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Archived Creative Direction / Project Management for Website Redesign & Brand Refresh Rollout


Title: Creative Direction / Project Management for Website Redesign & Brand Refresh Rollout

Name: BrandRefreshLead01

Term: 3

Cycle Amnt: 8,000 PIV

Total Amnt: 24,000 PIV

Author: C504

Receiver: C504

Address: DJxfyTo2pPtrinwgRcpf4eRwmbEcdg1keB

Created: 2020-04-03

Status: Pre-Proposal

This proposal is for the project management and creative design lead for the PIVX brand refresh. The brand refresh will be focused on a completely redesigned website (code & development by Kyeno and Meerkat) with streamlined messaging, content, and calls to action. Secondary roles and focus will be on graphics and creative for the brand refresh rollout.

Website redesign:

• Wireframe planning

• Streamlined content & copy strategy

• Design mockups and reviews

• Animated SVG graphics

• Final design ready for development

Brand refresh rollout:

• Supporting announcement graphics

• PIVX animated logo build for videos

• Animated PIVX loading screen for desktop wallets

• Template for standardized video updates

• Redesigned white paper and document template

• Social media graphics featuring new refresh brand

• Media kit

Project management

• Lead the management of creative & strategy utilizing the existing PIVX team

Experience & Past Work

• Senior designer with over 15 years of experience in all facets of creative direction & design with a specialty in motion graphics and branding, UI/UX

• Have worked with multiple cryptocurrency projects developing branding strategy and creative direction

1. Any images created will be owned by the PIVX Community.

2. All images created will be organized for easy future reference at Cloud.PIVX.org.

3. Original Photoshop source files will be available to trusted PIVX members only, to protect them from being used for non-PIVX purposes.

4. Each deliverable will be planned and scheduled ahead of time based on priority determined by core team. Each step will need core team feedback and sign-off to proceed.


Vote yes:
mnbudgetvote many c2720b5e0bce157d78e9fd9072fd349880824c69883575aaa75d110b063ab76b yes
Vote no:
mnbudgetvote many c2720b5e0bce157d78e9fd9072fd349880824c69883575aaa75d110b063ab76b no
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