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Voted out? What happens next...

My view of how the dao should be run differs. It does not mean its wrong just out numbered view currently. Only way to see who's view works is if people get voted down multiple times and see if they carry on working. No funding, most people don't work defacto fired/removed.
Bro you need to stop with this. It’s every month a dog with a bone looking for someone to fire. I cant fathom how bad of shape you see PIVX in that every month its essentially a discussion of who do we fire? Why? This is what makes it hard to work with. Why is the mentality fire first? Who wants to talk to/work with a person who is looking to get rid of everyone? Nonsense. Relax. This convo seems threatening every-time you say something. This kind of stuff is a detriment. How do we get more people if one of the top whales is constantly acting like they’re drooling to fire people?

Make it a more welcoming environment. Maybe it would be easier to replace some people you have issues with. Currently this is no way to work. No one in their right mind would willingly apply. At Labs we make concessions to shield them from this.
Correct procedures should be wrote for future! We're supposed to be setting the foundations for pivx and removing someone procedure needs to be discussed. As well as new peoples guidelines etc.

You may not like it but it does need to be discussed.
Please go ahead and write the procedures. That's how a DAO works. If you want to see something get done, you JFDI. If you need funding to make it happen, you can submit a proposal. Note that if funding is rejected, you are not being fired. You are just not getting paid. You can still write the procedures. 😀
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These things should be discussed and a consensus that everyone is happy with. You want me to write something to ignore just wasting my time. Once we can ALL work together and agree then somethings is wrote.

Maybe it just needs to happen, someone is voted out then see what the reaction is, if they continue working, if they still class themselves as pivx team then maybe these topics will be discussed more.

Writing a clear set of guidelines of how people are added, removed, interactions with other people voted in, volunteers etc. Clear procedures of what to do when x happens. Maybe that will attract people, I need to do x y and z to do this. Unfortunately this forum isn't used must and you have shut down the conversation multiple times in discord. Let's just wait and see
Your original premise is that it 'needs' to be written. Clearly that is wrong, since PIVX has operated without such a documented procedure since PIVX was founded.

Further, everyone is free to ignore such discussions. Threats from you are not surprising, and are harmful to PIVX even if not carried out.

Your logic is to ignore checking your assumptions first, then harm PIVX, to only then find out you were wrong. That makes zero sense.

Maybe it's time you just fork PIVX and start your own project. Then you can be the 'Big Boss' you clearly want to be, because that's the only valid motivation for your actions. The rest of us are building PIVX.
Done with this conversation with yourself now @Eric_Stanek I'm trying to keep civilised but you see everything as an attack.

Your view is if your voted out you just ignore the vote and carry on with no funding, dicatorship in short. I am right your vote means nothing mentality, sod giving up the control. But I guarantee if funding is lost they won't. They might continue on for a couple of cycles but no one works for free. Work will dwindle till they finally leave and have had enough. This is what needs to be discussed if this actually happens. Procedures to help shelter pivx from problems that might occur with clear guidelines of what will happen. If you don't want to engage in the scenarios stop replying and let's get other people's views.
Borris, until the new rewards 18 months ago, 95% of what was done to build PIVX was done for free. Many people continue to work for free.

How do you resolve this absolute fact, with your statement that people won't work for free?

I do agree that some people can't work for free, but that's not your statement.

However, you even 'guarantee' that people will leave after a few cycles. You can't know that. Some may just scale back. Maybe that's what the MNO 'No' vote wanted instead of them being 'fired'.

You also mention PIVX needs to be sheltered from problems. Well, I agree with you there. We've done really well all this time, but now and then, a big problem arises. Last time it was S3v3nH4cks. But, we got thru that without 'written procedures' just fine. We'll get thru this one too.
Also, even for those who can't work for free, what makes you certain they will stick around and not just give up dealing with the stress you keep causing, and go work for another project? You already accomplished that with Shorn. I know others are getting ready to jump too because of you. Some have been vocal about that.

So, you are planning to push out key people, hurting PIVX significantly, to get a few scenarios added to the 'procedures', that can't be applied, because we won't know why MNOs voted NO, (and there is no way to get MNO consensus on applying such an procedure regardless) for procedures that we've never needed and still can't see a need for, and we also can't enforce, because people are free to do as they please ..... all just so you can just what .... ? Feed your power-tripping hungry ego?

Make it make sense. Otherwise, you will continue to lose respect more and more with every word from you.
Shorn was voted out because multiple people were doing the same job. Hasn't stuck around since no funding? Maybe that should be an example?

It's weird how everything I said would happen eventually is happening now? Maybe you should consider my views and explore how we best deal with it?

I'm trying work with everyone. I can see what's about to happen and without cooperation the voting system is going to stop funding people without a backup plan. Imagine if all these masternode owners all started voting? Doesn't even have to be all. Just the 200 odd that has been purchased recently...this is a huge shift in voting power.

Nothing is just passed through like it used to be. @Jeffrey is the glue holding this vote through atm. You need to start coming to the realisation that voting intentions may shift further and even your vote won't stop it. There needs to be documented stuff to say how this will happen, what happens if someone is voted out, through, all of the inbetween things from working with volunteers to how to join the team. A universal guide to pivx dao but without consensus I.e. passing the vote this cannot be achieved.

This sets out what pivx is.
Correct procedures should be wrote for future! We're supposed to be setting the foundations for pivx and removing someone procedure needs to be discussed. As well as new peoples guidelines etc.

You may not like it but it does need to be discussed.
Its not that I do not like the conversation but it just has people worried. I am not talking myself, I have others asking me if you are looking to get rid of people. I do not want to damage morale anymore with stuff.

The other portion is, if you want to hash it out, it is much better bringing some more fleshed out ideas first to give a starting point. And that is really all, I just do not want this to have people worried about their jobs.

I have a plan for this, its not that difficult in most cases, but theres still the issue of who manages the things, because ultimately someone will be an administrator to the system for it. So theres a small fallacy in this. But you can ask @Jeffrey. My main goal here was to push you into thinking a bit more about it giving a starting point not as ambiguously.
Shorn's proposal was voted down when we only had @Meerkat and she was already committed to a proposal to support labs. Thru the goodness of her heart, she supported LeacyMcK the best she could, but LeacyMcK was still forced to reuse older graphics, and then received criticism for doing that. Lucky for us that at least Meerkat worked on things outside her proposal, and therefore for free, or we would have been in big trouble.

I suspect Shorn did need funding because everyone's got to eat as you put it, but Shorn made is abundantly clear that you were the reason he wasn't coming back, even if there was funding. Sorry - but not letting you spin that one.

Re: "It's weird how everything I said would happen eventually is happening now?"

Sorry. Haven't seen a single example of that yet. Just asserting it doesn't work.

Re: "I'm trying work with everyone."

Thanks. I needed a laugh. Seriously - you refused to hear anything that is being said.

Re: "I can see what's about to happen and without cooperation the voting system is going to stop funding people without a backup plan."

Why would it stop functioning? It has been working well for 8 years. 98% of the time, you end up voting the same as me. Why would a backup plan be needed?

Re: "Imagine if all these masternode owners all started voting? Doesn't even have to be all. Just the 200 odd that has been purchased recently...this is a huge shift in voting power."

I do expect to see at least SOME more votes. I would love to see MANY more votes. Decentralization is what we want! No issues there.

Re: "Nothing is just passed through like it used to be. @Jeffrey is the glue holding this vote through atm."

Curious .... like I mentioned .... 98% of the time, you vote the same as me. As far as being able to make informed decisions, I am able to reach out to anyone I need to, if I have questions. Ever wonder why you have less access to people? Maybe work on that. I have seen an improvement in your wording - there is a shift to being more respectful. That's a great start.

Re: "You need to start coming to the realisation that voting intentions may shift further and even your vote won't stop it."

My voting power has remained unchanged for many years. The only thing that has changed, is your approach. It has hurt PIVX and continues to.

Re: " There needs to be documented stuff to say how this will happen,"

I agree it would be nice if it were possible to document more - but 'nice to have' and 'NEED to have' are 2 very different things. We have gone 8 years without such documentation, so 'NEED' is the wrong word.

Re: "what happens if someone is voted out,"

We have already explained that proposals are voted to be funded or not. People are not voted in or out. This is fact. This is in the code. This is not open for discussion. Please correct your wording moving forward.

Re: " all of the inbetween things from working with volunteers to how to join the team"

Please feel free to submit a proposal to pay you to complete this effort. Or you can volunteer. There is no one that can stop you from JFDI.

Re: "... but without consensus I.e. passing the vote this cannot be achieved."

Not exactly sure what you mean there.
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So wait @Gerrald are you voting down poker? Because there are a couple more superblocks left. Is it not clear how the funds are used?

The freerolls tournament system will bring in new players looking for free coins that they have to use MPW or Core to receive then send to an exchange PIVX pair
So wait @Gerrald are you voting down poker? Because there are a couple more superblocks left. Is it not clear how the funds are used?

The freerolls tournament system will bring in new players looking for free coins that they have to use MPW or Core to receive then send to an exchange PIVX pair
Not me I voted yes