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Missing PIV


New Pivian
I downloaded the new version had trouble syncing. Finally started working. However, missing some PIV. How do I recover from backups? You need to stop stilling from people.
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I downloaded the new version had trouble syncing. Finally started working. However, missing some PIV. How do I recover from backups? You need to stop stilling from people.
Hello bud can you give us a bit more information? Firstly no one is stealing, if you have rewards in your wallet and have updated as long as you were not forked and staking on the different chain all the rewards should still be in the wallet.

If you try going to wallet repair and selecting the “rescan blockchain file” option
Doesn’t work missing a lot of PIV 100. I Keep-records. What regulatory agency do you guys answer to?
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Doesn’t work missing a lot of PIV 100. I Keep-records. What regulatory agency do you guys answer to?
Im not sure how you think this works?
I was trying to offer help and you return with a threat?
I still need more information in order to assist you. What is your wallet version?
I downloaded the new version had trouble syncing. Finally started working. However, missing some PIV. How do I recover from backups? You need to stop stilling from people.
If you ran the old wallet version recently, then you are very likely on a forked chain. Please go to this link, and follow the instructions under 'Am I forked?'

Then please report back with results.