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Hello Guys, question with Pivx wallet


New Pivian
Hey, I have a question, why i have receiving pivix on my wallet while staking, but address is from my own wallet, and if iam trying to transfer it my wallet getting corrupt? and then if i rebuild it it comes back to my original stake...
In v6.0 you may be able to specify a different recipient address, but currently, rewards are 'sent' to your wallet. I use 'sent' in quotes, because they are newly minted coins that are created at your address, not sent to it.

It is perfectly normal to send those rewards once they have confirmed. I believe for rewards, they need 101 confirmations before being able to send.
Hey, I have a question, why i have receiving pivix on my wallet while staking, but address is from my own wallet, and if iam trying to transfer it my wallet getting corrupt? and then if i rebuild it it comes back to my original stake...
These are your staking rewards for leaving the wallet open to stake. Your wallet should not corrupt trying to send any, but theres like @Eric_Stanek said, 101 confirms before coins are seen in balance or are transferrable after receiving a stake award.

If you are resyncing and its going back to the original stake, make sure you are on the latest version and not forked!
Thanks for answers, the latest stake has over 600 confirmations and its still not working, does it have to change my wallet to unlocked? now its locked.


I checked this toolbox and it shows red hand down and that I should delete local blockchain, when i did this a while ago, because i had the same problem, my all stakes vanished and left with my begining stake.


I checked this toolbox and it shows red hand down and that I should delete local blockchain, when i did this a while ago, because i had the same problem, my all stakes vanished and left with my begining stake.
Sounds like you are having an issue with your chain forking! Please make sure you are on the latest wallet version. V5.6.1 https://pivx.org/wallets
If you are forked any staked rewards are not valid and will go away. Always ensure you are on the latest version. You will have to resync again.
Like i said before, this procedure put my account to where i started, no income for about 3-4 years, only forked couple of times, worthless crypto to invest...
Like i said before, this procedure put my account to where i started, no income for about 3-4 years, only forked couple of times, worthless crypto to invest...
Im sorry but this post does not make any sense to me. I am here trying to help you but the message is not very coherent. Can you break it down for me what is the issue? If you are unable to apply the snapshot, or are not using the right version, you will continue to have trouble.

Please let us know your wallet version and sync status so we can help you. The guide will still be as above though.
@zginelamimalpa This forum is not suited for support. You will get quicker support on our Discord server. You can get an invite at Discord.PIVX.org. Once there, please go to the #support channel.