Development Milestone, havin zPIV stake… and as such there are some changes that will need to be made for this to work correctly. What needs to change is the way the block reward is distributed to the staker/masternode. The see-saw reward mechanism has served us well up to this point, but will need to be removed, and the rewards will need to become static and divisible by 1. Why you may ask, well specifically because 1 is out smallest accumulator value. So, we have an opportunity here to accomplish a few items, which I am sure will lead to a heated debate amongst the community. So this is why I am starting this now… The changes once voted and approved would take place between End of January or beginning of February 2018, which is our next scheduled Protocol Update. The options to discuss are the following.
It has been discussed by many that there needs to be a larger budget, as of this moment, the existing monthly budget equates to .5 PIV per block, or 21600 PIV per month.
the next issue to discuss is whether to increase or decrease the block reward slightly in eaither direction to account for rewards being divisible by 1.
It has been suggested that we change the reward to incentivise the zPIV staking over PIV staking, as that increases the Privacy with the higher level of liquidity.
I will be posting a few options that have been suggested, that would slightly increase the overall block reward, and then a few which would either decrease or remain the same.
Please post which option you would prefer, and why. Please keep the discussions civil…
option #1:
  • PIV staker finds block: 3 PIV to masternodes, 2 PIV to staker, 1 PIV budget
  • zPIV staker finds block: 2 PIV to masternodes, 3 PIV to staker, 1 PIV budget
This option increases the monthly budget to 1 PIV per block, and the Block reward to 5 PIV which is set to incentivise zPIV staking. Which increases the block reward a maximum of 16.67% (assuming all budgets are released each month)
hash= 43b4985fc6263ce4a035d5606712cb3ff1647b6776b79e433ce6868a97de99b0
“mnbudget vote-many 43b4985fc6263ce4a035d5606712cb3ff1647b6776b79e433ce6868a97de99b0 yes” to vote in favor
“mnbudget vote-many 43b4985fc6263ce4a035d5606712cb3ff1647b6776b79e433ce6868a97de99b0 no” to vote against
"mnbudget getinfo bw-update-option1” to check the status
option #2:
  • PIV staker finds block: 2 PIV to masternodes, 1 PIV to staker, 1 PIV budget
  • zPIV staker finds block: 2 PIV to masternodes, 2 PIV to staker, 1 PIV budget.
This option maintains the same inflation that presently exists, but shifts the rewards around to allow an increase in monthly budget. This option does not incentivise the staker over the masternodes, which may cause some issues in the future as there would be no limit to the amount of masternodes present on the network.
“mnbudget vote-many 4a447ad3046df2efbae0a515ed8d6e81f5983e24056d5b90d05769b7c6789a45 yes” to vote in favor
“mnbudget vote-many 4a447ad3046df2efbae0a515ed8d6e81f5983e24056d5b90d05769b7c6789a45 no” to vote against
"mnbudget getinfo bw-update-option2” to check the status