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Archived CoreDev-Liquid369-Aug-Oct


Name: CoreDev-Liquid-Aug-Oct
Term: 3 Cycle
Cycle Amnt: 30,000
Total Amnt: 90,000
Author: Liquid369
Receiver: Liquid369
Address: DJCM7YFG16Wx7pjbnMBuJe3EdaskRNUSqc
Created: 08-02-2023
Status: Submitting
Vote Hash: be0d6fd01c7c5b90ed608d055261d208bbe439439c830208ec86a9731a547f62

Liquid369 Proposal

This proposal is going to outline what has been done as an update to users and what will be continued in the next portions. It outlines some ideas for users and the responsibilities entailed overall.

Last Proposal Report

- Continuing to test and implement IPv6/TOR DMN's We found some things that have made us decide to change some of the workings for 6.0, which will require moving as fully as possible to Addrv2 format.
- Continuing to backport BIP174 in a way that works for PIVX to benefit users, services, and the DAO. Multisig being used with proposals, services and etc are necessary. With lesser devs around during the proposal, no reviews were made on the pre-requisite work for BIP-174 but I have the outlined needs for after and some superseding work waiting.
- Creating a GUI screen for BIP174 usage in a easy fashion (if we get to it in this timeframe) With the result of the above, I have not started any designs related to BIP 174 GUI work as of now.
- Analyzing chain data and expanding explorer API's or standardizing them for expansion of the core services and products I have several repos related to this, which are pivx-rpc-rs , rusty-pivx-parser , and Liquid369/rusty-blox. There were changes made in the original design hence the multiple repos, as the original idea was far too slow and was taking up too much time to test and validate work.
- Researching more Cryptographically to contribute and assess properly the improvements coming in Shield from Duddino and Alessandro This has helped in the understanding in order to evaluate the upcoming works, on a base level of functionality. Ie; reviewing new rust update.
- Planning potential budget redesign or improvements based on evaluating the current budget flows With updates done by other members in the dev group, this makes for needing re-evaluation due to new features that were not being thought of in this, but it wasn't complete either way.

Outside of these things, we have also made an update for PIVX-SPMT, that hinges on a PIVX Core updated release.


- Maintaining PIVX Core and Repositories under PIVX-Project organization
- Coordinating between Core and Labs
- Reviewing and testing code submissions in both Core and Labs (organization rules is 2 approvals and reviews needed for anything to be merged from non-authors)
- Research and improve current code for optimizations
- Research and improve backports for our perpetual updating to BTC Core
- Maintain networking infrastructure and build some analytics
- Supporting Community/Exchanges/Services/DEX all in technical regards for PIVX
- Coordinating with Marketing to bring accurate technical representations and promotions for PIVX development
- Maintaining regtest network servers for testing and infrastructure for others to use in testing new features
- Making overall PIVX Core development updates
- Maintaining ElectrumX servers for DEX's

What is Next?

- Continuing Sapling research/growth to decently evaluate/review the rest of the potential shield work.
- Continuing working on Liquid369/rusty-blox, got past one of the bugs that were mentioned in the Superblock Report
- Continuing TOR DMN work, converting codebase to utilizing only addrv2 or as much as possible in 6.0
- Working on a potential new release for PIVX Core interim before 6.0
- If pre-requisites get merged, continue on BIP 174 work
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