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How and where to download the PIVX wallet


Staff member
Welcome to the PIVX tribe! to become a full fledged member you definitely need to be running the PIVX wallet :p

Our wallet will always only be hosted on our official Github repo which is linked on our official website. Please always confirm that you are on the correct website. Never trust any links to the wallet sent to you by random people.

Official Site: https://pivx.org/wallet
Official GitHub repo: https://github.com/PIVX-Project/PIVX/releases


1.)To download the official PIVX wallet please navigate to our wallet directory on our official website which can be found here: https://pivx.org/wallet

2.) Select the correct wallet file from the above link for your PC, for example I am using Mac so I am going to select the .dmg under the mac logo

3.) It should now download , Once done that's it, Simply run the file and install your PIVX wallet application.

If you have any further questions please feel free to reply to this thread.
I'm having issues getting the latest wallet to load. Running Windows 10.
I got it to load and run once, but it hung up loading the chain data. A few weeks ago I clicked some function in the wallet hoping it would help with the data download(I don't remember which). Apparently I broke something. I keep getting the message in the attached screenshot. I've tried uninstalling and deleting previous downloads, but I still end up with the same error.
Can you please provide suggestions on how to access my PIVX?


Hi @stevenjw61
Is this with PIVX 4.2.0?

if so then follow below:

The issue you provided a screenshot of is likely due to a corrupted blockchain.

Go to the %appdata%/PIVX folder (your PIVX data directory)
And delete all files except for the backup folder and your wallet.dat , Once this is done try open your PIVX wallet again and allow it to sync.