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Not so Perfect News Idea


Hello friends,

I've played around and successfully tested (proof of concept) a creative idea to publish community and or official news. I'm not saying we need to do this, but at least have a conversation about it. This comes to PIVX with little to no cost (a subdomain on PIVX.org or a new domain), no servers, no maintenance!

It is not a perfect solution, but it can work starting today!

  • up and running fast
  • no servers, no CMS, no maintenance
  • RSS FEED!!!
  • Text search
  • TAG search
  • content writers can be added or removed
  • great looking previews when shared on all social networks and messaging apps
  • no database to backup, no security issues to fix, no performance upgrades
  • SEO-Friendly, proper meta tags accumulating trust signals to your own domain
  • no access to html (template based but custom css and js can be added/injected)
  • slower than a native website (news is fetched from each persons browser from decentralized servers)
  • requires a third party, although technically can be self hosted as it is open source
  • if creator is removed, all their posts are removed as well added since OP
  • no old news import (which in my opinion, is good) (in fact I think all news should expire after some time) added since OP
What's The Idea or How is This Being Done:
Simplified version - a custom domain points to a server where a js script then fetches the theme, site settings, images, and further collects news articles from NOSTR's decentralized servers. https://github.com/nostrband/nostrsite/

Less simplified version - NostrSites is a client-side nip-512 engine for rendering HTML pages from Nostr events using Ghost themes. It takes the engine from libnostrsite and adds all wrappers required to run it inside a browser tab and in a service-worker.

NOTE: This is a very early work in progress, lots of features are missing or partially implemented, use at your own risk.

Steps For Creators
  1. Each creator would need to set up a NOSTR account (super easy, no KYC)
  2. Be added as an approved creator (sharing public key)
  3. Follow simple guidelines so posts look consistent
Creators can use whichever NOSTR client they are most comfortable with (there are dozens of clients for every os)

Screenshot of what I accomplished in an evening (or two). Someone with good CSS skills can likely make it sing.

Screenshot 2024-11-20 at 17-56-56 PIVX Community News.png

Fun Available Domains:
  • pivx.fun
  • pivx.club
  • pivx.blog
  • pivx.tech
  • pivx.buzz
Feedback Aprreciated
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I think this is a cool idea utilizing Nostr so we can do more news content. But is it more for the creator or for us?
I think this is a cool idea utilizing Nostr so we can do more news content. But is it more for the creator or for us?
It is for PIVX. If you look at past years news on pivx.org, there are several content creators:
  • Leacymck
  • Shorn
  • Profmetaverse
  • Yenachar
Also Labz has some more. And the same or other creators on Medium. There's also news on X and Telegram that is not on all the other channels.

This is to have a space where someone could visit and see all the news in one place.

In addition, an rss feed (which we currently lack) which could be added to exchanges and other crypto sites. This would make us appear to be more active (aka still alive).

In further addition, the ability to search text and paging so all the news is not on a really long bloated page, both of which the current website lacks!
I really like the idea, but I would love to integrate this with the original domain, like news.pivx.org or something like that.

I love the idea of a place to post news and with RSS we can build more opportunities to automation.
I really like the idea, but I would love to integrate this with the original domain, like news.pivx.org or something like that.

I love the idea of a place to post news and with RSS we can build more opportunities to automation.
Yes, can easily use a subdomain of pivx.org
It is for PIVX. If you look at past years news on pivx.org, there are several content creators:
  • Leacymck
  • Shorn
  • Profmetaverse
  • Yenachar
Also Labz has some more. And the same or other creators on Medium. There's also news on X and Telegram that is not on all the other channels.

This is to have a space where someone could visit and see all the news in one place.

In addition, an rss feed (which we currently lack) which could be added to exchanges and other crypto sites. This would make us appear to be more active (aka still alive).

In further addition, the ability to search text and paging so all the news is not on a really long bloated page, both of which the current website lacks!
Great idea! And there will be more because I will be publishing a few of Clem's articles on PIVX.org as well as Medium.
I'm fully behind this! Love it.

It's a lot of work, but something that would connect our community and keep everyone informed really well!
the idea using NostrSites is cool. While it’s creative, why not leveraging even further the existing PIVX forum to achieve similar results efficiently.

PIVX forum runs on XenForo, and it has an insane built-in feature to import RSS feeds. We can:
  • Create a new category, such as PIVX News.
  • Pull in updates from trusted RSS feeds automatically.
  • Each update becomes a thread, enabling community discussions.

Possible benefits:
  • Cost-Effective: "For Real" no additional servers or third-party dependencies.
  • Engagement: News threads encourage comments and discussions.
  • SEO-Friendly: Content enhances the domain’s search engine visibility.
  • User-Friendly: No extra setup or new accounts needed.
  • No cluster of many different PIVX sites.

For example, the category "Domain Name News" at DNForum (also on Xenforo): https://www.dnforum.com/forums/domain-news/ allows users publishing news + auto-publishes a number of domain name news from a number of pre-set RSS feeds. This approach is simple.

Why start a new site if you can further improve the existing one?

What do you think?

Best! H
how fast can this not so perfect be thrown together?
Very quickly (1 hour or so), though to look it's best, would need some CSS styling. Training existing content writers may take a week to get comfortable with process.
None required. As said in original post, it comes with zero cost to PIVX.

I see the following as a good path forward.
  • A test domain could be setup
  • 3 or 4 news articles populated
  • Further discussion on users review / sentiment
  • Styling tweaks

Someone could submit a proposal afterwards to attack the CSS styling otherwise, I would slowly hack at it myself in my spare time as I'm not a CSS pro
Love this idea! A-freakin-mazing!

I can use this news to even make report videos weekly or monthly!
@Gerrald any anyone else interested, Here's the ball rolling!!!


Currently I have it set to show EVERYTHING (short form posts like twitter and long form post like typical blog sites). It would be more filtered if we decide to go this route. This is just for test purposes and using existing past posts from the PIVX Nostr account I created some time ago.

I like this idea, I'd love to push Labs news through this as well.
Labz / @Hawtch Wanna try it out? Send me your npub (nostr public key). Over time we can sort out best method for posting. For now I would try the following:
  • Image before any text
  • Text (basic text, no formatting, no tags for twitter like posts) (long form posts can use markdown)
  • Tags last, use the most important tag first, and (in the future after testing) the last tag #news
(Sorry had a guest visiting and was off-grid for a bit)

Aside from being slow due to the decentralized nature, fully working RSS feed and full text search!
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Forgot to mention "Comments" and "Likes". In a BTC Maxi environment, maybe not ideal but bad comments also means there are eyes on our posts, so long as we always stand up and be the better person. Educate not ridicule.

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The first PIVX Labs announcement via Nostr (and PIVX News site) is out!

@Gerrald any anyone else interested, Here's the ball rolling!!!


Currently I have it set to show EVERYTHING (short form posts like twitter and long form post like typical blog sites). It would be more filtered if we decide to go this route. This is just for test purposes and using existing past posts from the PIVX Nostr account I created some time ago.

Labz / @Hawtch Wanna try it out? Send me your npub (nostr public key). Over time we can sort out best method for posting. For now I would try the following:
  • Image before any text
  • Text (basic text, no formatting, no tags for twitter like posts) (long form posts can use markdown)
  • Tags last, use the most important tag first, and (in the future after testing) the last tag #news
(Sorry had a guest visiting and was off-grid for a bit)

Aside from being slow due to the decentralized nature, fully working RSS feed and full text search!
I'm quite new to a nostr key and things like that. I've created an account and have my nostr pub key.
Where would I post things? How does that side of things work?

Apologies if this seems quite noobish haha I still got lots to learn.

Nostr key is: