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Archived Ale PIVX dev March and April

Name: To be added
Term: 2 Cycles
Cycle Amnt: 30,000
Total Amnt: 60,000
Author: Alessandro Rezzi
Receiver: Alessandro Rezzi
Address: DTqBQRNMCgBexQbrTozQwWe3s9Ld8Hjf19
Created: 3-03-2024
Status: Active
Vote Hash: c88b635f1ca7c8d01c91be1706920b42c57c319999f1f53628851282f70c6656

Proposal info:

This proposal will cover my development cost for the months of March and April. I will continue developing on My Pivx Wallet and, if needed, review new pull requests on the core wallet.

Last proposal update:
This is my first proposal of 2024. The last one I submitted was in December and I ended up doing the following:

MPW unit tests:

MPW has a lot of nice features, but the test coverage was (and still is) limited. Having tests is very important in order to minimize the number of bugs. I submitted many unit tests PRs that can be found here:

MPW Shielding:

I have contributed to MPW shielding feature which has been merged and released in v.1.5.0

Other contributions:
Finally a list of contributions that are more technical:
(https://github.com/PIVX-Labs/MyPIVXWallet/pull/274) Simplify the way in which MPW create transactions
(https://github.com/PIVX-Labs/MyPIVXWallet/pull/269) Simplify the way MPW wallets are imported
(https://github.com/PIVX-Labs/MyPIVXWallet/pull/268) Add immature balance to MPW, i.e. balance that cannot be spent yet
(https://github.com/PIVX-Labs/MyPIVXWallet/pull/266) Make transaction database available also on ledger wallets.
Last edited:
What is the current coverage in MPW for unit tests in % ?
I realize it can be hard to provide an accurate number. I'm just looking for a ball-park.
Update on the proposal:
The month is not finished yet but in the last two weeks (due to exams and stuff) I did not have the time to develop as much as I wanted, so the first payout will cover both March and April and the second will cover May