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Could Someone Guide me on PIVX Wallet Setup for Novice Users?


New Pivian
Hello there,

I am relatively new to the world of cryptocurrency; and after some research, I have decided to dive into PIVX. Although, I find myself a bit overwhelmed with the technical aspects of setting up a PIVX wallet and navigating through the ecosystem.:D

I have installed the PIVX wallet on my computer; but I am encountering some challenges in understanding its functionalities and ensuring the security of my funds.

Could someone provide a step-by-step guide or recommend a reliable resource for setting up the PIVX wallet on Windows? I want to make sure I am doing it correctly from the start.

What are the best practices to secure my PIVX wallet and prevent potential hacks or unauthorized access? I have heard about encryption and backups, but I am not entirely sure how to implement them effectively.

I am also a bit confused:unsure: about the process of sending and receiving PIVX. How do I generate a receiving address; and what information do I need to share with someone who wants to send me PIVX?

I have read about staking PIVX to earn rewards. Can someone explain how staking works on the PIVX network and what are the requirements to start staking?

Also, I have gone through this post: https://pivx.org/news/how-to-buy-and-trade-your-crypto-into-minitab-pivx-on-binance-beginner which definitely helped me out a lot.

Lastly; I would love:love: to get involved in the PIVX community and contribute in any way I can. Are there any community initiatives; events; or forums where I can participate and learn more about PIVX?

Thank you in advance for your time and assistance.😇
Installing wallet is pretty standard much like installing most other windows programs. https://docs.pivx.org/wallets/pivx-core-wallet/installing-the-pivx-core-wallet#installation

As far as best practices, set up a wallet passphrase which encrypts the wallet automatically. To backup your encrytpted wallet file, see docs here https://docs.pivx.org/wallets/pivx-core-wallet/core-wallet-faq#37d51573f82, remember to restore your encrypted backup, you will need to remember your password, there is no recovery option if you forget the password. Also don't leave your PC unattended with the wallet locked.

Recieving PIVX is quite easy, here are the steps:
  1. Select Recieve from the side menu
  2. Choose to get a transparent or shielded address
  3. Copy address and share with the sender.
Regarding staking, this document explains both queries quite well. https://docs.pivx.org/staking

Finally, regarding your interest in getting involved and contributing, I suggest joining the community on Discord. see what's going on and if you think you can help out in some way or have ideas, introduce yourself and make suggestions or offers to help. Discord is also the fastest way to get answers like this and to learn more about PIVX.

Hope this helps!