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Archived July: maximize the pivx budget


Jul '17

Maximize the PIVX budget.
There are 2,523 PIV still left for the next SuperBlock Funding - Unspent (and will go uncreated) if we (PIVX) do not obtain them through a proposal.
We are presenting this proposal to be able to maximize these PIVs to be used for current and future marketing/media/conferences/PR work listed below. Rather than have these 2523 PIV go uncreated, we felt it best to place them into a general “marketing” fund to be used to help:
Cover the costs of event attendance and PR/sponsorships at said events (Consensus, etc)
Cover the costs of travel for said events
Cover the cost of lodgings & food during the events.
Cover the cost of Schwag (t-shirts, cards, banners, displays, etc)
This initial fund will be managed by @SnappySnap, @Rhubarbarian, @Mikedb and @UnoffPIVXPromoter with Consensus Input. All are PIVX investors heavily involved in the daily interactions of PIVX.
Proven from the moment both Chad and Snappy started back in 2016, and both Mike and Unoffical as of the past 2 months. Chad is the lead designer for PIVX, Snappy is the face of PIVXpress, and together they are working on enchancing and expanding the viral content. Unoffical and Mike round out the group as massive community players and individuals putting countless hours into communications and moderating the slack community. Mike, Snappy, and Unoffical have taken a JFDI approach to getting to conferences (the most recent being REDpill - June 23/24) where they jumped on getting the details lined up before even having total funds to support the trip. Chad jumped right in as well to help with designs and banners to support the PIVX team.
At the end of each month, we will report out how many PIV were spent, and what items/tasks that paid for.
We are asking for a total of 2400 PIV (which is the majority of the balance of PIV left this superblock). This would be a one time (1 month) fund.
We are also asking for a 100 PIV for reimbursement of proposal submission fees. This includes 50 PIV for the Proposal Submission Fee, and 50 PIV for the Proposal Finalization Fee.
Thus the breakdown:
100 PIV for Submission and Approval
2400 PIV for Marketing/PR general fund.
Remember: these PIV will not be created if the proposal does not pass. Having the beginnings of a fund to help cover these coming expos, conferences, etc will help speed the development.
maxjuly17; hash=92e345a1e1b68ca4d02ce137551ff5798b2157166d5aead35e47f05bc66fb9e2
mnbudget vote-many 92e345a1e1b68ca4d02ce137551ff5798b2157166d5aead35e47f05bc66fb9e2 yes
to vote in favor
mnbudget vote-many 92e345a1e1b68ca4d02ce137551ff5798b2157166d5aead35e47f05bc66fb9e2 no
to vote against
mnbudget getinfo maxjuly2017
to check the status