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    • Meerkat
      Meerkat reacted to Hawtch's post in the thread Active Marketing-Hawtch with Like Like.
      Let me be 100% clear. I cannot handle continuing this narrative. I have not been able to get work done because this stresses me out to...
    • Meerkat
      Meerkat reacted to Jeffrey's post in the thread Ended Content strategist problem's with Like Like.
      Okay guys lets start fresh right here. Lets coordinate correctly and be fair for all. Now I'm going to agree with @Gerrald and say yes...
    • Meerkat
      Meerkat reacted to Eric_Stanek's post in the thread Ended Content strategist problem's with Like Like.
      You were banned for the drama you caused. Same for others. Removing the ban makes it worse. That's on you and the others. You have done...
    • Meerkat
      Meerkat reacted to Eric_Stanek's post in the thread Ended Content strategist problem's with Like Like.
      You can nominate anyone you want, and even with 100's of nominations, that does nothing if they don't want to do the task. In other...
    • Meerkat
      Meerkat reacted to Hawtch's post in the thread Ended Content strategist problem's with Like Like.
      Hey Borris, I wanted to weigh in here. I know I'm newer and trust is still being earned, which is fine, but I'd like to throw my 2 cents...
    • Meerkat
      Meerkat reacted to PIVX Labs's post in the thread Active LMP - Labs Booster with Like Like.
      Name: LMP - Labs Booster Term: 1 Cycle Cycle Amnt: 12,500 Total Amnt: 12,500 Author: JSKitty Receiver: PIVX Labs Address...
    • Meerkat
      Meerkat reacted to Hawtch's post in the thread New Website with Like Like.
      Honestly I don't have time. For sure web is a service I offer - but it's not on the level of complexity that PIVX needs, unfortunately.
    • Meerkat
      Meerkat replied to the thread Archived LRP - Meerkat.
      Edited that part out. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Wanted to post that image in the report and describe the goal and the result of...
    • Meerkat
      Meerkat reacted to LeacyMcK's post in the thread Archived LRP - Meerkat with Like Like.
      I never said I didn't like them, I only said no thank you as the Privacy Roundtable likes the graphic we have now of which I worked with...
    • Meerkat
      Meerkat replied to the thread Archived LRP - Meerkat.
      And last but not least this proposal main requirement was to design the PIVX Labs homepage. I started by designing the logo: I'm...
      • Homepage.png
      • logo_2_to_post.png
      • PIVXPoker_logo.png
    • Meerkat
      Meerkat replied to the thread Archived LRP - Meerkat.
      Masternode screens: No Active Masternodes screen Create New Masternode popup Create New Masternode popup with unfolded select field...
      • MPW Settings Main Screen 2 Wallet.png
      • MPW Settings Main Screen 2 Display.png
      • MPW Settings Main Screen 2 Delete Wallet Popup.png
      • MPW Masternode Main Screen No Active MN.png
      • MPW Masternode Main Screen Listing.png
      • MPW Masternode Create New Masternode Popup.png
      • MPW Masternode Create New Masternode Popup Form Select.png
    • Meerkat
      Meerkat replied to the thread Archived LRP - Meerkat.
      Send and Receive screens: Send unshielded popup Send shielded popup Receive 3 ways popups Staking screens: Staking main...
      • MPW Governance Main Screen.png
      • MPW Governance Create New Proposal Popup.png
      • MPW Governance Confirm Vote Popup.png
      • MPW Staking Unstake Popup.png
      • MPW Staking Stake Popup.png
      • MPW Staking Setup Popup.png
      • MPW Staking Main Screen.png
      • MPW Dashboard Send Unshielded Popup.png
      • MPW Dashboard Send Shielded Popup.png
      • MPW Dashboard Receive Popups.png
    • Meerkat
      Meerkat replied to the thread Archived LRP - Meerkat.
      Continuing the listing of Dashboard screens: Encrypt your wallet popup Lock your wallet popup Unlock your wallet popup Balance...
      • MPW Dashboard Unlocking Wallet Popup.png
      • MPW Dashboard Locking Wallet Popup.png
      • MPW Dashboard Export Wallet Popup.png
      • MPW Dashboard Encrypting Wallet Popup.png
      • MPW Dashboard Create Redeem Code Popup.png
      • MPW Dashboard Contacts 2 Popups.png
      • MPW Dashboard Contacts 1 Popup.png
      • MPW Dashboard Balance Breakdown Popup.png
    • Meerkat
      Meerkat replied to the thread Archived LRP - Meerkat.
      Also added some new and fixed/updated desktop views: Homepage screens: My PIVX Wallet is Loading Homepage screen with top menu visible...
      • MPW Main Screen.png
      • MPW Dashboard Main Screen Shielded Locked Submenu Unfolded.png
      • MPW Dashboard Main Screen Shielded Locked.png
      • MPW Dashboard Main Screen Unshielded Unlocked.png
      • MPW Main Screen Update Info Popup.png
      • MPW Main Screen Import Wallet.png
      • MPW Main Screen Create New Wallet.png
      • MPW Main Screen Create New Vanity Wallet.png
      • MPW Main Screen Access Ledger Wallet.png
      • MPW Loading Screen.png
    • Meerkat
      Meerkat replied to the thread Archived LRP - Meerkat.
      Masternode screens: No Active Masternodes screen Create New Masternode popup Create New Masternode popup with unfolded select field...
      • MPW Settings Main Screen 2 Wallet.png
      • MPW Settings Main Screen 2 Display.png
      • MPW Settings Main Screen 2 Delete Wallet Popup.png
      • MPW Governance Main Screen.png
      • MPW Governance Create New Proposal Popup.png
      • MPW Governance Confirm Vote Popup.png
      • MPW Masternode Main Screen No Active MN.png
      • MPW Masternode Main Screen Listing.png
      • MPW Masternode Create New Masternode Popup.png
      • MPW Masternode Create New Masternode Popup Form Select.png
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