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Archived Creative Design 7

Title: Creative Design 7
Name: CreativeDesign7
Term: 3
Cycle Amnt: 3000 PIV
Total Amnt: 9000 PIV
Author: Rhubarbarian
Receiver: Rhubarbarian
Address: DTyGsy4VC784yrW5x5wR9rEw5cv1wtQJ7K
Created: 2020-01-23
Status: Active
PIVX Foundation: able to KYC to receive

NOTE: Major change to past work will include stepping back from 3 key areas I historically have volunteered in. 1. social media management (researching, vetting intel, crafting text, posting, engaging on socials, etc) 2. website management and 3. Ambassador support, which has been funded but not been treasury funded for some time. I spend a lot of hours helping Ambassadors and even personally sending PIV to help in lieu of no funding. People need to step up and fill those roles as volunteers or governance needs to see the value and vote yes ongoing. These 3 roles alone take up more time than I spend on creative content. Although I give above and beyond there as well.

The Rhubarbarians (RhubarbMedia.ca) are presenting this new proposal to again support the creative design needed for announcements, events, web updates, for PIVX.

This should not be seen as "Marketing" to its full extent. We still have no main social media management team, no Public Relations team, no strategic marketing team.
We are following the original strategy to push out content around the brand, education, tech, community and adoption and offer as much volunteer support as we can during this period.
See the previous proposal posts for reports but this last round we pushed out hundreds of unique items including design for announcements, community, adoption, education, articles, blog posts.

In addition, we will try come up with some campaign creative to fill in the gaps between announcements and updates if time allows, but this too would be beyond scope and volunteer as it's been for the past year.
These will include, but not be limited to sponsorship marketing, contests, General PIVX highlight creative, regional creative marketing support for other language groups and 3rd party associations.

At the current price and hours we spend, we are working at a dramatic loss each month, but we're not asking for an increase in PIV.
It will not get us to what we need each month, but we don't want to burden the treasury as there are other core projects needed some level of funding as well.
We get inundated by requests every week and this increase will go to help cover this to some level.

We will also continue to offer some skin-in-the-game, offering hours above and beyond the budgeted hours in the budget.
Typical designs work includes:
  • Announcements (Tech, exchanges, community, events, etc)
  • Web graphics updates (Main announcements, Ambassadors, PIVXplaces, PIVXSports, etc)
  • Support of Alliance needs
  • Campaign Creative as time allows
  • Project management
What we are dropping this round is the management of social media. Writing copy, posting and engaging on social as we have. We estimated spending more time on this element than actually designing and with zero compensation. We're finding it's stealing time for other paid work and without a healthy Rhubarb Team, we cannot do our main role as creative content creators. We hope others will step up and take on social media management as well as writing posts.

This is on top of all the Ambassador work were doing (previously separately funded but not funded the last few rounds from the treasury) for local initiatives, meetups and larger event support for events like Seoul, Korea, Bogata Colombia, and Brasil, Venezuala, etc
We’ve been serving the PIVX brand and team since Dec 2016. We’ve stuck with it through good and bad times. We’ve offered help even when budgets were not paid out for various reasons and invested in Exchange additions and other Support needs along the way, donating thousands. Thanks!
With much Purple Love,
Chad Ballantyne and Design Team

Total Budget for creative and branding content creation

• 3000 PIVX/month
Design and Web:
Creative Director - Myself (Chad Ballantyne)
Designer, Jeni Ball, Chad,
Project Management: Rhubarbarian (Chad)
Joelle Crossley

Creative Marketing Support Plus
•3000 PIVX/month
TOTAL 9000 PIV (3 months)

Proposal Name:
Yes! mnbudgetvote many e3ed28b439992526cdc146ec4a2bcb81c69c04d6690b4c1840fe585c9c721bb0 yes
Meh mnbudgetvote many e3ed28b439992526cdc146ec4a2bcb81c69c04d6690b4c1840fe585c9c721bb0 no

"mnbudget getinfo CreativeDesign7” to check the status
Proposal Fee:
We will not be asking for the 50 PIV in fees to be reimbursed.
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Looks like we passed, but no funds left... if anyone would like to support the ongoing creative work, please consider donating to DTyGsy4VC784yrW5x5wR9rEw5cv1wtQJ7K
We at least need 3000P per month to get close to breaking even with all I do. Thanks!!
Would be helpful to summarize this proposal to list only what is included, instead of what isn't.

Sounds like that summary is simply the following:

Creative as required for PIVX.
The needed commentary around what's not covered is to continue to educate the overall need in the marketing dept.
To create a succession plan, this info is required and some have already stepped up.

The extra work we've done does not take away from the proposed work and hours for creativity alone. It's all been on top and above and beyond the scope. Volunteered.

Typical designs work includes: with some added notes
  • Announcements (Tech, exchanges, community, events, etc)
  • Web/online graphics updates (Main announcements, Ambassadors, PIVXplaces, PIVXSports, PIVXPress, etc)
  • Miscellaneous creative for requests as needed
  • Support of Alliance needs
  • Campaign Creative (this is like a series of creative, Roadmaps, PIVXPoS, etc)
  • Project management
  • Also working on transferring work not directly part of Creative. - like Web dev/updates, Tech research, and copy development for tech.
Can include as time allows - sponsorship marketing, contests, General PIVX highlight creative, regional creative marketing support for other language groups and 3rd party associations/alliances
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Ambassadors was a separate proposal. Things are pretty quiet there now.
Also very quiet in PIVXplaces, PIVXsports and Alliances. Pretty much zero going on AFAIK.
PIVXpress is a separate proposal. Should not be double counted here.
You have a line item for announcements and then include it again in the 'Web graphics updates' again.
Campaign creative is 'beyond scope and volunteer' as well as 'as time allows' per your proposal. So, not a deliverable.
Not sure about the last line item. People either do it, or you do. But, you are stepping back from it. Further, it is not in your original proposal.
The list is so short now, I don't see why 'Project Management' would be required at all.

So, that leaves us with:

Typical designs work includes:
  • Announcements (Tech, exchanges, community, events, etc)
This is pretty much exactly what is meant by my summary of:

Creative as required for PIVX.

I totally get that you have given hours and hours and hours to PIVX. However, a proposal should basically answer 2 questions.

1. How much is it going to cost?
2. What is it going to buy?

We've got the answer for Question 1, but that is kinda useless without the answer to Question 2.

We need to get much better organized in PIVX. Clear and easy to understand proposals are a big part of that. Perfectly OK to have a list of 'Indirect Benefits' or 'Volunteer effort included' etc. But, there needs to be a clear list of 'Deliverables'. Even stating 'Creative as required for PIVX' is not clear, as it could be zero if no one asks, or far more than you can justify if there are too many requests. It would be far better to define the number of images. This too may be difficult, because each image takes a different level of effort. But maybe the answer is; 'X Social Media creatives or the equivalent'. Then, someone asking for something complex, can know it is going to reduce the total of social media posts by 3 for example. It also builds respect among the Community, when they can see how much things cost.

Doing it this way, also allows the groups/individuals making the requests, to allocate and prioritize them. Right now, it is basically a 'free for all', or 'squeaky wheel gets the grease'. That's not efficient and puts you in a tough position.
Since there is no Marketing team and no overall marketing plan in play, its difficult to say with precision, thus the summery items and it does feel like an ask and you shall receive plan atm. But to be clear - designs = more than design work. There is research, discussions, stock search for compositing, etc.
I do follow a theme approach to try and publish creative under these categories - Brand awareness, Tech News, Merchant adoption, Community and education. These 5 have been consistent since 2017.

Pulling out the one bullet is not the true areas of effort at all. "Announcements" are only one area of work.

And Ambassadors have slowed, I am still spending time working with a few (Guana, being the most recent) shoring up creative for presentations, which is part of the design proposal. PIVXPress proposal that I'm a part of is just for scriptwriting and production. It does not include design work. That's what this proposal is for.

The "as time allows" is directly related to trying to manage work hours each month. If there's time left in the budget, we work, if not we decide to volunteer. It always gets eaten up...always.
"Creative as required" are not my words - but it is most of the work that gets done. That said, we do look for creative for series (PIVXPoS for example).or other on-offs like Masternode updates images, or the simple CoinGecko graphic.

I encourage people to share ideas (as you have) as they do often get turned into either a one-off or a series.

So this summation is all relevant and unique work. And most, if not all, get posted to socials, so that's most of the seen work.
  • Announcements Graphics (Tech, exchanges, community, events, etc)
  • Web/online graphics updates (Ambassadors, PIVXplaces, PIVXSports, PIVXPress, etc)
  • Miscellaneous creative for requests as needed
  • Support of Alliance needs
  • Campaign Creative (this is like a series of creative, Roadmaps, PIVXPoS, etc)
  • Project management/research
We did do a pile of work the month previous (not funded)
PIVX Sapling creative (web/socials)
Press Release support
New Meetup in Ghana creative and support
Masternode counts
LA Token Exchange for web and socials
Roadmap series for web and socials (IgorLV helped with base graphic)
PIVX ? "What will be the next Privacy..." graphic.
Research/chats/discussions, etc

Work since March 12 (cycle began)
LA Token graphics for Exchange page/web/social
Swapspace creative for Exchange page and socials (still to be released for socials as waiting on John for the thumbs up),
CoinGecko graphic
Masternode counts
Photo collage image for social posts, (PIVian faces)
Discord profile avatar update (Clover)
Touch up graphics for St Patricks Day
PIVXPress graphics (Teasers for socials)
quick hit 4.1 progress teaser graphic
Research/chats/discussions, etc

Things under the hood right now is work on 4.1. Research, creative concepts have started. This will be a series/campaign. Some of the work on this is to continue transferring the work non-creative related to others and is happening. Ambassador is not helping Jakiman on gathering intel and parsing to human speak. This was historically part of my work

Some work takes minutes, most hours, but this is the nature of creativity.

Hope this helps.
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