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Active rigden bastyon s 008


New Pivian
Name: rigden bastyon s 008
Term: 3 cycle
Cycle Amount: 3016
Total Amount: 9048
Author: [USER=1604]@Rigden15937[/USER]
Receiver: [USER=1604]@Rigden15937[/USER]
Address: D9i9e44gQhoto8wKxtfCpiyPSDgaMycXYK
Created: 07.01.2025
Status: Active
Vote Hash: abb484774e6974a9ba494d2617762034cab491a7d5fd3b2fbfde1f73544d2e12

Hi pivx community.

I would like to continue with spreading wisdom about PIVX on decentralized social networks. As been mentioned on pivx forum, the bastyon social network is not enough progressive at this stage even tho rising thousands of new users daily who are not a bots like on Twitter because bastyon have transparent user rating. So it naturally filters even those who have many followers.

So I decide to change approach little bit more aggressive by adding decentralized social network nostr into my portfolio and also adding Twitter and use it all 3 to relink between them to try to gaining more activity about pivx between social networks itself. Bypassing bastyon boost functionality I could lower proposal requirements and reserve time for other social networks to boost pivx and gain followers also on Twitter and later also on Nostr.

Our PIVX account on Bastyon - https://bastyon.com/pivx
Our PIVX account on X(Twitter) - https://x.com/PIVX_Bastyon
Our PIVX account on Nostr - npub17eclqjeglp3d3pj0gplxlptc0rkesepa7chdgtlfsm0jtqrhzfxsv78a3d

Weekly tasks
Systematic support on bastyon regarding pivx.
Adding new posts on bastyon / X Twitter / Nostr.
Communicating with users on bastyon / X Twitter / Nostr.
Communication not only in English but also in Russian and German on bastyon.

My previous work and proposal - https://forum.pivx.org/threads/rigden-bastyon-s-007.2474/
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This proposal is a great example of how the Community, regardless of the fact a PIVian may not have a Masternode, can influence the outcome of a proposal.

I don't know anything about Nostr or Bastyon. I suspect the same for many MNOs. If Community members who are familiar with those platforms could please review this proposal and provide feedback, their efforts would have a direct impact on how MNOs vote.

I believe having PIVX represented on platforms that respect privacy is key to adopting a market that actually wants to use products like PIVX. I do also think that due to it being a bit more privacy friendly and a “rebellious” platform some content should then be curated just for it. Having a unique set of content would be great.

As for the platforms I don’t really have time for social media except for my research on X and supporting PIVX there, so as mentioned by @Eric_Stanek community members that find value in this please do give feedback as it provides support and gives everyone an idea of how valuable this is. Each comment counts
I believe having PIVX represented on platforms that respect privacy is key to adopting a market that actually wants to use products like PIVX. I do also think that due to it being a bit more privacy friendly and a “rebellious” platform some content should then be curated just for it. Having a unique set of content would be great.

As for the platforms I don’t really have time for social media except for my research on X and supporting PIVX there, so as mentioned by @Eric_Stanek community members that find value in this please do give feedback as it provides support and gives everyone an idea of how valuable this is. Each comment counts
This proposal is a great example of how the Community, regardless of the fact a PIVian may not have a Masternode, can influence the outcome of a proposal.

I don't know anything about Nostr or Bastyon. I suspect the same for many MNOs. If Community members who are familiar with those platforms could please review this proposal and provide feedback, their efforts would have a direct impact on how MNOs vote.


Bastyon is not low a quality social network, bastyon provide full quality features like twitter for free and much more cheaper advertisement options.

bastyon is not low qualityt social network, bastyon provide full quality features like twitter...png

On bastyon there are many well crypto aware users who like to lean and make meaningful discussions. On bastyon you can transparently verify if user is just a bot who give an empty meaning likes because payed as bot or user have reputation and lot of meaningful content.

on bastyon there are many well crypto aware users who like to lean and make discussions.png

Users on bastyon are well aware about privacy and freedom of speech values in daily life, this is probably because the twitter opens their eyes once they have been banned on twitter for no reason without ability to appeal.

Seems like people on bastyon are well aware about privacy values in life.png

Users on Bastyon keeps conversations, as you can see here are already 17 messages in below post.

users on bastyon keeps conversations.png

We are also making own content.

we have own content.png
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I am not sure if it makes sense to have yet another English X.com account.
Is there another alternative media social channel you can experiment with?
Those screenshots are from bastyon social network, not from X. Our added X account is there as response to diversification and advice from you guys from comments from my previous proposal. On X we can't edit, we can't stream, we can't add long videos, on X we can loose account at any time with no reason, on bastyon we can advertise by paying with pivx swapped into PKOIN, on bastyon we can write long messages and also articles. As you could see from below chart, number of users on bastyon are constantly rising, so the first one projects like our PIVX will constantly rise by followers with bastyon users. On bastyon nobody could stop us from future advertising about pivx and privacy.

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I agree that we don't need another English X account, but accounts on X for Russian and German posts could benefit PIVX with more global reach.

Also, PIVX should be capitalized "PIVX Socials" and not "Pivx socials"


It might be interesting to do a contest or giveaway on Bastyon to see how many of the 410 followers are actually paying attention or actually care about PIVX.
I am going to support this proposal, BUT for the following reasons.

I really appreciate your dedication to this effort to explorer alternative social channels.
It is also important that we enter new social channels a bit early.

However, I ask that you consider the following points.

The CURRENT goal is to determine if Bastyon and Nostr are valuable platforms for PIVX.
With that in mind, there is no need to create your own content. Just re-post what is done on other PIVX channels.
Focus your effort to engage users replying to what you post. Also, you should engage in related posts that are not PIVX.
If you do create content, please make sure it is on-brand. That means following the Social Guide on this page: https://pivx.org/pressroom.
Specifically, that means in including the Logo as shown in the guide, and also the URL as PIVX.org and not pivx.org. Fonts need to follow the guide too.
Present the past and future ongoing metrics in a table, so that we can see how things are progressing month to month.
If Bastyon or Nostr have 'Paid Advertising' methods to improve reach, (native or 3rd party) consider testing those. (Organic is BEST, but a kick-start might be good.)

Please NOTE however:

I am 'sitting on the fence' on this proposal's value. It is not a huge amount, and clearly you are trying hard, so this is not a 'cash grab' at all. But, trying hard, and being a sincere and trust-worthy person is not enough is the added value is not there. As such, my future support depends on how well you can succinctly demonstrate the added value of this proposal.

Hope this helps!
I agree that we don't need another English X account, but accounts on X for Russian and German posts could benefit PIVX with more global reach.

Also, PIVX should be capitalized "PIVX Socials" and not "Pivx socials"

View attachment 2444

It might be interesting to do a contest or giveaway on Bastyon to see how many of the 410 followers are actually paying attention or actually care about PIVX.
Hi palm3, thank you for your comment and observation. I correct the name. I'm just starting to experiment with nostr, I think that nostr worth it, although Nostr is a specific social network where users are more focused on btc but pivx is not stolen from them either. I think it will need time to build little community there, will see how it will goes, it's only in the initial phase. Contest and giveaway are great ideas, I been still planning to do a contest on bastyon that will support mypivxwallet. I planned to do this contest months ago, but since my proposals been failing, I've postponed these contests until later. Contest will be a very simple tasks for people to register on mypivxwallet and share their screenshot with stealh address where pivx will be send.
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I am not sure if it makes sense to have yet another English X.com account.
Is there another alternative media social channel you can experiment with?
How about bringing him in to help with the tweets, replies and the other social channels that are really lacking. I have suggested before he focuses on others more adopted. Now your saying we dont need others. He has been a committed pivx person for stupid time now. Prove yourself you all say. I think he has. Some months he has not been paid but still carries on. We need social media representation and he has proven he will do it even with no funds! I bet alot of others won't continue with no pay...

I don't believe the proposal as it is for just rigden which has hardly any followers is worth the price asked. It was proven with that competition you did and only a couple entered. But I believe your enthusiasm and commitment to posting, replying, trying to get interaction has been proven. We can judge on work performed for the duration of this cycle on what he has done, how much extra if so, funds for his next proposal which will then expand on what extra he would be doing. So it's a good trial period.

Your purple. We need to expand with purple people @Eric_Stanek ... how much proving are you all after to be involed and trusted? How much do you need more importantly? Im willing to vote yes to an adaption i have suggested. Do you?

This closed group of pivx working people is what I feel is putting people off wanting to be involved. Your wanting to prove yourself where my view is if your voted in your there. I understand there needs to be an inbetween but I think @Rigden15937 is 100% the example of this inbetween.

We're expanding paid person on rigden but he will also help with posting and replies with other socials. I don't like so many socials and obviously with you saying we don't need another you agree. @Liquid369 agrees also we dont need any more. Lets bring people in that have proven that want to expand pivx socials!

This obviously is if @Rigden15937 would like to?
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@Gerrald Please read my post again. It seems you misunderstood me, because I am not understanding your response.

Re: "This closed group of pivx working people is what I feel is putting people off wanting to be involved."

Sorry, but that is simply not true. The PIVX Community is completely open to all, with the exception of 3 or 4 individuals, (Yourself included) who were banned from the main Discord due to their unacceptable behavior. That is actually an amazingly low number given the approx 9 years the PIVX Community has existed.
I am going to support this proposal, BUT for the following reasons.

I really appreciate your dedication to this effort to explorer alternative social channels.
It is also important that we enter new social channels a bit early.

However, I ask that you consider the following points.

The CURRENT goal is to determine if Bastyon and Nostr are valuable platforms for PIVX.
With that in mind, there is no need to create your own content. Just re-post what is done on other PIVX channels.
Focus your effort to engage users replying to what you post. Also, you should engage in related posts that are not PIVX.
If you do create content, please make sure it is on-brand. That means following the Social Guide on this page: https://pivx.org/pressroom.
Specifically, that means in including the Logo as shown in the guide, and also the URL as PIVX.org and not pivx.org. Fonts need to follow the guide too.
Present the past and future ongoing metrics in a table, so that we can see how things are progressing month to month.
If Bastyon or Nostr have 'Paid Advertising' methods to improve reach, (native or 3rd party) consider testing those. (Organic is BEST, but a kick-start might be good.)

Please NOTE however:

I am 'sitting on the fence' on this proposal's value. It is not a huge amount, and clearly you are trying hard, so this is not a 'cash grab' at all. But, trying hard, and being a sincere and trust-worthy person is not enough is the added value is not there. As such, my future support depends on how well you can succinctly demonstrate the added value of this proposal.

Hope this helps!
Thank you for your support. Yes, we will continue to repost channels. But given the specific community of people on Bastion. Their interests, their thinking and their hunger for technical knowledge. We need and must create content that ignites the thinking of people on Bastion and awakens their curiosity.And as you could see in above screenshot of our bastyon content the most likes we earned on original content created by us, which been made as response for users curiosity by their comments.


Bastyon some month ago introduced this kind of statistic which you are probably interested in, I think our progress on bastyon could be read here so easy.

I think that added value of bastyon is that there are people who prefer and value privacy and censorship resistance at first, so they are hungry also for privacy coins. Many of users who are on bastyon are those who been banned on Twitter and other social networks and are looking for fully featured social network even bastyon few days ago added payed content feature which is all on chain managed and no intermediary is there. I think bastyon is just in beginning and will gain maybe few millions of people who are hungry for privacy and so pivx will be first one there who will tell them we are there for them.
I'm not wanting this about me I'm wanting to expand the socials with people. @Rigden15937 has proven himself and is willing to work. Without your approval this isn't going to go through but then with that assumption it proves my point about funding and positions? If funding and positions were not linked, all of you that control everything would just ignore the dao vote and not accept any funding but then refuse to give control over for logins, servers, blah blah? That the general jist? Or am I misreading your words?

Again I don't need this turned on me. O no I'm banned from Discord what am I going to do. Votes control pivx. Unless that's you voting with me on the dao community coach? Your not in control of passing any more.

Again this topic is about socials, rigden social, pivx socials and bringing in a pivian @Rigden15937 to pivx. Getting funding for his hard work which has progressed from a few passed proposals, then some failed but he continued on! (I've assumed you are are male btw and not female..
there are no others, trump said it 🇺🇸 not spoke to you before)
Re: "I'm wanting to expand the socials with people."

There is nothing stopping anyone who wants to View, Like, Re-post, Comment on, engage with other users commenting, from any of the socials. They are free to copy the content to their own social accounts too. The best way to expand the socials is to support the ones that do it well. Others will follow, and everyone will find their place.

Sorry, but the rest of your comments either don't make sense, or have been discussed many times before.
We need and must create content that ignites the thinking of people on Bastion and awakens their curiosity.
This is super interesting. Would be cool to do some sort of A/B split testing to see exactly what gets the best responses. I don't just mean 'general' content you create, vs. 'general' content on main socials, but perhaps also taking a well performing post with content you created, and exaggerating it further etc. Maybe break the A/B split tests into categories of tactics; Informational, Controversial, Rage Engagement, etc. I don't know - just brainstorming. Have fun!
Re: "I'm wanting to expand the socials with people."

There is nothing stopping anyone who wants to View, Like, Re-post, Comment on, engage with other users commenting, from any of the socials. They are free to copy the content to their own social accounts too. The best way to expand the socials is to support the ones that do it well. Others will follow, and everyone will find their place.

Sorry, but the rest of your comments either don't make sense, or have been discussed many times before.
Don't remember ever talking about @Rigden15937 before bar saying I would like to see him expanded into other socials. I'm putting a proposal to expand this one? Is that not how discussions are done? This proposal is asking for funds so I am saying without an expansion I don't feel its worth it. Why not expand on it @Rigden15937 ? If you get accepted with this addition, which is why I'm asking eric before! You would then be branching out.
The discussions we have had before will and always be there. I don't change as I have made perfectly clear multiple times. The votes control the direction and power of pivx. Voting is for funding like you say. The dao is the voting. The funding is the direction. It's a loop. No one works for free.

I am trying to find some inbetween with my views and yours with @Rigden15937 . Socials needs expansion. He has proven for months he's a pivx social person even without funding. Let him expand in the others and we may get more reach? It's a trial? How else are others meant to get included? Please explain how so others can see...
Guys I really appreciate your deep thoughts and support. I am still trying to collect and understand most important points and hidden thoughts between lines from this discussion but my brain is refusing and badly willing to sleep. I will read it all again tomorrow. But simply said, I think we all want same thing, PIVX success, maybe top 100 for now, people who understand and value privacy and see PIVX advantages as we see.

💜Keep it simple to let them understand PIVX.
💜Make more and more people curious about PIVX.
💜Keep PIVX in UP font.
💜Convince more people in PIVX qualities.
💜Make people to talk about PIVX.
💜 Find out the way of speech and style of content how people like to accept PIVX.
💜Give people easy to use currency.
💜Make them satisfied because using PIVX.
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Let him expand in the others and we may get more reach? It's a trial? How else are others meant to get included? Please explain how so others can see...
Sorry. I am not following. The words 'Let him' imply someone is stopping him. No one is. No one can. I already explained this above. See this post.