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Created new Owneraddress with CLI but now the sent pivx are not visible. Also the new Address is not visible in GUI


New Pivian
Hello everyone.

I am relativley new to pivx, the core-wallet and the CLI.
I use the pivx-core-wallet on my raspberry pi. After Loading the GUI via pivx-qt the opened application-window is too large for my screen. Scaling the window wasn't that easy with xrandr, so i decided mostly to work on the CLI.
Today I wanted to beginn Coldstaking with the Pivx holding on my Ledger Nano S.

So i used:
pivx-cli getnewstaking

and then after typing:
pivx-cli liststakingaddresses

i get:
"label": "",


after that i tried to delegate the Coins of my ledger to the Stakingaddress

i get:
error: {"code":-6 "message":"Insufficient funds"}

After a short time of google-search i read, that i have to hold the PIVX first in the PIVX-Core-Wallet, when i start the "delegatestake" command. So i decided to transfer the PIVX from my Ledgeraddress to the PIVX-Core-Wallet. I didn't wanted to start the GUI to see the Receivingaddress and i couldn't find a command to see the actual address of my wallet, so i decided to create a new address with folling command:
pivx-cli getnewaddress

I sent the PIVX to this new generated PIVX-Address.
As you can see in the Explorer the PIVX arrived at the new address.

But after checking with:
piv-cli getbalance

There is 0.0 PIVX

So i decided to look into the GUI and i saw also a balance of 0.0 PIVX. AND i noticed a different Walletaddress and i wasn't able to see the new address i generated in the CLI.

Just for testing i created a new Receiving-Address in the GUI and this one i can see in the GUI.

I thought the command:
pivx-cli listaddressgroupings

would show me my different walletaddresses, but all i can see is:

Probably it would have been better if i have sent the PIVX to the Address which i can see in the GUI.

-First question: Is it possible to link my wallet (CLI or GUI) with the new address i generated and where i sent the PIVX to? Maybe with the command "setaccount" ? Or is there another option to get control over the sent amount of PIVX?

-Second question: Why am i not able to see the walletaddress in GUI, which i generated in CLI?

-Third question: How can i see my Addresses in the CLI? pivx-cli listaddressgroupings don't work.

Thank you for help.

meanwhile i tested, whether i can see my addresses in the debug-console of the GUI.

after listaddressgroupings AND liststakingaddresses i get


when i close GUI and stop pivx und restart the daemon and insert the command
pivx-cli liststakingaddresses

i see the stakingaddress

but after
pivx-cli listaddressgroupings

i see still

in the CLI...

I hope someone has an idea what i could do to get my PivX back.
maybe i have a trace:

i saved the downloaded compressed file on my mounted external HDD und extracted it there:


this was the same path, where i told the GUI to save all files, when it started the first time.

But now I found also the hidden Path:


In the same path exists the wallet.dat.

BUT: on my external HDD exists also a wallet.dat Path: /media/pi/Elements/pivx-4.2.0/Core-Wallet

The wallet.dat on the external HDD has a size of 176 KiB
The wallet.dat in the Directory /home/pi/.pivx has a size of 240KiB

Is it possible that the CLI and GUI saved Wallet.dat-Files in different directories and that#s reason for my problems of not seeing the Walletaddresses when i type listaddressgroupings ?

Is there a way to fix this problem?
ok, i copied the wallet.dat from the home/pi.pivx Path to the media/pi/Elements/pivx-4.2.0.

now the balance in the GUI is correct and i can coldstake in the GUI, but the CLI doesnt work anymore "couldnt connect to server"

but thats okay, if it works now. and my pivx arent lost :)
Quite a bit to read :D but glad at the end your balance is correct. CLI only works when PIVX Daemon is running. Or are you experiencing this issue when issuing commands via the debug console on the GUI version of our wallet?