Alessandro Rezzi
Name: Ale dev Oct./Nov.
Term: 2 Cycles
Cycle Amnt: 32,000
Total Amnt: 64,000
Author: Alessandro Rezzi
Receiver: Alessandro Rezzi
Address: DH2N9umb8P6fvbx8Q5HqfFjjjhcbzpDG5M
Created: 13-09-2023
Status: Active
Vote Hash: c18ab9675b56383f2434c56194b80a2edaef6fae026f4450d87bc9289927382b
Proposal info:
This proposal will cover my development cost for the months of October and November. I will work both on the core wallet toward the release of the v6.0 and on MyPivxWallet. The main changes with respect the previous one is that I am asking for 32000 PIVs/superblock instead of the usual 25000 (since the price is low compared to the usual).
Last proposal update:
In the last two cycles I worked only on the core wallet, here a summary of the most important pull requests:
Librustzcash update:
The librustzcash has been completed and merged! This PR has been actually done almost only by Duddino, I only wrote unit tests. It is very important since it is the basis for shield staking and shield masternodes.
Shield Deterministic Masternodes (SDMNs)
This is the pull request on which I spent the most time on. SDMNs are essentially deterministic masternodes with additional privacy since the the 10kPIV collateral is shielded. At the moment of writing the PR is completed with Proof of Validity + possibility to vote on proposals + big functional and unit test coverage, but not merged yet since reviews are still missing. SMNDs will be a part of v6.0 and they should also be a PIVX first since I am not aware of any crypto having this feature.
Shield Staking:
Co-authored with Duddino, shield staking has also been completed (if you still see it as a draft on github is because I am currently cleaning up commits) and is ready for reviews. With respect to the last proposal I added a huge functional and unit test coverage and Duddino finished writing the optimization on the shield stake proof. As a reminder Shield staking will not be activated on v6.0, but probably on the release after that since the DMN update is already huge.
Finally a list of minor and more technical contributions:
( Clean up and optimize the quorum manager class;
( Implements a cache that will make DMNs code faster;
( Clean up and bug fix on the class that handles chainlocks:
( Update + unit test coverage on the bls batchverifier (which is the class responsible to verify bls-signatures);
( This changes the serializer version on v6 databases, an important step for supporting TOR masternodes.
What I will do in the next two cycles:
Shield support for MPW:
Due to lack of reviewers and bugs that I was not aware of the PR that activates shielding on MPW hasn't been merged yet (which it's a shame since the backend library has been completed months ago). In the next two cycles I will help rewriting and fixing the PR.
I will also finally finish the work on TOR and IPV6 masternodes that I started months ago
Refactoring and optimizing the quorum/llmq/chainlocks code:
It is basically continuing what I started doing in the last two cycles (see the last proposal update)
SDMNs secondary features
While the bulk of the work has been completed there are some secondary features that are still missing on SDMNs (like GUI and support for other special transactions) that I will add in follow-up PRs.
Test the whole v6.0:
In general at this point of development the v6.0 has almost all major features completed, at some point (I hope soon) we will move everything to testnet and try to find as many bugs as possible before releasing.
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