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Not so Perfect News Idea

I'm quite new to a nostr key and things like that. I've created an account and have my nostr pub key.
Where would I post things? How does that side of things work?

Apologies if this seems quite noobish haha I still got lots to learn.

Nostr key is:

I'm creating a small help text and will ping you soon.
Hmm, thinking out loud. Medium articles are not really news, should the news site have a blog menu item for non news posts or other posts not really NEWS worthy?

Logo/home(all posts) - News - Blog - Announcements - RSS Feed
I think of the site as it's name, really, "PIVX News", a distinct place to read purely about PIVX's updates (software, listings, etc), articles are more of a marketing thing (outreach), while this is a practical tool for existing PIVians to find news on PIVX in a central spot. - imo, blog-style posts may be clutter-ish for folks just wanting to see "What's New".
I think of the site as it's name, really, "PIVX News", a distinct place to read purely about PIVX's updates (software, listings, etc), articles are more of a marketing thing (outreach), while this is a practical tool for existing PIVians to find news on PIVX in a central spot. - imo, blog-style posts may be clutter-ish for folks just wanting to see "What's New".
Opens the door to 2 sites news and blog, which is equally as easy to do.
Looks great for something you threw together in no time. Like you said just needs some css styling work for both site and working on phone also
Agreed. Working with him to refine design a bit and I think we should be ready to go.

Happy how this all came together.
My stab at some branding for it. I can change it if you guys don't like it or want it tweaked.



  • Logo-Mockup1-01.png
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Are we inserting this into the site with the official domain name? @Hawtch
It is possible to use something like news.pivx.org. This is just a test and very few people have provided comments (good or bad). It is also possible (and probably more reliable) that a completely new "News" site be made. JSKitty so far has posted twice, as far as I know, he was able to do it with extreme ease.
Testing og/twitter meta tags:

For me, I loved the platform at first sight! Hence all major Labs announcements are now being written (with exclusive additional details that wouldn't fit nicely in an X post).

Labs also has the...
PIVX Labs 'news' redirect, which takes users directly to the Labs section of PIVX News, my intent, as long as this continues (and is certainly easy enough to post on) is to continue posting here for the foreseeable future, this may be a good half-way replacement of the old Labs 'Superblock Report', which is too cumbersome for me to maintain alone, PIVX News is the perfect mid-point between short and long form news.
Sadly, there were only 3 replies to the survey, but all three are in favor of this novel site. One recommendation is to remove or change the subtext on the home page. It is basically the same text from the pivx.org site. I think it looks to plain with it removed. Any additional thoughts appreciated.

Due to lack of responses, I had to go into JFDI mode. The PIVX domain is now active:

Sadly, there were only 3 replies to the survey, but all three are in favor of this novel site. One recommendation is to remove or change the subtext on the home page. It is basically the same text from the pivx.org site. I think it looks to plain with it removed. Any additional thoughts appreciated.

Due to lack of responses, I had to go into JFDI mode. The PIVX domain is now active:

Problem is youve asked on forum which no one uses bar a few. Like you said jfdi mode. It's welcomed 👍
Why would crypto panic turn it down if it's crypto news? Medium is sometimes picked up recently but not all of them. Is this to do with how articles are wrote?