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Recent content by ONeZetty

  1. ONeZetty

    Ended PIVX Spanish Dic 24

    Thanks for the report @Elenac , interesting the impression vs interaction looks like. I have seen the Spanish community more active too, I think you are taking the right way, congratulations 🎊
  2. ONeZetty


    ¡Hola @henryfp5, es un gusto saludarte! Antes que nada no aceptes ayuda de manera privada y nunca compartas tus llaves privadas con nadie, por favor. Cuando una transferencia ocurre, esta necesita tiempo para verificarse en la blockchain, así que si antes de verificarse se va la luz, no...
  3. ONeZetty

    Who controls the socials?

    I have been posting to Reddit (thanks @Jeffrey for the mod-power) and in Mastodon every time I can. https://www.reddit.com/r/pivx/ https://mastodon.social/@pivxcrypto No one blocked you in the Telegram chat, @Gerrald you left the Telegram group voluntarily, you are welcome anytime, if...
  4. ONeZetty

    Not so Perfect News Idea

    I really like the idea, but I would love to integrate this with the original domain, like news.pivx.org or something like that. I love the idea of a place to post news and with RSS we can build more opportunities to automation.
  5. ONeZetty

    Nuevo concurso de la comunidad PIVX en Español: "PIVX Halloween"

    🎃👻¡Halloween se acerca y queremos ver tu creatividad! 🎃👻 Participa en nuestro espeluznante concurso de GIFs y Memes PIVX 1️⃣Crea un Meme o GIF 2️⃣Publica tu creación con el hashtag #PIVXHalloween 3️⃣ ¡Síguenos! Tenemos 500 PIV para 5 ganadores🧟🎃🧛 Finaliza el 03 noviembre.
  6. ONeZetty

    "The Republic of Turkey Has Banned Discord

    I use Proton VPN, with the the premium version, you can choose the country and the type of connection. And is very cheap if you pay for a year of service.
  7. ONeZetty

    Nuevo concurso de la comunidad PIVX en Español: "¿Qué tan PIVX estás hoy?"

    Participa en el nuevo concurso de la comunidad PIVX en Español, "¿Qué tan PIVX estás hoy?" La comunidad de PIVX en Español te invita a participar en este nuevo concurso, para ser parte de la dinámica, debes escribir un microcuento, historia o reflexión de máximo 500 caracteres, acerca de la...
  8. ONeZetty

    PIVX Momentum Continues — Another Summer Listing Joins the Roster.

    PIVX is happy to announce that it is now listed on BITStorage Finance. bitstorage.finance a “Secure & Efficient Crypto Trading Platform” offers PIVX/USDT pair.
  9. ONeZetty

    I pleased to announce that PIVX has joined the Fediverse!

    Hello PIVians!! I've taken the initiative to open the PIVX Mastodon account. Furthermore, I think it's a good idea to have the community present on as many social networks as possible, especially since Mastodon is free, open source, and decentralized, the same founding pillars of PIVX. If...
  10. ONeZetty

    Archived PIVX Spanish Boost 24

    Yeah, the plan is to have enough money to use it in all 2024, but no, not me. I'm doing because it is easier for a Mexican than a Venezuelan, I know this would be uneasily to understand, but it is. Besides, you need to KYC and a credit card accepted in the USA to post ADS in X and Instagram. But...
  11. ONeZetty

    Archived PIVX Spanish Boost 24

    Title: PIVX Spanish Boost 24 Name: PSB24 Term: 3 cycles Cycle Amount: 4000 Total Amount: 12000 Author: ONeZetty Receiver: ONeZetty Address: DELY6LdSbHpzpAa4GmUscwgJoqZCXDoGis Status: Active Vote Hash: 1b3bba7407941584f9ddd854f98efdab0ca3135e02faf41a9bad2514b2d4de2f Donations...
  12. ONeZetty

    help I am not able to move my piv from my old wallet v3.1.0.2

    I recommend you to joint the discord and ask for help. https://discord.pivx.org
  13. ONeZetty

    What is your favorite PIVX use-case?

    I love to play video games, I love more than now I have the chance to use MyPIVXWallet to buy Steam Gift Card, KYC-free, anonymous, and private. 💜
  14. ONeZetty

    Archived Continuation of the development of social networks and construction of the PIVX community in Spanish

    Thanks for the report, amazing job!!! I love the way you adapt some "words" to Spanish!!! 😉
  15. ONeZetty

    Archived PIVX Spanish February 24

    Big YES for me!!! And of course, I will be happy to help you all I can, you are making an amazing job with the PIVX Spanish community, ¡Felicitaciones @Elenac! :love: