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How to troubleshoot staking activation


Staff member

My wallet is running, but staking does not appear to be active. In the pivx-qt (graphical/GUI) wallet the arrow is not green or in pivx-cli (command line/CLI) getstakinginfo says staking is not active.


  1. As a first step, please verify that you meet all staking conditions on this page.
  2. If your wallet meets all of these conditions and staking is not active, try the getstakingstatus command:
    For a GUI wallet, open settings > Tools > Debug Console. Then input the command getstakingstatus
    For a CLI wallet, enter pivx-cli getstakingstatus

    You should see an output similar to the one below that shows your compliance with several staking conditions. If any of these are false, it should narrow down the issue.
    "validtime" : true,
    "haveconnections" : true,
    "walletunlocked" : true,
    "mnsync" : true,
      "staking status" : true
  3. If the steps above are unsuccessful, try the following:
    Gracefully shutdown your pivx wallet
    Wait 30 seconds and then restart the wallet
    Wait 5 minutes and then unlock your wallet for staking