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Archived CryptoCore-Explorer


New Pivian
Title: CryptoCore Explorer
Name: CryptoCore-Explorer
Term: 1 cycle
Cycle Amnt: 1300 PIV
Total Amnt: 1300 PIV
Author: Jim Walker
Receiver: Jim Walker
Address: DHTZ3dYWTPKnVqfMGu3xYthkV9jrCBVYUa
Created: January 15, 2021
Status: Active


I hope you like explorer developed by me: https://pivx.ccore.online
I run it almost 3 years without any advertising or other bullshit.
I create almost all possible PIVX functionality for cool Web View. And new features will come.

Here budget Web View: https://pivx.ccore.online/governanc...a135d915d768024a6dae6dbba1c11c33414551dc22f11

Please vote:

To vote yes:
mnbudgetvote many 0ec550ca7c99cd9786da135d915d768024a6dae6dbba1c11c33414551dc22f11 yes

To vote no:
mnbudgetvote many 0ec550ca7c99cd9786da135d915d768024a6dae6dbba1c11c33414551dc22f11 no
Last edited:
https://pivx.ccore.online/ community explorer implement new features:
- Broadcast TX https://pivx.ccore.online/broadcast_tx - now you can broadcast your raw TX through the explorer
- Unspent transaction View: https://pivx.ccore.online/transacti...5454cd223298f7c2926e28ceaf2cb645ad08799932280 for ultimate blockchain browse

Explorer constantly updating and working already 3 years without any advertising and have almost complete set of features: Advanced Masternodes view, Governance, Web Wallet, Mempool, Exchanges, PIVX Faucet, PIVX also integrated to CryptoCore merchant portal to support WebShop payments.