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Archived Breakthrough Blockchain Foundation + PIVX Alliance


This is a proposal for funding and an alliance between PIVX and the Breakthrough Blockchain Foundation. It is being posted by SnappySnap on behalf of Dan Neal (of the Breakthrough Blockchain Foundation - more about Dan below).

At a high level - the Breakthrough Blockchain Foundation is a non-profit currently run by Penn State Professor Dan Neal. He is also a military veteran, adjunct professor at ASU, and has many inroads in the computer science/IT departments at universities.

The focus of the breakthrough blockchain foundation: Business, Blockchain, Tutelage and Kinship - the focus being on being a conduit for college students (and soon high school students) to access education, experience, and opportunities in the blockchain/cryptocurrency realms.

The intent of the proposed alliance is to bring PIVX into the forefront of partnership with the breakthrough blockchain foundation. This would position PIVX as the main champion of all endeavors of the BBF, which include: meetups, conferences, seminars, textbooks, online education courses, Tutorship, Senior Projects, and more. Additionally, the goal would be to create direct ties from the university layer into PIVX, to gain experience, as well as provide a myriad of services ranging from:
- use cases for PIVX
- development support
- Academic research
- Marketing
- Business Development

In summary, PIVX would be brought to the various universities as a real world, live use case for various students and programs to study, and work in real time.


Connection to PIVX:
I reached out to Snappy Snap (Bryan) on Twitter after reading/learning a lot about PIVX (as well as both being from Pennsylvania). We quickly began to explore the opportunities in front of us, and have been in constant communication for about 12 months building, planning, and developing what is now the Breakthrough Blockchain Foundation.

Who I Am: Dan Neal

I am a professional technologist and lover of all things problem-solving. From a very early age, I have had a profound desire to learn all there is to know about computers, programming, and technology in general. Starting in junior high and all the way through my master’s degree, expression of problem-solving skills in programming, databases, multi-media and web development have been prevalent.
I have worked with fortune 500 hundred companies to take advantage of the myriad of opportunities that IT presents. From ERP solutions to custom designed e-commerce solutions, to on location green screen videos, if it was IT skills that were needed, I could provide.

I am currently a world campus faculty member at PSU. I have used that time to develop ways to improve student success, not just within the university foundations courses, but across the curriculum and in their respective professional lives. In addition, I am writing my first 2 textbooks, an introduction to information technology and a blockchain focused textbook. The newly created Breakthrough Blockchain Foundation was established earlier this year and has received endorsements of its endeavors from Penn State.

I earned my Master’s degree through Robert Morris University in the field of Information Systems, my Bachelor’s degree from Slippery Rock University in the field of Information Technology, and my Associate’s degree from the International Academy of Design and Technology in the field of computer information management.

I am a former service member, counting 8 years in the military to my credit.

What is the Breakthrough Blockchain Foundation

Breakthrough Blockchain Foundation is a non-profit endeavor and a model for ensuring that the future of blockchain and encouraging the leadership of the United States in this technology, are both shining successes. It emerged from the initial thought of a conference focused on bringing students in US-based educational institutions, specifically starting in the State of Pennsylvania, directly in contact with blockchain projects, to bridge the gap of what is possible now. The high-level goals for the Breakthrough Foundation, in a few words, are:

Business, Blockchain, Tutelage and Kinship.

We want to not only bring awareness to blockchain through education but, our goal is to help the local communities as well.
This concept was born in 2018 with an eye towards highlighting some of the student talent and institutions that we have in the Pennsylvania area, and then expanding outwards. All too often, in my humble opinion, we lose a lot of talented students to other areas because we do not do a good enough job of really spotlighting all of the great things that we have going on. Great industry, great students, great organizations, great educational institutions, and groups really accentuate this wonderful region of the United States.

The foundation will have a few main initiatives which are:
  • Hosting blockchain conferences
  • Developing new educational materials
  • Exploring blockchain infrastructure and mining
  • Establishment of renewable energy
  • Obtaining commercial real estate in economically depressed areas
  • Esports
  • Veterans Support
  • Providing opportunities for students to participate in a diverse range of projects in an incubator-style manner
Through these initiatives, we will provide support for scholarships, angel investing and our veteran based initiatives. As we expand out, we hope to have regular events, seminars, luncheons and can provide contracted analyst services for any interested businesses that wish to explore blockchain for their business or organization. The evolution will be on-going but with the direction and interest that we have at this point, I feel confident that we are on the right path and wish to push our message out to as many people that want to be involved as possible, as part of the event and as part of the foundation.
We have goals of expansion that will include not only highlighting local communities but to also give back to the local cities and communities using these emerging applications of as a beacon to draw other companies and organizations to our area. With this technology, we can be more inclusive and we can do more good. This is the driving focus of not only our event but the foundation that has been born out of the event itself. Our goal is to eventually filter this down to the high school level.

We intend on helping the community through events and also use these events as a springboard to bring business and industry here to the region of Pennsylvania at first. Not only that, but with my service background and one of my associate’s military experiences as well, we want to help current, future and former service members in their integration back into society and their success in business and education.

Another of the main focuses, considering the large veteran presence in the region, is to work with veterans supporting government and private institutions, to bring better treatment, opportunities and organizations that can support the success of these sacrificing and wonderful individuals. To that end, we will be supporting and funding a number of veteran facing organizations that help and support our service members as they transition into civilian life and to help the causes that they find near and dear. One group involved with the event, Leonidas International, a nonprofit dedicated to the transition of veterans suffering from emotional and physical wounds back into society, will be helping to get the word out and to showcase this event to our veteran friends.

BreakThrough Blockchain Inaugural Conference
When: May 29, 30 2020
Where: Penn State (Brandywine Campus)
Large companies have been invited to our event, hosted and sponsored by Penn State University, to bring them together in one venue to not only highlight what our region has to offer but to see what kinds of interesting conversations could come out of that mix of groups and people. The hope and the goals are to get more investment from these businesses and blockchain groups into this area. With the groups that are now showing interest in this event, we have a real opportunity to make that happen.

With Penn State’s involvement and support of the event, this will serve as a beacon to the region as to what is possible with blockchain based events.
We will and are Proud to already have PIVX confirmed (Bryan Doreian) as attending, and will be looking to build out some content for the event with PIVX.

Attendees Confirmed:
Amazon’s Blockchain Team
Amazon AWS Teams
University of Pittsburgh
University of Queensland
Decent Bet
Litecoin Foundation
Legaler ICO
Blockchain Assembly
Silver Bay Capital

We are actively discussing with:
Solar Coin

There will be an on-going series of smaller events to highlight a small set of companies, speakers and projects. The events will be used as a springboard to highlight certain platforms, textbooks, speakers and projects to help to gain interest and awareness in the foundation, it’s educational, philanthropic, professional and commercial endeavors.
With each event, we will be bringing focus to certain industries, projects and community-based organizations that will help to bring awareness to not only their company but to their causes and activities.
The events will purposely be kept small and can be streamed and saved to help to build social media engagement, drive awareness to future events and also as a lead up to the larger events. These events will create a strong following with their intimate nature, highlighting the social and business uses that these technologies can have to help to benefit not only business but people, community and governance in general.

We have a number of interested schools, to include:
Penn State

We will be reaching out to:
University of Colorado
University of Minnesota
Projects Interested:
Litecoin Foundation

A leader in any endeavor is usually one that acts early, they are ahead of the rest of the crowd. Formalized blockchain course materials, events and community partnerships in the higher ed space are limited and unorganized. The opportunity with this event, this foundation and the supporting materials that we are putting together will help to firmly fix Breakthrough Blockchain Foundation as a leader for blockchain in the higher ed space. From course materials to webinars, to events, to consulting, to community partnerships, our foundation will be established as one of the industry leaders for any group that needs educational materials and support.
The following statistics from late last year help to showcase the opportunities that blockchain represents. According to statistics from Burning Glass Technologies, there were about 1,838 job posts related to blockchain in 2016. By the end of 2017, this number had climbed to 3,958. 2018 figures have dwarfed these statistics with over 6,000 vacancies. According to a recent study carried out by Glassdoor, there were 1,775 blockchain-related job-openings advertised during the month of August, and this is in the U.S. alone. This is a 300 percent increase compared to the same period last year.
Once phase one has been established, phase two will lead to disseminating our expertise and materials to secondary ed and businesses to help to create a large base of groups, organizations, and companies interacting with our foundation. At the moment, we are currently engaged in creating one textbook, with 3 more to follow. These materials will be adopted by a number of higher ed institutions, to include Penn State, Arizona State University, Southern New Hampshire University, University of Nevada Las Vegas and Princeton. Once these textbooks are complete, we will begin creating a webinar, virtual lab and other supporting materials for these organizations and their student base to engage with.

We are in the beginning phase to develop a deep relationship with Penn State, their innovation center, their launchpad, the College of IST and the Smeal College of Business to establish a blockchain incubator to highlight any number of projects, platforms, and technologies in the blockchain space. This should also include the revival of the bitcoin club, to have a different name and work towards different blockchain based hackathons, speakers and research initiatives to highlight quality student projects and ideas. Next, we will begin looking towards the secondary education institutions to help to disseminate these materials to underprivileged youth, with the goal to be to help them attain skills, education, scholarships and ultimately, an ability to be better positioned to succeed with a quality career in blockchain and the IT space.

My role will be to lead and spearhead the creation and oversite of the materials for the various outlets. I will also be working to build more relationships with existing supporting schools and new ones to continue to grow the network. I will be looking to add new staff to help in these endeavors, in addition to the soon to be created steering committee who will help to advise on the various agenda items and direction of the foundation.

Based on the roadmap from the previous section, there are a number of items that will be addressed with the foundation, that we look forward to partnering with PIVX around as an integral part of these endeavors.
  1. Be a leader in the blockchain higher ed space
  2. Provide incubators, laboratories, and conduits to PIVX. Essentially, beginning to establish a funnel of students looking to get into the blockchain realm, into a arena where they could work on various projects that would support, grow, and utilize PIVX.
  3. This would range from devs, marketing, business development, application development, media, and more.
  4. Be a leader in the blockchain secondary ed space
  5. This would funnel from the above, where university students would begin to partner back into the high school system, creating clubs, and courses.
  6. Creation of blockchain clubs at colleges and universities
  7. Introduction to department chairs, provosts, departmental leadership and other business/educational institutions to help to further the mission of increasing visibility and adoption of agenda and materials.
  8. Create course materials for action items 1&2 to include:
  9. Textbooks
  10. Assignments
  11. Multi-media
  12. Virtual lab environments
  13. Create veteran friendly and supportive initiatives
  14. Create community-based outreach programs to help enrich the regions we are active in
  15. Engage with various technology organizations to help to form partnerships where appropriate
  16. Encourage the relocation and creation of projects to the areas we are active in to create more and better jobs
  17. Be an advocate and lobbyist with various state and local governments to create blockchain friendly initiatives, investment and laws/regulation which will support the growth of the technology
  18. Create various blockchain scholarship and investment opportunities for students and start-ups
  19. Increase visibility through the creation of educational events, conferences, hackathons and job fairs.
  20. Introduction to Investment Banking, Fintech, energy, real estate and other technology-related projects.
  21. Clone our accelerator programs where appropriate
  22. Creation of partnerships that will lead to new products, services, projects and businesses centered around blockchain, esports, casino gaming, energy and commercial real estate.
  1. A lot of the focus for working with PIVX initially will be uncovering, exploring, and implementing ways in which university students can work with PIVX. At the onset, we will be:
  2. Establishing a working core of 3-5 students who can liaison with a project manager from PIVX.
  3. This initial core will begin to frame projects and funnel more students over the next 6-9 months. The goal is multi-faceted. To provide students with the opportunity to work directly with one of the leading and pioneering blockchain projects, PIVX. To provide PIVX with direct access to resources, talent, and a swath of opportunity into the university and academic realms.
  4. These projects that we plan on developing range from:
  5. Application development utilizing PIVX core (Ancillary applications highlighting the use case of and for PIVX).
  6. Electron and other wallet designs for simpler use and interface
  7. Social Media and PR work
  8. Academic research and writing about PIVX and its core technology, advancements, and blockchain firsts.
  9. Business Development
  10. Other to be explored opportunities for students.
  11. We will also be looking to highlight/showcase the PIVX codebase to the various blockchain/crypto clubs on campus (And one’s being established) as a world-class blockchain to know and understand.
  12. With this, we will be looking to create and establish training and teaching materials around and for PIVX.
Orientation Module:
Welcome to Your Online Campus
Module 1:
Welcome to blockchain technology
Module 2:
PIVX scaling
Module 3:
Identity protection with PIVX, how is it done?
do other Blockchains do it?
Module 4:
Desktop, paper wallets, why?
Module 5:
Using PIVX to design new types of digital platforms
Module 6:
The future of blockchain technology, AI, and digital privacy
Some proposed potential courses with students completing:
Core Units
BLK001 Develop a blockchain business model
BLK002 Create trust and activate a blockchain with smart contracts
BLK003 Develop a framework for operating a blockchain network
BLK004 Develop a strategic network framework for interoperability
Elective Units
BLK005 Develop a blockchain governance model for stewardship
BLK006 Analyze the performance of a business model deployed on a blockchain
As a sample of some of the educational initiatives, an assignment might look like:
Assignment 1
Written Portion
1 - Hash functions
Suppose Mallory is launching a new ‘secure’ messaging app. When Alice installs the app, it creates an account for her on the server using a hash of her phone number. The app then queries the server by sending a hash of each phone number in Alice’s contacts to learn which of Alice’s friends are already on the platform. The goal is that users can discover their friends without the server learning the contents of every user’s address book.
Assuming phone numbers are 10 digits, explain why this does not achieve the intended security goal. How can Mallory act maliciously to determine the phone numbers of every one of Alice’s contacts?
2 - Signatures
Signature schemes allow for public-key message authentication, meaning that both the integrity and provenance of a message can be checked. However, they are often computationally expensive to compute, especially over large messages.
Given a secure signature scheme and a collision-resistant hash function, explain how you could construct a new secure signature scheme wherein the signature scheme can operate over a smaller input, and informally justify the security of this new scheme. Include an overview of the Sign and Verify operations.
3 - Proof-of-Work
Suppose instead of the existing proof-of-work, Bitcoin required n sequential hashes of a block to prove that n iterations of sha256 had been computed.
Explain why this construction is infeasible.
4 - Bitcoin
Explain qualitatively why the verification of a transaction in the most recently broadcast block is less reliable than one in a block a few prior to the most recent block.
Coding Portion
QR Code Generator:
Imagine that you will be sending and receiving messages that need to be encrypted. You will be using a public/private key approach to securing the data. The Public and Private key pair comprise of two uniquely related cryptographic keys (basically long random numbers). Below is an example of a Public Key:
3048 0241 00C9 18FA CF8D EB2D EFD5 FD37 89B9 E069 EA97 FC20 5E35 F577 EE31 C4FB C6E4 4811 7D86 BC8F BAFA 362F 922B F01B 2F40 C744 2654 C0DD 2881 D673 CA2B 4003 C266 E2CD CB02 0301 0001
The Public Key is what its name suggests - Public. It is made available to everyone via a publicly accessible repository or directory. On the other hand, the Private Key must remain confidential to its respective owner.
Because the key pair is mathematically related, whatever is encrypted with a Public Key may only be decrypted by its corresponding Private Key and vice versa. For example, if Bob wants to send sensitive data to Alice, and wants to be sure that only Alice may be able to read it, he will encrypt the data with
Alice’s Public Key. Only Alice has access to her corresponding Private Key and as a result is the only person with the capability of decrypting the encrypted data back into its original form.
As only Alice has access to her Private Key, it is possible that only Alice can decrypt the encrypted data. Even if someone else gains access to the encrypted data, it will remain confidential as they should not have access to Alice’s Private Key.
You will be writing 2 php scripts.
1 - The first part will take a user-supplied URL, encrypt it and generate a QR code. Save that URL to your computer.
2 - Write another php script that will allow the user to upload the QR code, unencrypt the data in the QR code and take the browser to that address.

We will, throughout the duration of this proposal, provide back to the PIVX community the following:
  • A monthly, written reporting of the updates, developments, successes, and ongoing work of our efforts.
  • Provide weekly status updates to include things like meetings, sponsors, contacts and event updates
  • Available for a monthly call with the community to provide updates as well.
With all of these projects and initiatives, we will require some budget to get started. This will include the tools, personnel and travel/meeting expenses required to make these items able to be completed in a timely manner.
Breakthrough Blockchain Foundation is requesting a 9-month commitment for the following monthly bequest:
Budget ItemCost
Marketing Materials and Memberships15%
Total7500 PIVX/mo
We would also hope that as we arrived towards the conclusion of the 9-month commitment, that both parties would look to renew/create another proposal, to continue the work and foundations laid during the prior 9 months.

Funding for this proposal is 7500 PIV per month, for 9 months.
We are not asking for any additional PIV for reimbursement of proposal submission fees.

Therefore we are asking for a total of 67,500 PIV or 7500 PIV for 9 months.

mnbudgetvote many 84fcb45417aa5bfb06dcfadb844979d56824af6443197465e784c59cfa0b3793 yes
(to vote in favor)

mnbudgetvote many 84fcb45417aa5bfb06dcfadb844979d56824af6443197465e784c59cfa0b3793 no
(to vote against)
Last edited:
Totally awesome proposal. I have been following this for a while as I am working with our University in Central Queensland AU to get them to engage such a program and snet what was online to them some time ago.

This is the future for DLT. Education. You can engage with thousands of people in one collective very quickly. And we need DEVs, entrepreneurs and creators for the new economy. The will innovate or take it to their workplaces and blend the old with the new.

At a fairly recent webinar I attended online Henry Arslanian, Head Global Crypto Operations, PwC said there is an urgent need for far greater university participation and education. Algorand have just announces an incredible program for universities.

Great work guys wish you all the best on this one.
Totally awesome proposal. I have been following this for a while as I am working with our University in Central Queensland AU to get them to engage such a program and snet what was online to them some time ago.

This is the future for DLT. Education. You can engage with thousands of people in one collective very quickly. And we need DEVs, entrepreneurs and creators for the new economy. The will innovate or take it to their workplaces and blend the old with the new.

At a fairly recent webinar I attended online Henry Arslanian, Head Global Crypto Operations, PwC said there is an urgent need for far greater university participation and education. Algorand have just announces an incredible program for universities.

Great work guys wish you all the best on this one.

Hey @Gordon1770! Thanks for the feedback!

Would love to chat! I have a feeling we can explore the possibility of leveraging BBF and the alliances and partnerships with universities here in the States with those Down Under!
Hey @Gordon1770! Thanks for the feedback!

Would love to chat! I have a feeling we can explore the possibility of leveraging BBF and the alliances and partnerships with universities here in the States with those Down Under!

I have sent the proposal to the Team at Rocketshoes.io (building on NEM but working heavily in the UNIVERSITY ed space) and to Kieren Nolan the teacher at the Wooranna Park Primary - known as the BITCOIN School - a champion technologist who knows and has used PIVX - Listen to their schools journey here https://player.vimeo.com/video/344025336
I have sent the proposal to the Team at Rocketshoes.io (building on NEM but working heavily in the UNIVERSITY ed space) and to Kieren Nolan the teacher at the Wooranna Park Primary - known as the BITCOIN School - a champion technologist who knows and has used PIVX - Listen to their schools journey here https://player.vimeo.com/video/344025336
Hello @Gordon1770, I'd be happy to connect with you on this. Definitely excited to discuss any potential for involvement and working together.
Have not seen ANY reporting yet, even though monthly and weekly reporting was promised.
Have not seen any progress yet either.
Funds are really tight this month. This proposal is the most expensive aside from the developer proposal.
So, without any update/report, it is a pretty good target for not being paid.
Would hate to see that if things are actually happening and they just have not been reported out yet.
Have not seen ANY reporting yet, even though monthly and weekly reporting was promised.
Have not seen any progress yet either.
Funds are really tight this month. This proposal is the most expensive aside from the developer proposal.
So, without any update/report, it is a pretty good target for not being paid.
Would hate to see that if things are actually happening and they just have not been reported out yet.
Hi Eric,

Thanks for checking in. Yes, things are happening and have been reported. I'd be happy to fill you in if you wished to setup a time to chat.

Best Regards,
Have not seen ANY reporting yet, even though monthly and weekly reporting was promised.
Have not seen any progress yet either.
Funds are really tight this month. This proposal is the most expensive aside from the developer proposal.
So, without any update/report, it is a pretty good target for not being paid.
Would hate to see that if things are actually happening and they just have not been reported out yet.
Hello Eric,

So everyone is aware, here is the list that was forwarded for review and the things that the foundation is currently working on. Many good things to report and much progress is being made on all fronts.

1. Pursuing partnerships with Penn State, ASU, CCAC and Pitt in relation to foundation related activities. I am currently beginning development on a couple of information security classes for ASU that will highlight PIVX and the tools for development. I will be making use of the information technology These courses will be looking to deploy in spring of 2020. At Penn State, we will be working towards furthering a relationship with the college of IST to make use of blockchain classes at main campus. To that end, I've had one meeting with Dean Sears of the college of IST and the Dean of the college of Smeal. At Pitt, we are holding an event and will be looking to use that as a springboard to developing some courses. At CCAC, I will be making use of blockchain and more specifically PIVX, in my intro to information technology course.
2. Bryan and I will be starting on our blockchain for business book in the next week or two, which will highlight PIVX and it's various uses in business and what blockchain in general is. There should be an ample opportunity to highlight forks off of the PIVX platform as well. This book will be used at ASU
3. We are orchestrating a series of events, educational in nature, at Pitt, Penn State and Duke University. We are working on themed events for each location and will be highlighting PIVX at each event. Our first event will be a meetup later this month, which will be attended by BNYMellon, Litecoin Foundation and Digibyte, among others.
4. We are working on a series accelerator activities, building a pay-wall platform which can encourage the foundation of relationships between businesses, PIVX, students and educational institutions to encourage students to use PIVX but also to develop projects on the PIVX platform. This will include regular virtual meetings, at least one per month, to introduce interesting projects and interact with those in the meeting. This will also include an e-newsletter, telegram and other social media channels. We are working on some marketing ideas which will pump up the numbers on our channels, including our new Instagram account.
5. We are securing working partnerships with PSU and ASU in regard to students being exposed to and encouraged to work with the foundation and with PIVX to create projects and to diffuse the platform through the various blockchain, esports and technology clubs. This is another initiative that is actively being pursued. The Dean of the college of IT at PSU Brandywine is working on securing student talent to work with and be exposed to the PIVX environment. In addition, the Dean of the college of IT at ASU is also working on implementing this in conjunction with the technology club there, the Nerd Herd.

Any feedback is welcome and look forward to reporting more information.
I believe things have been being reported, but there was some confusion on where to report. I've had chats with Dan and Bryan - and I think some really cool things are coming out of this in the near future. I look forward to seeing what comes of this.
First meetup in Pittsburgh coming September 3rd, Bryan is slated to be in attendance. Here is the meetup link, this is gaining traction quite nicely:

Also working on finalizing details on the Pitt and Duke events, times, agenda to follow shortly.
As another update, here goes:

1. Will be starting a series of weekly meetings next week with Bryan and John as it relates to ASU and their blockchain initiatives.
2. We are planning a November event @ ASU, dates to be selected shortly.
3. Working on a partnership with the University of Pittsburgh, more to report soon.
4. Selected the 17th of October for an event at Duke University. Will be providing a deck for the event here in the next day or two.
5. Working on establishing a relationship with the BNYMellon blockchain team and their lead, introduction to their lead over to Bryan.
6. Will be finalizing the Pitt blockchain event time over the next week or two, looking towards November
I am very excited to make this next update, much is happening and everything is coming into focus:

1. We had our first meetup, great event. Both Bryan and Dr. Wilmer from the University of Pittsburgh presented. A great time and a great start for our events.
2. Event date at Duke University is set, October 10th, more to come on that front
3. Several dates to choose from at Arizona State University, in the month of November. Will have a final date on that event this week or next at the latest.
4. Beginning work with ASU to introduce PIVX to the university community, of which we are starting with the Nerd Herd, the technology club there. We are having weekly meetings, along with Bryan, to consider how we can use the foundation as an accelerator and incubator. In addition, we will be exploring student workers and internship programs for the PIVX ecosystem.
5. Had a great meeting with the fund raising department at the University of Pittsburgh. More discussion centering around Dr. Wilmer's peer reviewed blockchain publication, https://ledgerjournal.org/ojs/index.php/ledger and how PIVX and the foundation can partner/work in conjunction with that outlet.

More to come, but a lot of good stuff already coming into focus!!!
Another update:

1. Duke event will include some local press and push from the University.
2. After our meeting with ASU yesterday, Bryan and I will be working to formulate an incubator/accelerator to funnel ASU student talent through the university over the next few weeks. The Nerd Herd has expressed interest in supplying student talent to work on blockchain related endeavors and wants a submission of a formal plan which Bryan and I will be working on.
3. University of Pittsburgh, after our meeting last week, has also expressed in an interest in supplying student talent in an accelerator/incubator format. That same plan will be sent to the University of Pittsburgh as well.
4. Chris Wilmer, faculty member at the University of Pittsburgh, has a peer reviewed blockchain publication, which has an interest in working with PIVX on supplying material for publication and review.
5. Final date with ASU will be the 21st or 22nd of November, with there being a leaning towards the 22nd of November.