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Archived Core DevOps Fuzz Q1 2024


Core Developer
Staff member
Title: Core DevOps Fuzz (Q1 2024)
Name: CoreDevOps-Fuzz-Q124
Term: 3 Cycles
Cycle Amnt: 15000 PIV
Total Amnt: 45000 PIV
Author: Fuzzbawls
Receiver: Fuzzbawls
Address: DBh9o9uRGohcDKpeiEyRiwtmTaTL3xDdev
Created: 2024-01-08
Status: Active
Vote Hash: 519ff1a4c44d2916fec3aa9ae3870f6901a449ce28c25762d3699343aa60437b


This document outlines the funding and responsibilities for myself as a PIVX Core Dev and one of the maintainers of the PIVX-Project GitHub organization.


As a Core Dev, my responsibilities include the following:
  • Review and test code submissions (PRs) for viability, accuracy, and compliance with our code standards
  • Research and develop code improvements (my particular area-of-focus revolves around build systems
  • Research and backport upstream improvements
  • Provide timely gitian sigs for releases, release candidates, and test releases
  • Assist in support team and exchange troubleshooting
Additionally, my own responsibilities that I have been undertaking include the following:
  • Primary maintainer of the gitian.sigs and pivx-detached-sigs repositories
  • macOS code signing for all macOS desktop software releases (PIVX-Core, SPMT, PET4L)
  • macOS 11+ (Apple Silicon) build and deployment compatibility (ongoing project)
  • Ubuntu PPA maintainer, ensuring that new release versions are pushed and that nightly builds are properly built (https://launchpad.net/~pivx)
  • Maintainer of BerkeleyDB v4 Ubuntu PPA
  • Rust toolchain maintainer (as of PR #2872, this is no longer in effect currently, but still being watched)
  • Chiabls 3rd party library build system integration and maintenance (https://github.com/PIVX-Project/bls-signatures)
  • Snapcraft maintainer (nightly and release versions) (https://snapcraft.io/pivx-core)
  • Run and maintain four (4) DNS seeders (2 for testnet, 2 for mainnet)
  • Monitor and maintain budget finalization (whilst paying to finalize) cycles.
  • Track network/protocol upgrades and provide visual stats when necessary (https://seeder.fuzzbawls.pw/pivx/network)
  • Maintain the Doxygen developer documentation (updated nightly when needed) (https://www.fuzzbawls.pw/pivx/doxygen/)
  • Maintain the code coverage report (updated nightly when needed) (https://www.fuzzbawls.pw/pivx/regression-test-coverage/)
  • Coordinate and provide tracking (including historical data) for exchange/service update responsiveness
  • Transifex (core wallet translation) management and integration (https://app.transifex.com/pivx-project)
  • Build systems compliance and maintenance for multiple host OSes and toolchains
  • Maintain three (3) SPMT public RPC endpoint nodes
  • Maintain a testnet blockbook explorer (https://testnet.fuzzbawls.pw/)
  • Six (6) dedicated testnet MN nodes to ensure testnet always has the minimum number of MNs required
  • Two (2) dedicated testnet staking nodes to ensure testnet's chain continues moving at all times
  • Github org management (teams, permissions, repository rules)
  • PIVX Forum Proposal moderation (ensuring that proposal posts are prefixed/moved according to their on-network status)
  • Supporting other PIVX teams in areas where GitHub is involved (website, docs, etc)

The funding I am asking for to cover the continued duties and responsibilities listed above is 15000 PIV per cycle. The above lists are extensive in nature, but not exhaustive, and minor or nuanced tasks may not be listed. DevOps covers a rather broad range of tasks that, if done well, should really not be noticeable from an outside perspective.

Donations and Receiving of Additional Funds

Any funds received by the proposal payout address from any source other than the PIVX network’s in-built budget distribution system will be considered as donations.


Qt GUI wallet users can use the built in DAO page to cast their votes. For console users, use one of the below commands.

To vote yes:
mnbudgetvote many 519ff1a4c44d2916fec3aa9ae3870f6901a449ce28c25762d3699343aa60437b yes

To vote no:
mnbudgetvote many 519ff1a4c44d2916fec3aa9ae3870f6901a449ce28c25762d3699343aa60437b no
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Setting up my Master nodes. These will be my very first votes.
Thanks, would be greatly appreciated.

Especially since it seems my proposal is being intentionally downvoted (again) without just cause nor explanation.
It is strange that with so many NO votes, there isn't any feedback provided here to explain the issues. That just leaves all of us guessing.

I'm guessing the down votes are because a whale or 2, don't understand the huge amount of work that goes in DevOps, and that it largely isn't covered by PRs. So, it can't be judged based on the number of, or complexity of, PRs submitted.

In most projects, DevOps is considered a 'Necessary Evil' that Developers must each share responsibility for. However, PIVX is lucky to have Fuzzbawls who excels at it, and takes on the responsibility, often spending much more time than he is paid for. This makes is far more fun, efficient and productive for Core Developers, as they don't need to do any DevOps, and can focus on developing the PIVX Core wallet. That makes it easier to attract new developers, and bring them up to speed on how things are done at PIVX, by capturing that in the CI/CD (Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery) that processes Fuzzbawls maintains.

Because Fuzzbawls also does Core Development, albeit a smaller part of his responsibilities, he can review PRs. We already are struggling to move forward with merging some PRs, because we don't have enough Developers to review. Without Fuzzbawls, Core Development will slow down immediately from lack of reviewers, and over time, slow down as DevOps technical debt builds.

Fuzzbawls is one of THE MOST TRUSTED PIVians here, so imagine the message being sent to Developers considering joining PIVX when they see an important proposal, from a very talented and highly trusted, long term PIVian, who isn't even asking for much funding, get voted down with zero explanation. I'm sure it chases them away. We can't possibly know how often that has already happened, but it obviously hurts PIVX.

So, whoever you are, please provide feedback. Create an anonymous user account here on the forum if needed. Odds are this is all just a misunderstanding that can easily be cleared up with some simple feedback.

Fuzzbawls is the constant PIVX has needed and continues to need as it grows forward. Fuzzbawls isn't flashy and tends to work quietly in the background, but work he does!
We are in need of a C++ dev. Who will join PIVX when they see their lead dev being voted down without reason?
Just over a year ago, PIVX embarked on a major change to the rewards system. This of course required consensus. Not just from the Masternode Owners, but also from the Community itself. This was no easy task, and took months before we were able to obtain an informal, but obvious major consensus to accept the proposed change.

During that process, Fuzzbawls was quietly watching it play out, NOT imposing his personal opinions, and ready to accept what the Community decided.

That much, most people know.

What most people don't know, is that Fuzzbawls was also ready to block any demands to release code with the new rewards, if the Community consensus had not been obtained. He was, and still is, ready to fight for PIVX, no matter what the pressure. That characteristic is rare, and has HUGE value in the PIVX DAO.

This is what we mean, when we explain that the PIVX DAO is not just comprised of MN votes. Every PIVian is part of the DAO. The MNOs can decide the flow of Treasury funds, but in a project that is built on a massive amount of Volunteer hours, everyone should have a say.

So, as PIVians, we all owe a great deal of respect to Fuzzbawls. Even though you may not own a Masternode and can't vote, you can still help by spreading the word across socials. Please do your best to motivate the Masternode Owners that often don't vote, to vote YES for his proposal.

Fuzzbawls was ready to fight for the PIVX Community, all by himself. So, I think it is only fair that the Community now does what they can, to fight for him.

Keep it purple people!
Thank you for your words and support!

Some might not know this, but March 8th will be my **SEVEN YEAR** anniversary working for PIVX. That is longer than many projects are even alive/relevant in the crypto space.

I wasn't part of the original development team, but rather joined initially as a volunteer outside contributor like many others that have come (and gone) since. That volunteer period didn't last very long, as a couple of the existing devs I had worked with on prior projects, and was quickly added to the budget payroll. Once that happened, I stopped all freelance work to focus solely on PIVX, which is where I've been and still remain all these years later.

These past seven years have not always been smooth sailing, after all, nothing is great **ALL** the time. I've been here through several organizational and team changes. I stepped up as dev team lead when S3ven left and completely restructured the (at the time) personal `PIVX-Project` github account into the organization account we have today that allows for multiple members/teams and granular control over access permissions. At the same time I also took over the responsibility of the dev team budget. What was previously vague and non-concise was made completely transparent as to exactly where funds were going.

It is really unfortunate that we're in the current situation of having a MNO purposely sabotaging vital proposals (not just mine) for reasons unrelated to what the proposals outline as work being done. This careless act puts critical infrastructure, services, expertise, resources, and knowledge at risk of being lost; as well as creates a hostile environment and dissuades would-be contributors from participating.
It is really unfortunate that we're in the current situation of having a MNO purposely sabotaging vital proposals (not just mine) for reasons unrelated to what the proposals outline as work being done. This careless act puts critical infrastructure, services, expertise, resources, and knowledge at risk of being lost; as well as creates a hostile environment and dissuades would-be contributors from participating.
That level of entitlement is why I'm glad people have voted the proposal down but again I'm pretty sure it's Eric creating the idea of a dao charade. Your role maybe needed but everyone is replacable for someone to fill those shoes.

Your lack of commits and work shown for months and months is why you should be voted out. The last devs who are no longer with us due to I won't get into again discussions, removed you from their proposals as you were not pulling your weight then and you certainly have not been for months.

I can put quotes from current devs that say your the bottle neck when it comes to core commits which is why they prefer working for labs but why stir shit up.

*prediction* votes change last minute, Eric writes a speech thanking people for changing their minds. Dao charade continues.

Look at your work that can be seen for the masternode voters to decide if to vote yes or no and see if you feel this is enough? Maybe abit of self reflection is what you need instead of insulting voters who you say are purposely sabotaging proposals. NO that is not the reason. The reason is no/little work is being done to warrant your funds or other proposals that have been voted down.

To everyone. Learn from this, don't expect and feel entitled for funds. Show your worth and the votes will follow.
If his role is needed, which I agree, and you imply you agree with too ... wouldn't it be prudent to find a replacement first? So, WTF?

Lack of commits? Most ... 90% ... of what Fuzzbawls does is Dev Ops, which does NOT involve commits!

The 'last devs' were awesome at writing code. They were terrible at 'team building' and communication. Since they left, PIVX Labs has flourished. So has PIVX. With the 'last devs' still here, PIVX Labs would never have happened. The new rewards structure wouldn't have either. PIVX would be dead. Is that really the logic path you are fighting for?

PIVX is responsible for people's money. Having 'policies and procedures' in place is critical for those reasons. The fact that Fuzz is a 'bottle neck' is simply because he is requiring more reviewers etc. That protects the devs, PIVX, AND the investors. To correct the 'bottle neck' we need MORE devs on the team. Not less. Your actions make the scenario WORSE! Imagine what potential new developers think when they see your actions? They run!

I'm sorry - but it is time to call it out. Your brain is 'broke' Gerrald. You are a HUGE 'weight' slowing down PIVX. You are acting 100% on roid-rage emotion and ZERO logic. I'm sure your personal life is suffering because of it, and now you are impacting all PIVians too. It is both disgusting and sad at the same time. In a way, I am sorry for calling you out like that. But it is true. Face it. Only then can your life turn around.

I remember Cryptosi calling me out for not 'teaching you' when you are wrong, and instead 'slamming you'. Frankly, I agree with his ethics, but long ago, way before he made that point, I realized you can't be 'taught'. You need to be 'run over' and pushed to the bottom unfortunately. You are like an alcoholic who has to lose EVERYTHING before they wake up and turn their life around. When you do, we will be here ready to help you climb back up. I mean that.

I'm going to finish with a mini 'leak' to an upcoming 'bomb'.

There is an opportunity that hit our radar just last week. It will be made public ASAP. But, right now, YOU are threatening it. I clearly see 2 possible outcomes. 1) You kill the deal, and it will be YOUR legacy. 2) You wake the F up, and the deal happens and we ALL benefit immensely.

Your move genius.
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If his role is needed, which I agree, and you imply you agree with too ... wouldn't it be prudent to find a replacement first? So, WTF?

Lack of commits? Most ... 90% ... of what Fuzzbawls does is Dev Ops, which does NOT involve commits!

The 'last devs' were awesome at writing code. They were terrible at 'team building' and communication. Since they left, PIVX Labs has flourished. So has PIVX. With the 'last devs' still here, PIVX Labs would never have happened. The new rewards structure wouldn't have either. PIVX would be dead. Is that really the logic path you are fighting for?

PIVX is responsible for people's money. Having 'policies and procedures' in place is critical for those reasons. The fact that Fuzz is a 'bottle neck' is simply because he is requiring more reviewers etc. That protects the devs, PIVX, AND the investors. To correct the 'bottle neck' we need MORE devs on the team. Not less. Your actions make the scenario WORSE! Imagine what potential new developers think when they see your actions? They run!

I'm sorry - but it is time to call it out. Your brain is 'broke' Gerrald. You are a HUGE 'weight' slowing down PIVX. You are acting 100% on roid-rage emotion and ZERO logic. I'm sure your personal life is suffering because of it, and now you are impacting all PIVians too. It is both disgusting and sad at the same time. In a way, I am sorry for calling you out like that. But it is true. Face it. Only then can your life turn around.

I remember Cryptosi calling me out for not 'teaching you' when you are wrong, and instead 'slamming you'. Frankly, I agree with his ethics, but long ago, way before he made that point, I realized you can't be 'taught'. You need to be 'run over' and pushed to the bottom unfortunately. You are like an alcoholic who has to lose EVERYTHING before they wake up and turn their life around. When you do, we will be here ready to help you climb back up. I mean that.

I'm going to finish with a mini 'leak' to an upcoming 'bomb'.

There is an opportunity that hit our radar just last week. It will be made public ASAP. But, right now, YOU are threatening it. I clearly see 2 possible outcomes. 1) You kill the deal, and it will be YOUR legacy. 2) You wake the F up, and the deal happens and we ALL benefit immensely.

Your move genius.
Wow a deal!! What deal is effected so much from fuzzbawls proposal????

Maybe if information was shared so masternode owners knew votes would reflect that?


Does everyone in the discord know? All that shows is the private chats some people are having which has been discussed and argued against for years. DAO my arse controlled by a few that have been placed there with the guarantee of votes from you.

I go off what I see, so does every other masternode voter and i see bugger all from fuzzbawls. Maybe hes the most active person in discord??? Dunno cause you ban these discussions and people who ask question's you don't like.

Even leacy has full yes votes...who'd of thought the extra effort being seen on socials would make so much of a difference? What does that show? Do some work and proposals pass with no opposition? Who'd of thought it was that simple???

You may get told EVERYTHING because you are the dao with your huge amount of votes. Your invovled in all decisions and discussions before because your votes decide.

Still say this conversation and back and forth is a charade and your votes from no will change to yes to create this illusion of a dao when in reality it's just you.

You wrote you wanted a discussion of why the votes were no from me anyway. I don't know who else (pretty sure there your votes anyway) but you don't like the answers.

You try to shut down every opposition to your view, you don't listen to the other side, your view is the only way because you a narcissistic git who can't take a different view. So next time there's no votes don't come on here or wherever crying for some details of why because you can't take the answer and it turns into insults.

Now go outside. Do some meditation and self reflection on why your so much of a twat that wants to control everything.

Have you got enough drama in your life and the dao yet? Very sad you have to do this...You can change your votes back now or add some more of your yes votes to the side because everyone knows you have more in the background staking also. Just end this charade 👍 99.9% sure it will happen before the vote end because this is all your narrative.

Good day sir.
We are currently in the middle of the release process and the diligence required of Fuzzbawls is ridiculous. If he was not here the potential release would be a mess and very difficult to reach our deadline. If we have complained before it was early on not fully understanding his job and what he does. The idea of him slowing us down is Quality Control. He takes the extra time even after we have bashed through multiple reviews and fixes.

If he is voted out, this process would fall apart.

He has already saved us from trouble by following his lead and his ideas on not rushing updates. If we had it our way, we would have pushed an update probably around Christmas and then would have to be scrambling now for Binance compliance.

There are methods to the madness. I understand the trust is hard due to the situation, but has not all the progress in the last year showed the fact that we are all trying to make PIVX succeed? Its very hard to row when some are rowing in different directions.
We are currently in the middle of the release process and the diligence required of Fuzzbawls is ridiculous. If he was not here the potential release would be a mess and very difficult to reach our deadline. If we have complained before it was early on not fully understanding his job and what he does. The idea of him slowing us down is Quality Control. He takes the extra time even after we have bashed through multiple reviews and fixes.

If he is voted out, this process would fall apart.

He has already saved us from trouble by following his lead and his ideas on not rushing updates. If we had it our way, we would have pushed an update probably around Christmas and then would have to be scrambling now for Binance compliance.

There are methods to the madness. I understand the trust is hard due to the situation, but has not all the progress in the last year showed the fact that we are all trying to make PIVX succeed? Its very hard to row when some are rowing in different directions.
Thanks for your input liquid! Those nos are not me for your proposal btw. Thats Eric. Yes from me and look forward to rusty being setup.

It has been mentioned before about all devs. I even suggested a dev chat or report where all of you can publicly discuss how you think it's going, what are the problems currently in the dev team where problems could be discussed publicly and questions asked. That's not available for myself and others currently because you have blocked us from asking questions! I don't count this forum. Hardly anyone is on here or checks it compared to how many are in the community.

There used to be a dev discord, blocked from that, main Discord is a censorship sess pit with bans of any other view blocked.

The problem is lack of transparency of what's going on for masternode owners to cast their votes especially when your blocking a view you disagree with discussions.

You ask why the no votes are there but when you get the wrong answer that isn't aligned with your own you shut it down and turn it into insults saying were sabotaging work to be done.

I see no work being done from this proposal bar a few commits. I have to ask for info on other proposals. Luckily Jeffery gives his run down on some and this month there is people putting proposals in I have never even seen invovled in pivx so Jeffery is doing them a solid by bigging them up.

Tell me how you expect me to get the information to cast my votes without being allowed to discuss with anything publicly on the supposed dao discord which fuzzbawls supports the censorship?

I see a few commits and that's it. There are multiple messages of fuzzbawls being the hold up yet my decision to vote no is wrong? Tell me how I am meant to come to a yes decision when that's what I see?
1. Nope. Not me. I have voted yes everywhere. The team knows this. The casual reader new to PIVX might believe you, but what the Team knows matters more to me.
2. You want a 'Dev Report'? Have you not been reading the PIVX Labs Superblock Report? It has been published monthly for a year! Here is the latest. https://medium.com/@pivx-labs/the-superblock-report-35e9b16e1791
3. I am certain there is a private 'Dev Channel' somewhere. Nothing wrong with that. This is a PRIVACY and FREEDOM focused project after all. They are free to keep out specific people if they like.
4. Which view is being blocked? I guarantee that there are people in each Discord that share your same view. Difference is, they accept the fact that Community consensus doesn't align, and they don't come in and constantly bash and complain, without new information that supports their argument. Just 'yelling louder' and creating chaos will get you banned from most places in society.
5. Let's cut to the chase. The reason you have voted NO for Fuzz has nothing to do with his stellar work. It is all because he won't remove your ban from the PIVX Discord. Here is the proof, where you tried to black mail him.


This section below has been copied from a reply to you a while back. It is just as applicable now as it was then. The sooner you start, the sooner things will get easier for you and the rest of the entire Community.

If you want to be respected and trusted in PIVX again here is the strategy I think will work. I can't know this for sure and it will take time, but it is the only possible way forward from what I can see.

1. Start being respectful to everyone.
2. Understand PIVX is a Meritocracy.
3. Accept that MNOs can only direct the flow of Treasury funds.
4. Understand that PIVX is a DAO, which is comprised of MNOs AND the Community.
5. Contribute where you can. (I see you have been climbing the learning curve on Twitter. That's good. Keep it up!)
6. Take emotion out of your decisions. If you don't like a person - but they are adding value to PIVX, support them!
7. Ask as many questions as you like, but don't assume you are the expert. LISTEN to the answers!
8. Remember, that most everyone is a volunteer at PIVX. Even those that are paid, volunteer many additional hours. They deserve respect!
9. Stop the bully tactics. They don't work. They hurt PIVX. They remove power from you too, because it kills any respect people have for you.
10. Apologize sincerely and profusely for your mistakes.

There are probably more points. I have made a similar list for you before. But, only after you have demonstrated you passed each of the points, for an extended period of time, can you hope to get access to the main PIVX Discord again. That's what I believe it will take. I don't know that. It is not for me to decide. However, what I do know, is that the path you are on is going the total opposite direction. I wouldn't be surprised if you get banned elsewhere if you keep it up. You have completely obliterated any TRUST people had with you, and as we all know, it takes a long time to regain trust.

Good luck!
3. Accept that MNOs can only direct the flow of Treasury funds.
OK well my direction is no to this proposal as i cant see where work is being done and he wont even come and explain what he has been doing. I could right a huge list of things but what can I see has actually done?

Is that a good enough reason? You either want me to know this information to cast my vote or you don't. If I can't see discussions going on then how do I get the information? I'm not begging to get that from someone.

You see how funding needed is directly tied into masternode votes? My votes and everyone elses are us giving the go ahead for anyone who put a proposal in to say yes your worth that, here are some funds.

Now do you see why I think masternode owners and the community should know more. There was reports on some proposals at one point. What happened to that? Too comfortable and expecting payment. Fuzz even has the nerve to say we are sabotaging proposals. NO we are asking to see what has been happening and if your worth more funding.
Wow a deal!! What deal is effected so much from fuzzbawls proposal????

Maybe if information was shared so masternode owners knew votes would reflect that?


Does everyone in the discord know? All that shows is the private chats some people are having which has been discussed and argued against for years. DAO my arse controlled by a few that have been placed there with the guarantee of votes from you.

I go off what I see, so does every other masternode voter and i see bugger all from fuzzbawls. Maybe hes the most active person in discord??? Dunno cause you ban these discussions and people who ask question's you don't like.

Even leacy has full yes votes...who'd of thought the extra effort being seen on socials would make so much of a difference? What does that show? Do some work and proposals pass with no opposition? Who'd of thought it was that simple???

You may get told EVERYTHING because you are the dao with your huge amount of votes. Your invovled in all decisions and discussions before because your votes decide.

Still say this conversation and back and forth is a charade and your votes from no will change to yes to create this illusion of a dao when in reality it's just you.

You wrote you wanted a discussion of why the votes were no from me anyway. I don't know who else (pretty sure there your votes anyway) but you don't like the answers.

You try to shut down every opposition to your view, you don't listen to the other side, your view is the only way because you a narcissistic git who can't take a different view. So next time there's no votes don't come on here or wherever crying for some details of why because you can't take the answer and it turns into insults.

Now go outside. Do some meditation and self reflection on why your so much of a twat that wants to control everything.

Have you got enough drama in your life and the dao yet? Very sad you have to do this...You can change your votes back now or add some more of your yes votes to the side because everyone knows you have more in the background staking also. Just end this charade 👍 99.9% sure it will happen before the vote end because this is all your narrative.

Good day sir.

First, why do you even care about the new 'deal/opportunity'? I mean, we have the opportunity to stay listed on Binance, but you don't seem to care about that deal. Instead of letting the entire team work towards releasing the code, you have them scrambling to find ways to support Fuzzbawls. That fact alone should answer your question on if you should vote YES or NO. You don't even need to do any research. The entire team supports him, so why wouldn't you?

Why do I know about a new opportunity? Because people trust me. Why doesn't everyone know about it yet? Because there has only been one meeting, (I was not part of that meeting, but will be in the next one) and I presume the other side expects it be kept in confidence until both sides are willing to make it public. Frankly, I am going to push for it to be public immediately. I'm pretty confident they are OK with that, but I haven't even asked yet. Are you suggesting I kill the opportunity before it even has a chance, by breaking confidence? Why would anyone want to partner with PIVX if we can't be trusted with the simplest of requests? Either you understand what I just said, or you now known why you are not privy to things like this - because you can't be trusted.

No. Only maybe 3 people on the PIVX side know. I am not the one taking the Lead on this, so there may be a couple more people that know. Not my place to make those decisions.

I don't see much at all of what Fuzzbawls does. But, that doesn't conclude he isn't doing anything. Sure - because I have a background in Engineering and Software Development, I am aware of what his responsibilities are, and that it is a lot of work. But, I don't need to micro manage to make decisions. Even with my background, I couldn't micro manage if I wanted too .... technology changes so fast, I would barely know what to ask him.

LeacyMcK hasn't changed a thing. lol. So, big logic fail there my friend.

I do NOT get told everything. I am not in the Labs Discord. I rarely DM anyone there. When I do, it is not really about their daily work. For example, below is the entirety of my convos with JSKitty so far this year.


Everyone knows the NO votes come from either you, or the 'unknown' whale.

Having a different view is fine. Not being able to support your view with facts and logic, and expecting everyone else to accept it because you are just louder, is failed logic. THAT is the problem here. You need to work on your critical thinking skills.
OK well my direction is no to this proposal as i cant see where work is being done and he wont even come and explain what he has been doing. I could right a huge list of things but what can I see has actually done?

Is that a good enough reason? You either want me to know this information to cast my vote or you don't. If I can't see discussions going on then how do I get the information? I'm not begging to get that from someone.

You see how funding needed is directly tied into masternode votes? My votes and everyone elses are us giving the go ahead for anyone who put a proposal in to say yes your worth that, here are some funds.

Now do you see why I think masternode owners and the community should know more. There was reports on some proposals at one point. What happened to that? Too comfortable and expecting payment. Fuzz even has the nerve to say we are sabotaging proposals. NO we are asking to see what has been happening and if your worth more funding.
Pretty sure I covered all your points already even though your reply came in while I was replying to the earlier post from you.
I'm still 99.9% sure this is you creating this charade of a dao. The no votes are you and you get off on this drama and I'm not the only one to suggest it but whatever I see it and others do to but I'm sick of engaging with the forum too now.

You don't like my view so you dismiss it and then right a list of things to come begging to join back into a chat room 🤣 I'll pass.

I'll vote and not even comment now. You'll lose your thrill eventually of our back and forth so good luck with that!
Unfortunately, I can't prove the negative. That is a logical impossibility. So, I have no choice but to let you think that.

But, while NOT conclusive, the fact is, you are the one who has DM'd multiple team members threatening to vote NO on their proposals. Actions have consequences. Own it.
Thanks for your input liquid! Those nos are not me for your proposal btw. Thats Eric. Yes from me and look forward to rusty being setup.

It has been mentioned before about all devs. I even suggested a dev chat or report where all of you can publicly discuss how you think it's going, what are the problems currently in the dev team where problems could be discussed publicly and questions asked. That's not available for myself and others currently because you have blocked us from asking questions! I don't count this forum. Hardly anyone is on here or checks it compared to how many are in the community.

There used to be a dev discord, blocked from that, main Discord is a censorship sess pit with bans of any other view blocked.

The problem is lack of transparency of what's going on for masternode owners to cast their votes especially when your blocking a view you disagree with discussions.

You ask why the no votes are there but when you get the wrong answer that isn't aligned with your own you shut it down and turn it into insults saying were sabotaging work to be done.

I see no work being done from this proposal bar a few commits. I have to ask for info on other proposals. Luckily Jeffery gives his run down on some and this month there is people putting proposals in I have never even seen invovled in pivx so Jeffery is doing them a solid by bigging them up.

Tell me how you expect me to get the information to cast my votes without being allowed to discuss with anything publicly on the supposed dao discord which fuzzbawls supports the censorship?

I see a few commits and that's it. There are multiple messages of fuzzbawls being the hold up yet my decision to vote no is wrong? Tell me how I am meant to come to a yes decision when that's what I see?

I appreciate the feedback and to elaborate for you on "commits from fuzzbawls" As DevOps goes, the better the DevOps the less we should see of them. The work is meant for automation purposes, testing, quality control, and these along these lines. He runs the entire test suite and keeps that functional for many scenarios, builds, and more to keep us from having issues say at release time or upon merging of code. He is the one managing all the dependencies, as Devs we are more specialized and he is specialized in making sure at all times our code remains compatible with every arch type for every operating system. So I understand if you do not know the details of the job so well it's hard to understand what you are voting yes for. Although he outlines these in his proposal, I get why you want confirmation of these things.

To re-address the 'fuzzbawls being the holdup' I have said he has bottlenecked us in the past but that was also before fully understanding his role and what he does for us myself. We all have gained much respect and appreciation for what Fuzzbawls does for us. Especially this week in preparing for the new release so we remain compliant with Binance. The build process is hours long and he owns that entire thing. He is methodical and has a process we must follow because especially over time it has proven itself time and time again for us. Sometimes it is hard for Developers to communicate, but this is the key point, this role is very important, would be a drain on any development time, and has a large learning curve for all of our current developers as well as some would not want to even bother.

In turn I apologize to both you Borris @Gerrald and @fuzzbawls because this has caused contention and came from a place of not understanding myself and took time to see.
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