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New Pivian
Dear supporter, I have bought 174 pieces of pivx currency and transferred it to atomic wallet, but because pivx currency is not supported in atomic wallet, naturally it is not seen there that it can be transferred, that's why this The transaction has been blocked without sitting anywhere, and my question is what should be done to deposit it in my pivx wallet. Please help me to do this. Thank you .


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Dear supporter, I have bought 174 pieces of pivx currency and transferred it to atomic wallet, but because pivx currency is not supported in atomic wallet, naturally it is not seen there that it can be transferred, that's why this The transaction has been blocked without sitting anywhere, and my question is what should be done to deposit it in my pivx wallet. Please help me to do this. Thank you

I replied to your first post I guess you didn't see it. Please go to Discord.PIVX.org and then go to the Support channel.