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Ended Content Strategist Nov/Dec '24

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Staff member
Name: CSJNov24
Term: 2 cycles
Cycle Amount: 10719
Total Amount: 21,438
Author: @LeacyMcK
Receiver: @LeacyMcK
Address: DKoMmw3NhxCx46mdrkASh9LqEpC1nMuxov
Created: Nov 10th, 2024
Status: Active

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Please find my prior work/recent highlights of September and October work here:

Content Strategist; Cross marketing with exchanges and 3rd party services, planning and implementation of events.โ€จ-
Lead for PIVX official, PIVXcommunity, Medium, Instagram and now BlueSky. Content creator. Community and Social Team lead and cheerleader.
Founder of Privacy Roundtable in which PIVX (Yenechar) is an active speaker.

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- Planning Privacy Roundtable's December event, guest speaker has been planned and booked, working on topics and date.
- Completion of Travala's month long contest will occur on Nov 15th, winners will be announced in a cross-marketed event. I will pay out the winners from the set aside 2000 PIV from the slush fund.
- Complete and submit Binance Report.
- Complete working with Bouilla on WebSummit event, I will write a follow-up summarization of the time he spent there and publish in Medium and perhaps PIVX.org.
- Continue to work with clem so he has everything he needs to write his informative, well written articles for PIVX. Keeping on top of articles to make sure they are published with graphics in a timely manner we've come up with a routine so that everything flows well between Clem, Meerkat and myself. Chosen articles will be published to PIVX.org also.
- Will continue to support PIVXLabs with weekly created posts.
- Plan Decemberโ€™s Privacy Rountable event. Guest speaker is booked.
- I have started to work on the this year's Christmas contest which will be held via PIVX official for the first time in 6 years! I have asked JSKitty if he would collaborate with me for the daily gifts which will see us using PIVX promo. There will also be 1-2 large gifts of PIV for the grand prize and we may be using PIVcards gift certificates as well. Meerkat and RedByrd will also be collaborating with me in creating magical holiday like scenes for the event. We will need 2. This contest will be promoted on all socials, entrants will be encouraged to reply in their natie language.
- Started to work with WhiteBit for a Giveaway event they have planned. This will be cross-marketed to their audience as well as PIVX's. Will follow up with more news when plans have been set.
-Follow-up posts will be completed for the Tool Box and PIVX documents. PalmTree gave me metrics to add to them.

Should you have any questions please reach out to me in Discord.PIVX.org.
Unfortunately I tried once again to leave my past proposal open for constructive criticism, comments, and questions only to find that it once again got filled with anything but. Having to defend myself every other month while also seeing my amazing team mates having to come to my defence is just plain sad, and I for one don't want to have them waste their talented energy or mine on doing this anymore. It has been 2 years.

Thank you for taking the time to read my proposal. There may be more work added as I am missing a couple entries.
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- November's Privacy Roundtable with lead dev from Zcash went well. Received 2 requests from other privacy projects to be a guest on the show.
- November's contest with Travala ended, the 2 winners were paid their 1000 PIV each. Plans to cross-promote with Travala in the Spring are in the works.
- Web Summit went well, Bouilla met with https://trusteeglobal.eu/ team, https://www.coca.xyz/ and other projects, he sent some info to Jeffrey. Bouilla also met with a
PIVX community member who has a large following on TikTok and has been a great supporter of PIVX which went well.
- Cross promoted with ChangeNow.

- Binance reached out requesting a 6-month report but when I looked into it more I found that I had submitted the larger report 5 months previously. When I questioned
this I found that the staff we reported to had changed, and the new liaison couldn't find the past reports I had been submitting. Upon finding them and updating
themselves with PIVX through the reports, they announced I didn't have to report every month anymore, only occasionally. :)!!

- @clem and I have gotten into good work flow where it feels like he has been writing for PIVX forever. With @Meerkat's eagerness and creativity to assist us, we do well
getting the articles published without delay. I publish all PIVX related articles to PIVX.org.
- Clem had asked the team what kind of articles we would like to see him write, one suggestion I had was 'How To' articles. With these along with the excellent how to
videos that @RedByrd and @Hawtch are creating, PIVX is making a strong comeback.

- Planned Christmas contest which is running at present time. Many thanks to @JSKitty, @Meerkat and @RedByrd for their help with the PIVX promo gift code, Graphic and animation of graphic. Contest runs to Christmas morning.

- Sent the PIV to Jeffrey for the USD needed for CoinBureau. Sent request to change the article to Coin Bureau on Dec 16th.

- MeileDVPN introduced themselves to me via PIVX Twitter. After researching and learning more about them we participated in a cross-marketing event. MeileDVPN is a
decentralized VPN solution powered by @SentinelDVPN. For a new project (Jan 2023) our joint promotions did well.

- I recently reached out to Naomi Brockwell [https://naomibrockwell.com/] about being a guest on Privacy Roundtable in the early part of 2025 and she said YES! (This is a dream come true for me.) Naomi is a world renowned privacy advocate and educator, recently interviewed by John Stossel.

- December's Privacy Roundtable was held on the 18th with special guest from Tornado Cash. At present time all recordings are kept saved on Twitter and also available on Firo YouTube, I need to find a home for PIVians to go to. The cloud is full.

- Currently working with SwapZone on a possible promotion if the article topic they want us to share is pertinent to PIVX or at least privacy.

Social posts to follow below. Thank you for reading.

Update of some that I forgot.

- Reached out to coinmarketcap to get verified as the account holder of their community feed so that I can add a banner and reply to comments once in awhile. Many thanks to @Sigge who does well replying and encouraging the community to also.
- Promotion with marketing in the works with MieleDVPN for January

A lot of my work is hard to measure in time and necessity. When projects or businesses come to PIVX it is usually @Jeffrey and I that are the ones that DYOR.
Eg. Recently I researched a project that wanted PIVX to cross-promote with them as they said they would add PIVX if we did. "LabX is a shared node platform that allows users to own fractions of a node while still earning rewards. https://www.labxnodes.com/ " Due to them being relatively new to the scene (8 mths old) and seeing that there appears to be a little too much risk vs the rewards they are offering, we had to say no at present time.

Dec 21 -Re: coinmarketcap community feed.
They set me up so that I would have access to the site, only they set it up with an incorrect email. privx.org they wrote. Waiting for them to fix this issue then I have to verify PIVX 2 more times per their request and we shall have full access to the page.
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Update re: CMC feed.
I sent a request on Dec 18th to get access to their feed so that I could reply at times to comments made, add a banner and other fun things. They replied on Dec 20th with instructions to get verified only they created the wrong email to the account, using privx.org vs pivx.org that I sent the email from. I have just sent the 2nd email to them to fix this.
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