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Archived YTubeAds-Hawtch


Active Pivian
Name: YTubeAds-Hawtch
Term: 1 cycles
Cycle Amount: 10,000 PIV
Total Amount: 10,000 PIV
Author: Hawtch
Receiver: Hawtch --> Youtube Ads
Address: DSU4tLh6hXHdgQrGvy97KS25hhKJbkMqWY
Created: Sept 09, 2024

Hi PIVX community, Hawtch here!

I've been full time with PIVX since earlier this year. I work on Marketing PIVX to outside and within the crypto space. This is focused around managing the Youtube and Rumble page (eventually TikTok and more).

This proposal is for paid Youtube Ads. We have begun the first ad campaign on Youtube Sept.7th. As of writing this it has only been 2 days and the video has 4,800 views and has brought in 16+ subscribers. This has EXPONENTIALLY grown our Youtube channel in comparison to the other videos we have published and compared the growth in the last 6 months.


  • One paid ad for the month of October.
    • I may do a second additional ad that aims at different target markets or perhaps has been modified to be quicker (skippable ad) or a version that is a static image.
  • Analytics shared on the video(s).
  • Planning future ad campaigns (sharing WIP in forums and Discord)
    • Merchant/Vendor promo (hoping to get cross collab or atleast get promoted back).
    • Educating on privacy
    • Humour based
    • Refined Multiple target markets after expanded market research.
    • Static ads.

Funding Breakdown​

  • Proposed Amount: $2500usd (10,000 PIV)
  • Breakdown: 625 PIV/week or 89.28 PIV/day.
  • Cycle Length: 1 Cycle (1 month)
  • Total Quote: 10,000 PIV


We’ve been getting a significant amount of views compared to previous videos. Below breaks down the analytics. This is based off of paid ads at a daily budget of $40cad per day. Let me start with an example of unpaid video and paid/promoted video:

1. 2000 Masternode holders (posted Sept 4th)​

22 views. 0 likes. 0 comments. Unpaid/unpromoted video.
- The typical amount of views on our vids is roughly 40-50 views. This has been normal since taking over the YouTube.
- It’s not all about views when building a brand, but it is certainly one of the many factors indicating growth. Currently I’m ok with this level of views as we are consistent and growing.
- We will continue to refine our tags, hashtags, SEO and formatting hoping to be picked up by the YouTube Algorithm more.

2. This isn’t Fine. Helping Take Back Your Privacy. (Posted Sept 8th)


5,400 views. 16 likes. 1 comment. Paid/promoted video ($40cad/day or roughly $1200cad/month).
- This 1000x more than the average video views since I have started. This is due to a couple factors - largest is $ per day spent on the promoted video. The other factors are how well the tags, description, target demographic, location and title match up with the video and finding the right tags & demographics to promote to at that exact time.
- If we assume things are consistent, than double the budget of what we are currently spending should double the views. Obviously that’s not always the case, but it will most certainly help ALOT! I can’t help but think how we can also promote using PIVX with our vendors/merchants and promoting incredibly bullish news @Jeffrey brings in!
- With a larger budget (I’m quoting x2 what is currently spent), I think we can put this ad in both skippable ads and promoted videos, OR we can add a second video to promote alongside this one - perhaps using both to cross reference and see what works / what doesn’t work.


- If we continue on this pattern of research, professional ads, and consistent brand growth, I think we will see some excellent growth. Mastering the ads side of things on YouTube will also help us INCREDIBLY for future messages and updates to our systems/tech.
- I would like to consider having more than one ad, possibly a YouTube Short or a static image version.
- I think we need to push ourselves to do more target market research, read peer reviewed studies, and do more in depth studies into YouTube Algorithms, in order to maximize our ad spending. This has already been the case and we will continue to expand on this.
- As seen below the channel has had significant growth in the last month, especially due to the paid marketing (video says 2.7k views because it was such fast growth, it needs to catch up on it’s caching or something):
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I will be updating this thread with the stats of both "Travala" Ad and "This is Fine" Ad very soon.​

We have some really positive results I'm excited to share!

Ad Analytics Report (Oct+Nov 2024)​

Hey all, @Robin and I are happy to share the linked Ad Analytics Report:

Highlights + Notes​

  • We are very happy with how it has performed and feel like we are learning from it greatly.
    While entering it into Google Ads we chose to make it focus on getting views. It certainly did with 417,000 views!
  • The linked PDF has many notes in it that are valuable to understanding how things have performed, how we can improve on future ads, and what we are doing right.
  • Shoutout to @LeacyMcK and social teams, as 'External Traffic' made up 3.1% of those 417,000 views! Well done and keep it up.
  • We will not be putting in an Ad Fund Proposal for December seeing as @Jeffrey has told us we need as much as possible for Poloneix listing this month. This is fine with us as it can be an opportunity to put our nose to the grindstone and focus on the next Merchant Ad, our 'How To' series, and the next Promotional Ad (To the Moon).
  • We have CA $430 left to put towards ads in November/December. It's not a ton, but it will have to do. We are thinking it could be saved to promote a video mid to end of December.

Anyone Can Chime In​

I just want to emphasize that ANYONE can comment and we welcome it! We appreciate all feedback, positive, negative or somewhere in between. This is YOUR PIVX, so your opinion matters.
I would love to hear from more of you in future projects and forum posts, should you feel you want to share.
I can't help but notice the 3.1% from external traffic. We supposedly have 72.3k followers on twitter alone. These fake numbers need to be removed. Get rid of all the bot accounts and lets see a true perspective of what our socials do/are like.

Is there a graph which shows where these have come from?

Either way 3.1% if you assumed it came from just our official channels is poor.

Maybe this will help?

Post in thread 'New Website' https://forum.pivx.org/threads/new-website.2007/post-6480

A new plan needs to be made. It's OK paying for views but our base clearly isn't expanding as shown by ALL our social channels so something needs to change.
I can't help but notice the 3.1% from external traffic. We supposedly have 72.3k followers on twitter alone. These fake numbers need to be removed. Get rid of all the bot accounts and lets see a true perspective of what our socials do/are like.

Is there a graph which shows where these have come from?

Either way 3.1% if you assumed it came from just our official channels is poor.

Maybe this will help?

Post in thread 'New Website' https://forum.pivx.org/threads/new-website.2007/post-6480

A new plan needs to be made. It's OK paying for views but our base clearly isn't expanding as shown by ALL our social channels so something needs to change.
Let me take a look at it again and get you some more of that info. They do have more info on the vids and account analytics. It breaks down WHERE those views come from and what the exact numbers are.

I agree that despite our large number of subscribers and followers across all our accounts we receive very little interest and movement. I would love nothing more than to know what our real numbers are vs bots but inevitably numbers still matter to people who are viewing PIVX and considering investing - that's why I wouldn't want them removed. Then again, you make a good counter argument that with lots of subscribers/followers and little actual response it's a bad look. Kind of a 'Catch 22' imo.

My point in the Report is to say that DESPITE how frustratingly low the response from people has been on X and media, this is fairly decent all things considered - especially given the Travala vid was only boosted on Youtube, not on X. This shows that the views for the ad from X is quite good in comparison to normal. We WERE hoping for much more of a response on X since Travala is quite large, but it is what it is.

I 110% agree we need get the website updated and active. Unfortunately I'm not sure who to get for this aside from finding a trusted Web3 website design company and hiring them. Sorry.