Name: LRP - JSKitty
Term: 3 Cycles
Cycle Amount: 25,000
Total Amount: 75,000
Author: JSKitty
Receiver: JSKitty
Address: DLabsktzGMnsK5K9uRTMCF6NoYNY6ET4Bb
Created: 19-3-2025
Status: Active
Vote Hash: dbfd2759354f4de9bd412f5defe9b291f6dbecf81ca005b2065894703514fa78
Note: this is an incorrect proposal, with an incorrect address!
Please downvote this proposal and instead visit the correct proposal:
Pending Submission - LRP - JSKitty
Name: LRP - JSKitty Term: 3 Cycles Cycle Amount: 25,000 Total Amount: 75,000 Author: JSKitty Receiver: JSKitty Address: DEdCFt3iYCB4hV3kpsFfWuaUHHnWTQAvTM Created: 19-3-2025 Status: Pending Vote Hash: ---- Note: this is the correct proposal, with the correct address! Please downvote...

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