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Ended Marketing - RedByrd 12/24


Name: Marketing-RedByrd
Term: 1 cycles
Cycle Amount: 10,000 PIV (half)
Total Amount: 10,000 PIV
Author: RedByrd
Receiver: RedByrd
Address: D8Bwg2Ze8w7YAbRFTxGYsjSLdyMK8bYkJA
Created: Dec 11, 2024

Hello PIVians!

First and foremost, I want to reach out to the amazing team & community that is pumping out what IS PIVX. We have such an amazing community, supportive and incredibly hardworking. Whether you are the PIVian we hear from all the time on Discord or one that is kicking butt in the background, we still see you and all of the efforts. I’m proud of what is continuing to be a solid and foundational coin and so happy to be onboard. Thanks to all of you.

I’m finding my groove within the community and continue to have amazing conversations within the team. I also love it when members reach out for collaborations! Bring it on. :) I continue to find that my animation and design services are a nice base to help deliver high quality materials to pump out on social or leverage for educational purposes. @Hawtch and I have fallen into a nice rhythm of sharing work and resources to help leverage our individual talents and maximize productivity. We have a long wish list of projects that we would like to tackle that we are prioritizing and working to pump out on a regular schedule. We are also looking into the future to consider quarterly plans and targets.

@Meerkat continues to produce beautiful designs and we have been excited to work with several team members to add movement and some fun effects to the designs.

Regarding my proposal request. Many of you know that I came down with the 'plague' aka 'pneumonia' late Oct / early Nov and it really kicked my butt. It pushed my available work hours down significantly for 2 weeks. These weeks have already been paid out with my last proposal.

In response, for my next proposal I will be cutting my PIVX cycle amount in half for 1 month based on the 2 weeks loss, (but will work the full 4 weeks of the month to make up the lost hours). I hope this makes logical sense to everyone. It seems like the best way to make up for the loss and still keep the momentum moving. Please reach out if you have any questions / comments on this. I will plan to re-submit a 3 month proposal in Jan based on the momentum we have built in 2024.

See below for a breakdown of what we are up too. But please reach out with any questions / comments.

- RedByrd


Here is what is currently in our lineup! (If you have a wish list - please send along for discussion we love feedback from the community)

We are gaining traction with our How TO VIDS. We have had over 1.1k views on our Get a Wallet Video on the CMC community feed posted Dec 4th. (Thanks @LeacyMcK for the link!)

Next up:
1. Recover Wallet (In development)​
2. Get PIV​
3. Public vs Private PIV​
4. Stake (Hot and Cold - might put these in two separate vids)
5. Spend PIV (PIV Cards)

Promotional VIDS
Our work with the labs & Core team has been great and I think we are finding a nice pipeline groove to incorporate video / animation on promotional materials. Let’s keep up the momentum!
Often this work comes on a need by need basis, so looking forward I will keep some of my allocated time open for any pop-up needs from the core and labs team to ensure we can accommodate the turn-around time.

To the Moon Video (WIP in progress)​
Xmas campaign for PIVX Core with @LeacyMcK (WIP in progress). Should be completed over the next couple days.​

Educational VIDS / Podcast shorts
(Outside of the How To VIDS)

@clem has been producing some amazing articles and we currently have a WIP of her recent 7 Times Your Financial Privacy Was Compromised.​
Our plan is to break out this WIP into 7 distinct videos (shorter and possibly more digestible for some viewers). We will also maintain a full length video.​

PIVX Website content
We have a WIP of a series of small audio clips that are conversationally based utilizing the current PIVX.org website content.
Our goal is to leverage this content into a podcast / shorts / chats to help educate any that are looking to discover more about PIVX in an easy going and friendly way. Open to any suggestions on how to best leverage this content and maximize exposure!

PIVX Core Holiday Post
Working currently on a fun animation for social based on Meerkats design. Stay tuned, should have this out in the next couple days.

We have come up with a few initial concepts for Jeffrey's upcoming events. We will share pics as we progress. Hawtch and I are also in talks of creating a merch site, but this is highly subject to our spare time. Ideally it would be amazing to have our Ambassadors be able to access Merch to help support and promote PIVX.
Please note these are initial concepts - no sharing please. :)

Screen Shot 2024-12-12 at 1.54.53 PM.png

PAID ADS (tagging Hawtch here as this was part of his update)
Google Ads: Travala 418,000 views and This is Fine ad got 57,000. More Info Here
Faucet Sites: Faucetpay.io and Viefaucet.com have already been a great alternative to Google Ads. We have spent only $30 and received roughly 5000 total views on our most recent videos! Could be very effective since it's crypto people already there clicking on the ads. This is also an affordable way to test effectiveness of various colours, CTA's and images on ads. If you flip through our competitor coins that spend on the platform, we really do NEED to utilize this. Throughout December we will spend the remaining $200 of ad money on this. Report will be on Ad Proposal I will post soon.​

We are keeping our eyes and ears open to other opportunities such as the Faucet sites and even possible partnerships. This is where a lot of you can come in - if you have a connection or know new/unmentioned ways we can do ads, PLEASE let us know!

3 Month Summary

Posted Videos from Hawtch and I. Toolbox V3, Travala Ad,Bitmart 3x Trading, MEXC Perpetuals, HOW TO Get a Wallet, HOW TO Send & Receive PIV, and What PIVian Are You? PIVX Rewards Video, Labs Rewards Xmas campaign, BYOW - labs, Buy iPhone with PIV Cards - labs, PIVX Masternodes (late Sept)

In what he is doing with PIVX listings, partners, and growth, adverts and reach.

Finalized and in use.

We are looking forward to 2025 and pushing PIVX forward. Current goal is to organized on a quarterly basis and flex and shift as the market demands, but consolidating on a marketing plan that is cross-platform.

See last Proposal Forum Post here:​

If you have questions or comments, please feel free to reach out at anytime.

RedByrd. Thanks all!!!!
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Also regards merch. If you can have the designs I can create ready to iron on designs or can do the whole items. We can't do embroidery. If you need more info on prices please don't hesitate to dm. Obviously shipping is the main cost.
Also regards merch. If you can have the designs I can create ready to iron on designs or can do the whole items. We can't do embroidery. If you need more info on prices please don't hesitate to dm. Obviously shipping is the main cost.
Oh amazing! We are aiming for something modern and a little different. So the designs include some non-traditional placement. eg: collarbone line. Also, hoping to keep the quality super high for @guapic as he would be using this for tradeshows, meetings and conferences. Maybe we can have a chat about options?
Oh amazing! We are aiming for something modern and a little different. So the designs include some non-traditional placement. eg: collarbone line. Also, hoping to keep the quality super high for @guapic as he would be using this for tradeshows, meetings and conferences. Maybe we can have a chat about options?
I can also see a need for Ambassador swag as well....
Oh amazing! We are aiming for something modern and a little different. So the designs include some non-traditional placement. eg: collarbone line. Also, hoping to keep the quality super high for @guapic as he would be using this for tradeshows, meetings and conferences. Maybe we can have a chat about options?
My fiance does all that sort of stuff. I'll dm you.