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Archived How much should a ‘Proof of Stake” vote cost in a decentralized voting system?


DecentralizdThe Web Monkey
Mar '17

As most of you saw prior to coming here, we recently published a new blog post on PIVX.org entitled; Why should a vote cost $5,000 or even $100,000? 1
And we are here to discuss exactly that and get a nice fair distributed system put in place to create such a voting procedure! First thing is first though, how much should 'voting ‘cost’, do people need to have funds in order to vote? Would locking the PIV in the wallet for “XX” amount of time if you want to vote, be a thing? How would YOU expect a system like this to play out?
We have some ideas which include having a minimum amount of PIV to vote to keep out non-community folks, but at the same time we want to expand the voting system to be more than just masternodes telling other people what to do…
So what do you think?