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Ended LMP - MirelaAbba


Staff member
Name: LMP - MirelaAbba
Term: 1 Cycle
Cycle Amnt: 2,500
Total Amnt: 2,500
Author: Mirela Abazović, JSKitty
Receiver: Mirela Abazović
Address: DLabsktzGMnsK5K9uRTMCF6NoYNY6ET4Bb
Created: 06-12-2023
Status: Active
Vote Hash: 8afaf330442e33a187cf01be603361af577e5e4aab976f322f4b0ca7a8d839ee

Note: The original intended name was LMP - Mirela Abazović, we submitted it as LMP - MirelaAbba to ensure the title and URL fit consensus requirements.

Mirela is a CS Student from the lands of Montenegro, she grew up learning various subjects with a wide range of skills from Game Development, Visual Design, Software UX, Music, Writing, and more - her wide skillset makes her able to work in the tech-heavy environment of Labs to convert our 'techno-jargon' in to plain English for both English and Montenegrin audiences, while being able to help with the design of MyPIVXWallet via UX reviews, translation coordination work and Quality Control organisation.

She's participated in multiple Blockchain and Ethereum related conferences, being an interviewer in the Montenegro Blockchain Forum 2022 (Gov.me), if you wish to see her, she can be seen in THIS part of the Upbeat Hub live-stream.


She has also participated in the Living Lab Workshop (ADP Zid), Innovation Bootcamp (ADP Zid, Co-Funded by the EU) where she got first place with her partner for their idea "Mental Health Hub" and in a Game Jam (ADP Zid) where they had won third place, and is now developing their game "Healthy Mindset - Successful Workplace" (She is the Designer and Visual Artist for the game).


Through all of these events she has gained massive experience when it comes pitching and making professional business plans which can be seen from the results of her pitchings at the Innovation Bootcamp and Game Jam.

As she is very organisational and loves working in teams; she is well equipped for managing projects (Proven through past experiences).
Through her love for art and creativity, she has gained many skills in that category:

  • Visual and Digital art.
  • Photography.
  • Music.
  • Video and Audio editing.
  • Writing (technical writing, analytical essays, prose, prose-poetry, poetry and musical lyrics).
She is extremely interested in research when it comes to society and general psychology, and her aim in life is to improve the living conditions for everyone, especially for her home town.

She has conducted research on two separate topics, in two formats. One was in an "interview" form, while the other was more classical and empirical - where a group of subjects were shown a certain video, then tested about it. The material collected from the research was analyzed in depth and written in an academic report.

This shows her capability of writing technical and analytical texts, as well as analyzing the market, which will prove to be beneficial for the project's reporting schedule (The Superblock Report, and Labs-Launched Proposals).

Biography and CV
Her personal website contains a Biography and CV, if you are interested to dive further in to her projects and skillsets.

Proposal Abstract
This proposal is an introductory Trial Run for a new Labs Team member, Mirela Abazović (@milela), that will take an organisational role at PIVX Labs - undertaking various important non-developer tasks, thus taking pressure away from the Labs Core team, the trial consists of a lower band of work, while also running at half the price of her full-time proposal.

Mirela's tasks at Labs will be the following, likely taking on additional tasks as she gets comfortable with the role - the low-cost trial period allows the DAO to vet her work while also allowing her to adjust to the environment and get caught up on PIVX fully.

  • Compiling, Writing and Publishing The Superblock Report (on the 15th of each month).
  • Translating MyPIVXWallet.org, PIVX.org, and various other platforms and socials in to Montenegrin, as well as coordinating translation work from other countries.
  • Becoming the physical Montenegrin Ambassador for PIVX Labs, with connections to Blockchain Projects in Montenegro, giving PIVX a new arm in a country with high adoption potential.
  • Maintaining and improving the PIVX Labs Discord.
  • Taking over the PIVX Labs socials, such as X (Twitter) and Medium.
If this proposal goes well for Labs, Mirela will likely become a full-time Labs member, helping reduce the workload of the team and increase the effectiveness of international marketing and translation efforts.
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