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Active rigden bastyon s 008

@Gerrald you specifically asked him to create a new Twitter account in his last proposal, and he explained that above in this proposal.

"Our added X account is there as response to diversification and advice from you guys from comments from my previous proposal."

@Rigden15937 Can you please follow the Social Guide to stay on brand with your graphics? Then it is far more likely they will get put into the official accounts.
I sort of didnbut we have had discussions since then about a team effort in socials. We all agreed there shouldn't be anymore and I thought he was going to be included to help expand the official ones...obviously I shouldn't of assumed that was the case.
@Gerrald you specifically asked him to create a new Twitter account in his last proposal, and he explained that above in this proposal.

"Our added X account is there as response to diversification and advice from you guys from comments from my previous proposal."

@Rigden15937 Can you please follow the Social Guide to stay on brand with your graphics? Then it is far more likely they will get put into the official accounts.
Which one post been out of brand? Wasn't it just a repost or quote?
Which one post been out of brand? Wasn't it just a repost or quote?
Ya. Looks like it must have been a repost. I can't find it now. Sorry for confusing you with this other PIVian. My bad.

I typically don't like or repost anything from @PivxMemes because they weaken the PIVX brand. They show pivx.org instead of PIVX.org, they don't include the PIVX logo, and the font is wrong. Basically, they ignore the super awesome and easy to follow Social Guide that @Hawtch created, to make it dead easy to elevate 'Fan Art' to a more professional level, consistent with the brand.

That Social Guide is here for reference.
