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Ended Hawtch: Market Campaign 1 04.26.24 (1 cycle)


Name: Hawtch-MarketCampgn1
Term: 1 cycle
Cycle Amount: 14,800
Total Amount: 14,800
Author: Hawtch
Receiver: Hawtch
Address: DNGakPAT5nGrdVaAeNetBSjYXb2Utqoibg
Created: April 5th, 2024
Status: Active

Hey, Dan Hotchkiss here!
I’ve been involved in PIVX the last 2 months actively. I have been helping with graphic design support here and there, while also leading a weekly livestream on the Discord, and planning a Marketing Campaign.
See my previous proposal for the updates I posted: https://forum.pivx.org/threads/hawtch-marketing-design-02-10-24.1943/#post-5016


Marketing Campaign Preparation for launch at beginning of May:

Landing Page
Including a CTA and analytics to measure ad response.

Premade campaign ads
To launch intentional and strong.

Posts and template(s) ready to be used for any relevant events and happenings.

Planned giveaways
Using a "I bought this with PIVX" campaign. Giveaway cost is listed in proposal (1000 PIV to start).

Youtube Vids & Shorts
1 video a month to start - educational and/or informative. Prep 4 Youtube Shorts a week for when campaign is planned to launch (Beginning to mid May)
  • Social medias prepared: PIVX_Marketing on various platforms (still 100% deciding). Create banner, pfp and lead up movement on the platforms (responses, likes, follows, etc).

  • Continue to make efforts to foster community conversation and interaction.

Marketing Plan so far. Click link below:
PIVX Marketing Campaign 1 PDF


  • Work Hours: 13,800 PIV { (($50cad x 40hrs/wk) x 4 wks or 1 cycle) x $0.58cad per PIV (mth average) }
  • Costs: 1000 PIV for giveaways
  • Cycle Length: 1 Cycle
  • Total Hours: 160 hours total (40hrs/wk)
  • Total Quote: 14,800 PIV


- I've added 1/3 of a month extra for next cycle in order to reimburse for the month of March working with no pay. I hope to do this for 3 months in order to not ask for too much at one time, and to be transparent. I hope the Masternode voters understand my commitment that I've been willing to keep working despite no pay at the time. I will obviously keep you all up to date as to my progress. Really excited to launch this and JFDI.

- PLEASE Don't vote for the 14.8 PIV proposal (Facepalm). I didn't know a comma was treated as a period. Still getting used to this proposal thing.
Last edited:
So you will make 1 longer video and plan not make for 4 short videos? How long will these videos be?

Social media's prepared? Isn't that @LeacyMcK job?

Why have you created another social platform? We have loads now...far to many spread across multiple platforms and seperate languages. Is this account also controlled by pivx? So if you suddenly get voted out its handed back to pivx which currently leacy controls the socials. Is this the same with pivx community aswell @LeacyMcK ? Or are these your personal ones? If so they should not be mentioned in any proposal.

Youve been doing graphic design work? As in images? If so can you show these. We already have @Meerkat making images and on demand ones leacy asks for.

Landing page? For what? Are you going redo the website that needs doing?

Premade campaign ads. Can you explain more.

Continue to make efforts to foster community conversation and interaction? Not sure why you have included this? People dont get paid to chat in channels. Maybe you can explain more.

How have you got involved in pivx also. Be nice to have some background.
So you will make 1 longer video and plan not make for 4 short videos? How long will these videos be?

Social media's prepared? Isn't that @LeacyMcK job?

Why have you created another social platform? We have loads now...far to many spread across multiple platforms and seperate languages. Is this account also controlled by pivx? So if you suddenly get voted out its handed back to pivx which currently leacy controls the socials. Is this the same with pivx community aswell @LeacyMcK ? Or are these your personal ones? If so they should not be mentioned in any proposal.

Youve been doing graphic design work? As in images? If so can you show these. We already have @Meerkat making images and on demand ones leacy asks for.

Landing page? For what? Are you going redo the website that needs doing?

Premade campaign ads. Can you explain more.

Continue to make efforts to foster community conversation and interaction? Not sure why you have included this? People dont get paid to chat in channels. Maybe you can explain more.

How have you got involved in pivx also. Be nice to have some background.
@Gerrald All 4 accounts that I run have 1other person per account that has the password. I have also set it up that if something happens to me my daughters have orders to reach out to specific active core members. All 4 people that have the passwords can also run the accounts temporarily until a more permanent lead takes over. PIVXcommunity and now PIVX official are my babies of which I take seriously in caring for and of which I want to keep flowing when/if I step down or something happens. The official account has 2fa. And yes, I work with Meerkat when needing graphics for the accounts. Thanks.
So you will make 1 longer video and plan not make for 4 short videos? How long will these videos be?

Social media's prepared? Isn't that @LeacyMcK job?

Why have you created another social platform? We have loads now...far to many spread across multiple platforms and seperate languages. Is this account also controlled by pivx? So if you suddenly get voted out its handed back to pivx which currently leacy controls the socials. Is this the same with pivx community aswell @LeacyMcK ? Or are these your personal ones? If so they should not be mentioned in any proposal.

Youve been doing graphic design work? As in images? If so can you show these. We already have @Meerkat making images and on demand ones leacy asks for.

Landing page? For what? Are you going redo the website that needs doing?

Premade campaign ads. Can you explain more.

Continue to make efforts to foster community conversation and interaction? Not sure why you have included this? People dont get paid to chat in channels. Maybe you can explain more.

How have you got involved in pivx also. Be nice to have some background.
Appreciate this feedback.

I understand where you are coming from - should have copy and pasted the info from the first proposal I did 2 months ago. I understand there is accountability with the Masternode holders and appreciate you asking for clarity. It's showing a true DAO in action!

Here's who I am, what I've done, and more info on the "Why's": https://forum.pivx.org/threads/hawtch-marketing-design-02-10-24.1943/#post-5016
Here's the Marketing Plan (Work in Progress): Marketing Plan PDF

I will respond more in-depth later this evening/tomorrow morning, but the links I sent explain most of it.
So you will make 1 longer video and plan not make for 4 short videos? How long will these videos be?

Social media's prepared? Isn't that @LeacyMcK job?

Why have you created another social platform? We have loads now...far to many spread across multiple platforms and seperate languages. Is this account also controlled by pivx? So if you suddenly get voted out its handed back to pivx which currently leacy controls the socials. Is this the same with pivx community aswell @LeacyMcK ? Or are these your personal ones? If so they should not be mentioned in any proposal.

Youve been doing graphic design work? As in images? If so can you show these. We already have @Meerkat making images and on demand ones leacy asks for.

Landing page? For what? Are you going redo the website that needs doing?

Premade campaign ads. Can you explain more.

Continue to make efforts to foster community conversation and interaction? Not sure why you have included this? People dont get paid to chat in channels. Maybe you can explain more.

How have you got involved in pivx also. Be nice to have some background.
Hey Gerrald,
here's a more detailed explanation. Sorry I didn't get back to you right away - I wanted to respect your questions by writing out full answers:

I am wanting to run a small marketing campaign - to extend the reach of PIVX, grow it's community, grow people's awareness of it, and hopefully start to bring in buyers.

My name is Dan. I’ve done a bunch of graphic design and marketing support in the background over the years. I’ve been around since the birth of PIVX and was a small part of its launch. I have been doing graphic design, illustration, and working with social media for businesses for about 9 years now. I have worked in NFT's as well throughout the last couple of years as an illustrator, web designer, and creative director.

My Website, Socials and Work with PIVX:
Website: https://hotchkissdesign.ca/
Behance: https://www.behance.net/danhotchkiss
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DanielBHotchkis
Portfolio & Work with PIVX: https://shorturl.at/jzSX5
In the responses of this thread I share what I've done the last month or so:

Basically I want to do what Jeffrey is doing - getting PIVX out there, and instead of acquiring new listings and partners, acquire new buyers and people interested in PIVX.
There is a phsychological effect called the Mere Exposure Effect: essentially if we see something 5-10+ times we start to become familiar with it and trust it, even if we don't understand it. This is why big brands like Mcdonalds will buy a Billboard and just put their logo on it - you know what McDonalds is, but seeing it consistently makes your brain remember it and trust it. When you want food you are more likely to get the thing you trust.

1 Youtube video (15+ minutes)
- Simply, it's not about the video - it's about having content actively on the 2nd largest search engine on the internet - Youtube. We need movement on it to help with our SEO, get ourselves out there to be recognized/seen more, and to give the appearance to potential buyers that PIVX is moving and not stale - which our current Youtube gives that impression (0 videos in the last 6 months, 8 videos in the last 2 years, and 9 in the last 3 years). My point is it is wasted potential and I'd like to help with that, even just a bit.

4/week Youtube Shorts (15-30 seconds)
- These are quick and easy, but result in huge value, Youtube is owned by Google, pushing these out 4x a week shows Google's SEO engine that we are active and moving, thus it will start to prioritize us when people are searching Privacy coins.
- These are the equivelant to Tik Tok but for the 2nd biggest search engine - Youtube. They are quick, snappy, and simple to make, but have a huge impact.

1x Ad per month:
- One well researched designed ad on Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, and later Google/Youtube Paid Web Ads. The intention behind this is to create something that caters well to a target demographic like any big brand does, but the deeper intention is to start gaining an understanding of what our target market wants and learning to be more effective at reaching them. This is done by posting ads and reading the metrics of peoples responses. This is why a landing page or at the very least Google Analytics is necessary. The process of this is not just to post an image, but instead go fishing: put out multiple types of bait over time and learn WHERE the fishes bite and WHAT their favourite bait is.

Multiple Social Pages:
- Having a social page dedicated to outreach will help NOT MUDDY up our ads and outreach with the main social pages (get list in the various posts PIVX_Official does) - we would still tag and lead people there. It's intention is to be 100% outreach focused, not posting to PIVX community but to reach out to potential buyers. The end goal of our buyers/customers should be the website and our wallet, so in my opinion it's not a big deal. The current PIVX Core member, Meerkat, is too swamped to do much more than what she's currently doing (she has told me). On top of that, this job that I'm proposing to do is realistically the job of 5+ people. I would like to aim at building a team around me to specifically do external marketing, but currently I am just me.
- I would also like to eventually get this Twitter Verified (I can use my ID, it's fine), and pay to boost the ads we post.

Fastvertising ads:
- Fastvertising is very well done by people like Ryan Reynolds. It is a type of advertising that is an extremely quick response to events and news but still staying on brand with that companies Marketing/Company message. I would like to aim to do 3-4/month, depending on what comes up. After researching it, this can be a really efficient way to get ourselves out there and appear current/relevant.
- An excellent example is Ryan Reynold's quick snappy ads with various brands over the last couple years using his 'Deadpool' persona.

Premade Campaign Ads:
- Essentially I create ads that are ready to go on the chosen Brand and Message. This includes some premade Fastvertising ads, but I can change the text up real quick for speed.
- These are not just images, but researched images that convey an attractive message to it's viewers. It is intentionally researched through target market study.

Landing Page:
- This is will be a separate page of PIVX. This is used by every Big Brand and Marketing Campaign - the page either looks exactly like their home page, but in the URL it's clearly different or it is a page that contains a targeted graphic that reflects the ad you clicked on. These exist to reinforce the reason the viewer clicked on the ad, and also to contain Google Analytics in order to pull the data of who they are, where they came from, and what ad they pressed.
- Simply put, this will have Google Analytics and it will show us who is clicking on our ads from where, and we can use those metrics to understand the effectiveness of our ads. This page is also meant to have a strong Call to Action leading people to our site to Learn More, Buy, and Get Involved in the community. It is intended to be branded in the same styling as the Marketing campaign graphics.

Graphics and Marketing Summary:
I am one guy - this is a ton of work for me and I'm going to do my best.

Realistically Meerkat and I aren't even enough for PIVX - in my opinion every medium to large crypto company needs atleast 50% of it's staff towards outreach and marketing. The majority of big Crypto projects out there have wallets/software/tech that is WAAAY less advanced than PIVX and yet they have 100x our size in sales and followers. The reason being is that they prioritize putting themselves out there, growing the community (this includes intentionally fostering/growing social interactions in our Discord and other platforms), and they prioritize making themselves relevant/current. This a heavy amount towards paying for web/graphic designers, marketing teams, salesmen, ads, and community giveaways/incentives/discounts.

The reason (in my opinion) people invest in Crypto isn't just because they have great tech or software, which PIVX does. The reason is because they find something that looks trustworthy, has what they want/need (privacy/advanced tech/solid growth), and seems legit (recognizable, attractive, and consistent) - this all equals to them thinking they are able to make a solid profit with a solid project.

If I have missed something, please let me know.
I am an open book and would love to discuss more. In fact, I love feedback and to get other people's thoughts on things.
I'm really excited to get this going, so hoping you can vote for me.

You can DM me on Discord if you'd like. I go by Hawtch. You can find me in the PIVX Labs Discord - I post periodically.
(I am traveling and don't have access to my main account @YuurinBee)

Hey guys, can we start a discussion in here why @Hawtch's Web3 Marketing Proposal has been downvoted? I am incredibly confused

Imo the biggest lack or weakness that PIVX has is really the reach (the message to the people). For years, PIVX has been very good with it's marketing and updating on a lot of technical updates and providing solid facts and info. This is still needed, but PIVX in my eyes has been grouped with "old coins" and not plugged into current events with Web3 culture and sits on the outskirts. This industry and space change so rapidly and you have to be able to pivot. Personally, I have been in chats and calls with @Hawtch and breaking down a lot of these key points that we've also shared and discussed with Jeffrey, JSKitty, and Liquid369.

PIVX has so much potential, but it needs better reach. Thanks to PIVX Labs and their efforts, I think this is the plug that will allow us to connect easier into Web3 rather than expecting your average person to learn to operate a Qt Wallet and run a masternode, learn the console commands, etc. WE love this because we grew up on it, but your average person these days literally wants a Web3 Wallet extension and "Connect" button to interact. PIVX has this more or less with MyPIVXWallet, with a bit more tweaking and integrations, but as a product it's ready.

Here are my 2 PIVs on the subject and I highly suggest anyone with masternodes and voting power to take a deep dive into Hawtch's proposal and really reflect on the points I've shared above... and if you disagree, let's talk about it.

TLDR: We need BOTH!
Hey Gerrald,
here's a more detailed explanation. Sorry I didn't get back to you right away - I wanted to respect your questions by writing out full answers:

I am wanting to run a small marketing campaign - to extend the reach of PIVX, grow it's community, grow people's awareness of it, and hopefully start to bring in buyers.

My name is Dan. I’ve done a bunch of graphic design and marketing support in the background over the years. I’ve been around since the birth of PIVX and was a small part of its launch. I have been doing graphic design, illustration, and working with social media for businesses for about 9 years now. I have worked in NFT's as well throughout the last couple of years as an illustrator, web designer, and creative director.

My Website, Socials and Work with PIVX:
Website: https://hotchkissdesign.ca/
Behance: https://www.behance.net/danhotchkiss
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DanielBHotchkis
Portfolio & Work with PIVX: https://shorturl.at/jzSX5
In the responses of this thread I share what I've done the last month or so:

Basically I want to do what Jeffrey is doing - getting PIVX out there, and instead of acquiring new listings and partners, acquire new buyers and people interested in PIVX.
There is a phsychological effect called the Mere Exposure Effect: essentially if we see something 5-10+ times we start to become familiar with it and trust it, even if we don't understand it. This is why big brands like Mcdonalds will buy a Billboard and just put their logo on it - you know what McDonalds is, but seeing it consistently makes your brain remember it and trust it. When you want food you are more likely to get the thing you trust.

1 Youtube video (15+ minutes)
- Simply, it's not about the video - it's about having content actively on the 2nd largest search engine on the internet - Youtube. We need movement on it to help with our SEO, get ourselves out there to be recognized/seen more, and to give the appearance to potential buyers that PIVX is moving and not stale - which our current Youtube gives that impression (0 videos in the last 6 months, 8 videos in the last 2 years, and 9 in the last 3 years). My point is it is wasted potential and I'd like to help with that, even just a bit.

4/week Youtube Shorts (15-30 seconds)
- These are quick and easy, but result in huge value, Youtube is owned by Google, pushing these out 4x a week shows Google's SEO engine that we are active and moving, thus it will start to prioritize us when people are searching Privacy coins.
- These are the equivelant to Tik Tok but for the 2nd biggest search engine - Youtube. They are quick, snappy, and simple to make, but have a huge impact.

1x Ad per month:
- One well researched designed ad on Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, and later Google/Youtube Paid Web Ads. The intention behind this is to create something that caters well to a target demographic like any big brand does, but the deeper intention is to start gaining an understanding of what our target market wants and learning to be more effective at reaching them. This is done by posting ads and reading the metrics of peoples responses. This is why a landing page or at the very least Google Analytics is necessary. The process of this is not just to post an image, but instead go fishing: put out multiple types of bait over time and learn WHERE the fishes bite and WHAT their favourite bait is.

Multiple Social Pages:
- Having a social page dedicated to outreach will help NOT MUDDY up our ads and outreach with the main social pages (get list in the various posts PIVX_Official does) - we would still tag and lead people there. It's intention is to be 100% outreach focused, not posting to PIVX community but to reach out to potential buyers. The end goal of our buyers/customers should be the website and our wallet, so in my opinion it's not a big deal. The current PIVX Core member, Meerkat, is too swamped to do much more than what she's currently doing (she has told me). On top of that, this job that I'm proposing to do is realistically the job of 5+ people. I would like to aim at building a team around me to specifically do external marketing, but currently I am just me.
- I would also like to eventually get this Twitter Verified (I can use my ID, it's fine), and pay to boost the ads we post.

Fastvertising ads:
- Fastvertising is very well done by people like Ryan Reynolds. It is a type of advertising that is an extremely quick response to events and news but still staying on brand with that companies Marketing/Company message. I would like to aim to do 3-4/month, depending on what comes up. After researching it, this can be a really efficient way to get ourselves out there and appear current/relevant.
- An excellent example is Ryan Reynold's quick snappy ads with various brands over the last couple years using his 'Deadpool' persona.

Premade Campaign Ads:
- Essentially I create ads that are ready to go on the chosen Brand and Message. This includes some premade Fastvertising ads, but I can change the text up real quick for speed.
- These are not just images, but researched images that convey an attractive message to it's viewers. It is intentionally researched through target market study.

Landing Page:
- This is will be a separate page of PIVX. This is used by every Big Brand and Marketing Campaign - the page either looks exactly like their home page, but in the URL it's clearly different or it is a page that contains a targeted graphic that reflects the ad you clicked on. These exist to reinforce the reason the viewer clicked on the ad, and also to contain Google Analytics in order to pull the data of who they are, where they came from, and what ad they pressed.
- Simply put, this will have Google Analytics and it will show us who is clicking on our ads from where, and we can use those metrics to understand the effectiveness of our ads. This page is also meant to have a strong Call to Action leading people to our site to Learn More, Buy, and Get Involved in the community. It is intended to be branded in the same styling as the Marketing campaign graphics.

Graphics and Marketing Summary:
I am one guy - this is a ton of work for me and I'm going to do my best.

Realistically Meerkat and I aren't even enough for PIVX - in my opinion every medium to large crypto company needs atleast 50% of it's staff towards outreach and marketing. The majority of big Crypto projects out there have wallets/software/tech that is WAAAY less advanced than PIVX and yet they have 100x our size in sales and followers. The reason being is that they prioritize putting themselves out there, growing the community (this includes intentionally fostering/growing social interactions in our Discord and other platforms), and they prioritize making themselves relevant/current. This a heavy amount towards paying for web/graphic designers, marketing teams, salesmen, ads, and community giveaways/incentives/discounts.

The reason (in my opinion) people invest in Crypto isn't just because they have great tech or software, which PIVX does. The reason is because they find something that looks trustworthy, has what they want/need (privacy/advanced tech/solid growth), and seems legit (recognizable, attractive, and consistent) - this all equals to them thinking they are able to make a solid profit with a solid project.

If I have missed something, please let me know. I am an open book and would love to discuss more. In fact, I love feedback and to get other people's thoughts on things.
I'm really excited to get this going, so hoping you can vote for me.

You can DM me on Discord if you'd like. I go by Hawtch. You can find me in the PIVX Labs Discord - I post periodically.
That's great. Thanks for the detailed info. Much more confident with this proposal now.

FYI. Some of us are banned from Discord for differing opinions. Banning of anyone should never of happened especially when this is a dao and you are going to get differing opinions but hey ho, less time on me phone is always a good thing.

This is the only go to for information a group of us has so the more detailed is always bonus. Thanks for updating your proposal.