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Any guides or documentation on setting up a lite wallet?


New Pivian
I have a server running a pivx full node on my local network. Ideally I would like it to be used as a dedicated node with my actual wallet being located on my desktop machine (no blockchain) connected as a wallet only. I'm not too familiar with setting up RPC and have found some guides to do this on other blockchains but I haven't been able to find anything specific for PIVX. Is this even possible? I believe I found the commands to configure on the server side (server=1 rpcuser=user rpcpassword=pass rpcallowip=my_desktop_local_ip) but I am not seeing any clear steps to configure pivx core to connect to this on the local side via QT or in CLI. I am running both the host and client on linux. Could someone please point me in the right direction?

The PIVX Core wallet is meant to be a full node, regardless of configuration. However, I believe you can achieve what you want, with the PIVX Lite wallet you can find at MyPIVXwallet.org. By default, it is set to point to a node hosted by PIVX Labs, but I believe you can specify a different node - which would be your own in this case. With MyPIVXwallet.org, you can then use a browser on most any device.

If you need further support, I think you will find the experience better at Discord.PIVX.org, as this forum is not really meant for real-time responses.

Please let us know how you make out!
Thanks, I checked out the MyPIVXwallet and have found a few options (as seen below) to change the node via a dropdown but am not seeing any options to manually input node info. At the bottom I flip the switch to change to advanced mode but at the time this appears to do nothing (not sure if this feature is implement yet). Unless i'm missing something else it appears that this might be more trouble than it's worth to setup if it's even possible at this time. Thank you for your reply, I may keep playing around with this and I will update this post if I find anything new.
Thanks, I checked out the MyPIVXwallet and have found a few options (as seen below) to change the node via a dropdown but am not seeing any options to manually input node info. At the bottom I flip the switch to change to advanced mode but at the time this appears to do nothing (not sure if this feature is implement yet). Unless i'm missing something else it appears that this might be more trouble than it's worth to setup if it's even possible at this time. Thank you for your reply, I may keep playing around with this and I will update this post if I find anything new.
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Sorry for the delay!
Yes you could create your own RPC node to support MPW, but you have to add it then into the source, which is available on https://github.com/pivx-labs/mypivxwallet
I do like the idea of letting a user add a custom one, but then they would need to follow some formats for it (which you still have to do as well for yours) but you would also use the https://github.com/panleone/PivxNodeController to relay between the core wallet rpc and MPW.