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Resolved Address backup recovery


How to restore wallet backup? (wallet.dat/wallet.dat.xxxx.bak)

It must be a simple question, but I didn't find a step-by-step guide that solved my situation.

I tried just replacing the wallet.dat file, but it doesn't work. always generates a new address.

Thank you to anyone who can help me.
How to restore wallet backup? (wallet.dat/wallet.dat.xxxx.bak)

Sorry for late reply, the fastest support is on Discord. Try shutting down the wallet.

In your data folder, backup your existing wallet.dat file, name it something like wallet-20240316.dat.

Copy your backup wallet to data folder and rename it to wallet.dat.

Start the wallet and let it sync. If balance is not correct, try the following:

Settings > Debug > Repair wallet > Rescan blockchain file

Data Folder Location
WINDOWS: C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\PIVX
MAC: ~/Library/Application Support/PIVX OR ~/.pivx
LINUX: ~/.pivx
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