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Active Pivian
Title: CryptoEventTurkish
Name: CryptoEventTurkish
Cycle Amount: 9055
Total Amount:9055
Author: talhatr
Receiver: talhatr
Address:  DTiKPq62mZchmdNgRDeL6CKzrrSo6LyeMa
Status: Proposed
Vote Hash: 3dc6a1602dd856e84fa8a869449043b3bc597f9813ea853b9897d4206fc69005

Hello everyone, I think it would be good to start an Ambassador program to bring the PIVX ecosystem to more people and to start local initiatives.

Here is a draft I have prepared on this subject.

This work can be revised to make it perfect for PIVX. So I'm looking for feedback from all community members.

If the proposal is approved, an email address will be set up for the Application and official announcements will be made.
You can send any questions and suggestions you may have. OUR GOAL IS TO MAKE THE BEST PROGRESS.


I look forward to your questions and suggestions for improving the program.
The Ambassador program is designed to encourage ambassadors in new regions to contribute to the growing PIVX ecosystem.
It will be piloted in 6 regions to capture mass adoption and positive and negative impacts will be reported monthly.

Objective :

PIVX has made significant progress recently under the leadership of Jeffey and other team members. With new exchange listings and integrations, we have been able to broaden our audience.
As we continue this development process, increasing our social audience and launching an ambassador program where we can provide information to people in local languages will contribute positively to PIVX's progress.
The main goal of the ambassador program is to give people direct and easy access to PIVX resources in their own countries and local languages. The mission of the ambassadors is to provide people with accurate information in their own language and help them with their problems.
- All ambassadors participating in the Ambassador Program must embrace the PIVX brand value and be responsible for providing people with the most accurate information.
This is a flexible time work and Ambassadors' work performance will be analyzed and evaluated to benefit PIVX.

Mission of Ambassadors :

Representing the PIVX Brand value in the most accurate way.
Building community in local languages (Telegram & Discord)
Managing social media accounts created for PIVX (Instagram & Twitter)
Organize a physical or virtual community event at least once a month.
Coordinate through the Telegram group created for Ambassadors.
Add weekly progress notes to the google files created for Ambassadors.
Translate official and community content ( for distribution to non-English speaking communities.
Coordinate with other ambassadors to exchange ideas to grow communities together

Proof of Work

Each ambassador will be given a link to a special google file to track the progress of the program. They will be asked to enter the links of the work done on this link, current statistics, progress on a regular basis.
Ambassadors who use bots on their accounts will be removed from the ambassador program when detected.

How to Apply

Ambassadors interested in joining the program should send an email to xxx@xxx explaining why they want to become a PIVX Ambassador and introducing themselves.



Telegram Username

Why do you want to become a PIVX ambassador?

Do you have a special idea to take PIVX to a better level?

You can fill in the text via this template.

Monthly budget allocated

Each PIVX ambassador will earn $500 worth of PIVX based on their monthly performance. (With the current PIVX price (2115 PIVX))
In addition, you will have the opportunity to earn an extra +$200 worth of PIVX based on monthly performances. (With the current PIVX price (845 PIVX))
This bonus will be analyzed depending on the activity rate of Ambassadors, community growth statistics and other factors.
In addition, an extra balance of $1500 per month will be requested from the budget under the AMBASSADOR program.
This balance will be utilized for local community events & conference participation.

When the calculation is made in total . The monthly cost of the AMBASSADOR program will be around $5000-5500 on average.
This corresponds to an average of 5% of PIVX's monthly budget.

The budget will always be open to the community in a transparent manner.

The program requires 21,870 PIVX at the current average monthly rate. A threshold of 10% will be used to avoid possible price loss.

Totaly : 24.057

If the allocated budget increases, fewer bids will be submitted in the next bidding period.

The offer includes performance bonuses for Ambassadors and funding for Projects.

Ambassador program statistics will be made available to all community participants transparently and clearly through the Discord and Forum channels on a regular monthly basis. As a pilot study, 3 months of work will be done first. If the community and growth are positive, the duration of the ambassador program will be extended.

I would like to state that I can personally lead this process and work in the best way in all matters. However, I would respect if you would like a more authorized person to take on this task.
I see in myself the energy to lead this program.

This is a draft text and with feedback from the community it can be perfected. We welcome feedback from all community members. The goal is to move PIVX forward in the best way possible.
Last edited:
That's a great idea. It would be good if they would consider being actively involved in the embassy program. Of course it's their decision :)
I am available to volunteer, discuss and format this proposal. Count me in.
For now, I say that I do not agree that it is necessary to allocate all of this treasury resources for this purpose. I will calmly detail my opinion in a moment.
At first, I only see sense in electing someone, in this case @talhatr , to be this umbrella, to support and organize everything while things take shape. Other than that, it's a great idea.
I am available to volunteer, discuss and format this proposal. Count me in.
For now, I say that I do not agree that it is necessary to allocate all of this treasury resources for this purpose. I will calmly detail my opinion in a moment.
At first, I only see sense in electing someone, in this case @talhatr , to be this umbrella, to support and organize everything while things take shape. Other than that, it's a great idea.
Hey, thanks for the feedback. I look forward to your detailed explanation :)
I believe we have a high and very hard working development team and these improvements are evaluated and experienced with community participation. I would be happy to hear any negative aspects of the idea of introducing PIVX to more people.
This way we can get constructive ideas to make the best work.
First, I acknowledge your effort to come up and put together a progressive move such as this.

This will be a good move for the project.

This ambassador move will foster the following;
□ Publicity,
□ Mass Adoption,
□ Growth,
□ Ease of use,
Amongst several other returns attached to each of these points above.

For the Missions;
□ let the progress note be recorded biweekly.
□ Translations of official posts should be compulsory for every ambassador.
□ And a monthly call for ambassadors to come together and brainstorm.

For the Lead of the ambassadors;
□ I'd like @talhatr to spearhead the program,
I believe he's capable of doing it on the basis of the idea came from him, which is a good start already.

For the Budget;
I did like you to have a revisit on the total monthly calculation, not clear to me.
Nonetheless what ever the community decide, stands.
Hey, thanks for the feedback. I look forward to your detailed explanation :)
I believe we have a high and very hard working development team and these improvements are evaluated and experienced with community participation. I would be happy to hear any negative aspects of the idea of introducing PIVX to more people.
This way we can get constructive ideas to make the best work.
Please, I don't want to be misunderstood. If you have any questions, please ask me.

Regarding the budget you proposed, I think it was a little early, so I don't think it's justified, not in the format presented, as this will require a certain amount of transparency, which could generate intrigue and jealousy in the future among the ambassadors. So even if you go ahead with the idea, I find it difficult to manage.

My opinion is that PIVX should not encourage ambassadors with financial resources, it seems redundant to me since they can and should create coherent proposals.
My opinion is that an ambassador should emerge and remain for ideals and not just for remuneration.
Example: If I believe and invest in PIVX, I automatically want the project to prosper, and consequently I will join forces to make this happen.

The essence of the proposal is fantastic, but I miss a well-defined format so that it can be implemented in a practical and effective way, but that's great, the first step always comes with several doubts and uncertainties.

So, we need to get down to business, we need to structure and encourage good management for ambassadors.
I will try to illustrate my suggestion until tonight.
First, I acknowledge your effort to come up and put together a progressive move such as this.

This will be a good move for the project.

This ambassador move will foster the following;
□ Publicity,
□ Mass Adoption,
□ Growth,
□ Ease of use,
Amongst several other returns attached to each of these points above.

For the Missions;
□ let the progress note be recorded biweekly.
□ Translations of official posts should be compulsory for every ambassador.
□ And a monthly call for ambassadors to come together and brainstorm.

For the Lead of the ambassadors;
□ I'd like @talhatr to spearhead the program,
I believe he's capable of doing it on the basis of the idea came from him, which is a good start already.

For the Budget;
I did like you to have a revisit on the total monthly calculation, not clear to me.
Nonetheless what ever the community decide, stands.
First of all, thanks for the feedback, man.

I have emphasized many times in the program that I expect feedback from the community and that new ideas are always good. Once the proposal is approved, we will have a period of 10-15 days before the ambassador program starts. During this time I will make the necessary revisions and actively share them with the community.

I am thinking through all the items down to the smallest detail.

As for the budget: In the first phase, 6 people will be ambassadors and will earn 500 dollars worth of PIVX every month.
Depending on performances, we will give some ambassadors an additional gift of +200 dollars per month.

The remaining funds will remain in the treasury for the ambassadors to organize a local event or attend a conference in their home country. When the ambassadors submit a proposal, it will be evaluated and, if necessary, used from the budget.
Please, I don't want to be misunderstood. If you have any questions, please ask me.

Regarding the budget you proposed, I think it was a little early, so I don't think it's justified, not in the format presented, as this will require a certain amount of transparency, which could generate intrigue and jealousy in the future among the ambassadors. So even if you go ahead with the idea, I find it difficult to manage.

My opinion is that PIVX should not encourage ambassadors with financial resources, it seems redundant to me since they can and should create coherent proposals.
My opinion is that an ambassador should emerge and remain for ideals and not just for remuneration.
Example: If I believe and invest in PIVX, I automatically want the project to prosper, and consequently I will join forces to make this happen.

The essence of the proposal is fantastic, but I miss a well-defined format so that it can be implemented in a practical and effective way, but that's great, the first step always comes with several doubts and uncertainties.

So, we need to get down to business, we need to structure and encourage good management for ambassadors.
I will try to illustrate my suggestion until tonight.
Never, everything is fine and questions like this are important for our development.

I think the embassy program is long overdue. The development department and the social media department of PIVX are working at a very high level and are doing very well. We need to work in different countries in local languages so that these successes can reach new people.
The ambassadors will present evidence of their work in a transparent way. The most important thing in this program is PIVX. In case of any intrigue or jealousy, the current ambassador will be automatically removed from the ambassador program. The main goal and vision here is to represent the brand value of the project in the best way possible.

People can find it difficult to make things from scratch.
For example, you or I want a budget to produce something concrete. Volunteering is always important, but we cannot expect everyone to volunteer. Besides, the budget will only cost 5% of the budget per month.
This will be allocated for the monthly work of 6 different country ambassadors.
I don't believe that the number of people investing in the project and waiting for it to develop is too high at the moment. I can analyze this (from the number of likes & comments our community makes on our social media posts).
This is an ideal program to take action and spread the concrete work done in different languages.

I just reviewed your proposal. You directly look like a PIVX ambassador. :) This is great.I examined the things you mentioned and came across the video series you will make. It might be important for these video series to be in 6-7 different languages and for all Ambassadors to contribute by sharing.Please keep in mind that this is a pilot program. No one can know what will happen without trying.Therefore, there will never be any harm in trying. It is important to use resources correctly.I look forward to your proposal.
The proposed idea is easy to understand.
however, the applicability in managing the process is not so much.

So I'm going to lay out some topics for us to explore and discuss...

organizational structure for ambassador synchronization:

Sorry for the simple illustration, I hope it's easy to abstract.

The first image illustrates the ambassadors grouped according to their regions and pre-established presets according to their capabilities and motivations.
They requested questions, suggestions, materials, feedback, etc. from the responsible ACTOR.
The second image illustrates the ACTOR absorbing and replicating all available resources in a structured way.
This will require solutions, ideas, organization, feedback and mediate meetings via chat/forum due to the need for simultaneous translations.

@talhatr Would this be the idea?
If so, can we move on from here and build topics to guide our understanding and organization?
The proposed idea is easy to understand.
however, the applicability in managing the process is not so much.

So I'm going to lay out some topics for us to explore and discuss...

organizational structure for ambassador synchronization:
View attachment 2006View attachment 2007
Sorry for the simple illustration, I hope it's easy to abstract.

The first image illustrates the ambassadors grouped according to their regions and pre-established presets according to their capabilities and motivations.
They requested questions, suggestions, materials, feedback, etc. from the responsible ACTOR.
The second image illustrates the ACTOR absorbing and replicating all available resources in a structured way.
This will require solutions, ideas, organization, feedback and mediate meetings via chat/forum due to the need for simultaneous translations.

@talhatr Would this be the idea?
If so, can we move on from here and build topics to guide our understanding and organization?
Our planned working idea is as follows:

We will have a special Telegram group consisting of ambassadors. This group will be an environment where we can actively exchange ideas with each other. Ambassadors can make their own initiatives regarding social media posts or collaborate with other ambassadors.

PIVX Official Twitter account is actively posting almost every day. Additionally, sharing graphics are being sent as files in our Discord group. If ambassadors are coordinated with this system, there will be no issues.

Since the ambassador program is not initiated by a single person, new ideas and opinions will always be welcomed with tolerance. Monthly meetings will certainly be held. Besides, we will actively communicate with ambassadors on Telegram every day.

Regarding language, everyone can easily communicate using translations. Of course, technical support can be requested for specific issues. I have no concerns about managing the program. The rule is simple: Everything will be for the benefit of PIVX.
Os embaixadores apresentarão evidências de seu trabalho de forma transparente. A coisa mais importante neste programa é PIVX. Em caso de qualquer intriga ou ciúme, o embaixador atual será automaticamente removido do programa de embaixadores. O principal objetivo e visão aqui é representar o valor da marca do projeto da melhor maneira possível.

This is my question. See with me.Imagine an ambassador consolidated in the PIVX community, with a certain power of influence in your region.
This cannot be removed in the way you said, because he is not wrong, he has the right to be jealous or even create discussions about something he does not agree with and in my opinion this problematic "something" would be being created now at the source . Do you understand that it is not simple?
But anyway, this was my contribution, maybe I thought a little further, but I could be wrong.

Never, everything is fine and questions like this are important for our development.

I just reviewed your proposal. You directly look like a PIVX ambassador. This is great.I examined the things you mentioned and came across the video series you will make. It might be important for these video series to be in 6-7 different languages and for all Ambassadors to contribute by sharing.Please keep in mind that this is a pilot program. No one can know what will happen without trying.Therefore, there will never be any harm in trying. It is important to use resources correctly.I look forward to your proposal.:)
Thank you for your consideration!
I'm available to chat directly with you via DM if you prefer. Strong hug.
This is my question. See with me.Imagine an ambassador consolidated in the PIVX community, with a certain power of influence in your region.
This cannot be removed in the way you said, because he is not wrong, he has the right to be jealous or even create discussions about something he does not agree with and in my opinion this problematic "something" would be being created now at the source . Do you understand that it is not simple?
But anyway, this was my contribution, maybe I thought a little further, but I could be wrong.

Thank you for your consideration!
I'm available to chat directly with you via DM if you prefer. Strong hug.
Jealousy is a very different topic. Of course, every ambassador is free and can give any speech they wish. There is one point you are missing, though. This process is managed by the PIVX Project. It is superior to individuals. Contrary to what you think, I believe the ambassadors will proceed with excellent coordination. Each ambassador will be evaluated based on their performance.

Are you implying that in the event of a possible removal from the ambassadorship program, they will make negative comments about PIVX? If your answer is yes, I do not believe this is possible. All developments in the ambassadorship program will be conducted transparently and openly in front of the community and the public.

Yes, I would love to chat with you when the ambassadorship program starts. Thank you for your feedback. If you think of anything, feel free to write, as this helps us make better progress.
I think like comments above you should not finance people for ambassadors and should be rewarded for tasks not for just being one. More of a bounty system.

The amount of transparency you will have to provide will be ridiculous.

One ambassador doesn't do as much as another and still getting paid the same will create huge tensions.

I think if you are going down this route each ambassador should put their own proposal in for what they can bring to the table like you have done for your Turkish one and stop this super one. Then each person can be voted in or out based on their work not for just being part of a click that there obviously already is and the same names are already being mentioned.
I think like comments above you should not finance people for ambassadors and should be rewarded for tasks not for just being one. More of a bounty system.

The amount of transparency you will have to provide will be ridiculous.

One ambassador doesn't do as much as another and still getting paid the same will create huge tensions.

I think if you are going down this route each ambassador should put their own proposal in for what they can bring to the table like you have done for your Turkish one and stop this super one. Then each person can be voted in or out based on their work not for just being part of a click that there obviously already is and the same names are already being mentioned.
First of all, thank you for the feedback, Gerald. The system I want to build is a work that has been successful in many projects before and has contributed to progress. You can see examples from Zano & Z Cash projects.
The reason why I repeatedly emphasize that this is a draft is that we will be able to see the results of the program together in a transparent way.
The transparency I am going to offer is not that ridiculous. I will note and analyze all the work done by the ambassadors in the ambassador program and share it with the community.

There will of course be differences in work performance between ambassadors, and measures will be taken to address this. Anyway, each ambassador will have a specific task and this will be announced when the ambassador program starts.

To avoid chaos and controversy, I will be in constant contact with the ambassadors and we will analyze their progress. There is no rule that every ambassador will be perfect. We will experience and see this over time.

When people make their bids, sometimes they are unsuccessful or wrong.

For example, for this program the ambassadors will earn $500. There may be people who want more and do the same work as the ambassadors. In this direction, it will be in the best interest of PIVX to carry out this work for the fee we set.

When I applied for the Turkish ambassadorship, no one knew me and I made an effort to prove myself. Would you be surprised if I told you that I found PIVX by chance?

All the developments made, Core team Exchange lists etc. are going perfectly. I think it will be a positive development for PIVX to have ambassadors who will promote these developments in local languages and add new people to the community.

This pilot program will last for 3 months and we will see the developments together. I try to see the positives instead of thinking negatively all the time.

If this program succeeds, it is perfect for me, if it fails (I will work hard to make sure it doesn't, you will see that) I will take full responsibility.

My goal is to achieve mass growth. Reach out to local audiences, invite new investors, communicate with traders. I've done extensive preparation. Trust me.
Thanks for your detailed reponses but I think doing it how your wanting to is skipping the voting. Each ambassador writes their own proposal would be my view then they can be voted in or out.

You can then ask for a little extra for ambassador lead fee ontop of your Turkish one. Ambassadors are then voted in using the dao voting system already in place instead of skipping it out. This would then allow us to vet and see each person as a community rather than a closed group. Plus this will allow us to directly talk and ask questions to the person applying to be an ambassador.
Thanks again for your valuable insights.
As I mentioned, I am eager for this program.
In the meantime, there will be an announcement and forum post when the Ambassador applications are open and some ambassadors are being considered. In this forum post all community members will have the opportunity to get to know the ambassadors. This way you can ask any questions you may have.

I continue to work actively for the Turkish community, I want to lead this program by taking a big responsibility for myself. The decision is entirely MN owners'. Nevertheless, I will answer every question you ask honestly :)

Maybe through this program we will have a lot of creative people. And it'll be a step towards all the things you're saying.
Thanks for your detailed reponses but I think doing it how your wanting to is skipping the voting. Each ambassador writes their own proposal would be my view then they can be voted in or out.

You can then ask for a little extra for ambassador lead fee ontop of your Turkish one. Ambassadors are then voted in using the dao voting system already in place instead of skipping it out. This would then allow us to vet and see each person as a community rather than a closed group. Plus this will allow us to directly talk and ask questions to the person applying to be an ambassador.
I think his way is a good way forward that makes it easier to bring on the team and grow it without them needing delay further and wait for proposals. His due diligence when reviewing these team members will be the controlling factor. We did it before where each ambassador was asked to almost be solo but that removes the structure of having a team leader which is now Talha.

So im all for this.

Thank you for taking the initiative to lead our ambassador program. Some projects we partner with are already discussing collaboration. The benefits will be seen and I believe you will make a great success out of this.

Please make sure that anyone that is an ambassador has a great understanding of PIVX. They should also undergo some trials before becoming "official"

Looking forward to seeing your work :)
It's people being slipped in through the back door and getting paid out the budget when they would fail or have failed a vote with the dao. In its current form this is how it works.

Without the vote of the dao of each ambassador it's going have to be a no from me. A workaround maybe a vote that is paid for by the applying ambassador to see if they are wanted. But then why not just do it all seperate proposals which makes more sense anyway.
I think his way is a good way forward that makes it easier to bring on the team and grow it without them needing delay further and wait for proposals. His due diligence when reviewing these team members will be the controlling factor. We did it before where each ambassador was asked to almost be solo but that removes the structure of having a team leader which is now Talha.

So im all for this.

Thank you for taking the initiative to lead our ambassador program. Some projects we partner with are already discussing collaboration. The benefits will be seen and I believe you will make a great success out of this.

Please make sure that anyone that is an ambassador has a great understanding of PIVX. They should also undergo some trials before becoming "official"

Looking forward to seeing your work :)
Thanks for the feedback. My goal is to contribute and have a good process. I want you to know that I will work hard to protect the brand value of PIVX.