Name: LRP - JSKitty
Term: 3 Cycles
Cycle Amount: 17,500
Total Amount: 52,500
Author: JSKitty
Receiver: JSKitty
Address: DGNzsJ934RbTa2RZq1gaiqAqeXq3CCeVhz
Created: 16-12-2024
Status: Active
Vote Hash: 6f6d6cb0940127c52a2e4ada4a5ac33fc931c1569a66b165213053910aaab558
Hello curious PIVian or Labsian!
I'm JSKitty

Who is this? Click to get up-to-date on my last proposal.
This is my tenth proposal, in the form of an LRP (Labs Recurring Proposal) to renew my perpetual position in continuing to push PIVX to the next level.
I am the Project Lead of PIVX Labs, as well as a full-time developer for and PIVX Rewards - I manage the tasks and load-balancing of the PIVX Labs team, I handle the networking of Labs (working with our various partners), assist in marketing efforts with both the PIVX Core marketing team and the growing Labs independent marketing team, as well as cultivating the Community Development sector of PIVX to assist small aspiring leaders or developers to build their PIVX projects to their full potential.
What have I done in these last cycles?
These last three cycles have produced a titanic amount of work - in terms of team organisation, agility, output, and the general growth of PIVX Labs applications in every area of our targetted usecases: all but a single promised release were completed on target, one of the most accurate forecasts of Labs releases I've ever managed, actually!
A quick, TL;DR recap of everything coming below:
- My PIVX Wallet v2.0 was launched (along with, subsequently, updates v2.0.1, v2.1 and v2.1.1, bringing even more features and fixes in rapid succession).
- Labs Ads was launched.
- PIVCards Cashback was launched.
- PIVX Rewards launched it's multi-tier loyalty Perk system, incentivising long-term member retention with linear reward growth.
For once, the majority of my effort in these cycles was aimed at My PIVX Wallet - pushing to complete as many features and fixes as possible before end-of-year, jumping from v1.5.1 to v2.1.1 - our latest and greatest release, in only three months.
Let's dive in to my responsibilities and contributions below.
- My PIVX Wallet Development
- Finalise v2.1.1: This PR bumps the version, updates the Changelog, and adds last-minute dependency updates and patches prior to update launch.
- Added privacy warning on XPubs: This PR adds a Privacy warning on XPub sharing, as well as optimising some QR Modal and Address Rendering code.
- Various PIVX Promos fixes: This PR adds various fixes to the PIVX Promos feature, saving screen-space, reducing confusion for code creators, and cleaning up some code.
- Various Wallet Export fixes: This PR adds various fixes to the Wallet Export functionality, making it much nicer to use.
- Fix Governance display on iOS: This PR fixes incorrect Governance rendering on iOS, causing wildly out-of-place Governance UI.
- Finalise v2.1: This PR bumps the version, updates the Changelog, and adds last-minute dependency updates and patches prior to update launch.
- Nicer Activity Date format: This PR changed the Activity Times/Dates to be easier to read, dynamically adjusting in verbosity depending on a Tx's age.
- Fixed invalid password alerts: This PR fixes a bug leading to silent Invalid Password alerts - this made UX strange when the user was getting no response when using the wrong password.
- Added Stake Pre-Splitting: This PR adds a unique feature to MPW; automatic stake input splitting, this grants MPW users maximum staking efficiency with no manual work.
- Allow MPW to run explorer-less: This PR was partially-merged, adding some new Node-based data source fallbacks to remove Explorer reliance.
- Added automatic node switching: This PR added the ability for MPW to auto-switch between Nodes depending on reachability, massively improving network stability.
- Finalise v2.0.1: This PR bumps the version, updates the Changelog, and adds last-minute dependency updates and patches prior to update launch.
- Faster TXDB Initialisation: This PR added a neat ~4x speedup to TXDB Init, scaling with more TX history. A wallet of 10k Txs now has it's TXDB boot time reduced from 1s to 0.25s.
- Removed unused toggleDropDown() function: A small PR cleaning up some unused and deprecated code.
- Fix Reward Aggregator: This fixes the 'Total Rewards' calculation in the Staking Dashboard, now displaying the full aggregate of all rewards earned for your wallet.
- Added Persistant Wallet mode: This added persistance to your last used mode (Public or Private), which makes it easier to perform payments using your preferred balance.
- Finalise v2.0: This PR bumps the version, updates the Changelog, and adds last-minute dependency updates and patches prior to update launch.
- Added PIVX Labs node + fix Node selector: This PR added my self-maintained node ( as the official PIVX Labs node for My PIVX Wallet, and fixed the ability to select nodes.
- Added in-modal address refresh + automatic type flipping: This PR added the ability to refresh new addresses in the Receive menu, as well as automatically flipping the 'Receive' type when the user switches Public and Private mode.
- Remove deprecated 'Labs Analytics': Removed both the frontend interface and the backend code for Labs Analytics, a now-defunct service.
Various trivial and ultra-small PRs were omitted for brevity.
Outside of these PRs, I've reviewed a large amount of PRs and handled the Quality Control process to reduce the amount of bugs and issues making their way in to Production releases.
- PIVCards
Spend PIV at any store, in any country, from any wallet, in total privacy.
PIVCards has had new features and large behind-the-scenes improvements these cycles, the ones I've worked on include:
- Improved Search Engine: searching is now faster and more reliable - new optimised item icons were added, and the wonky sometimes-working search is now solid.
- Cashback Audio: I worked on the simple improvement to add a little confetti 'pop' sound along with the graphics, yay!
- Added the new Settings System: PIVCards now has a local, user-configurable settings system that allows you to control your PIVCards experience better.
- PIVX Rewards

PIVX Rewards also had it's new Reward Codes feature, which is the backbone of PIVCards Cashback as well as various other community-level giveaways and events.
Reward Codes are different to PIVX Promos, and not to be confused with them: Reward Codes are off-chain, issued and redeemed via PIVX Rewards, since there's currently no known way to allow PIVX Promos to allow one code to be redeemable by multiple users, the 'single use' problem, and since PIVX Promos require some hefty PoW to issue and redeem, Reward Codes are our stop-gap that allows for instant, fast, multi-use codes with a PIVX value backing them.
Additionally, we launched a multi-tiered loyalty Perk system which grants users additional benefits for having larger daily streaks, you can see these tiers on-site via the Perks tab.
- Other Stuff
It took a gigantic amount of work to release the latest beast that is My PIVX Wallet - our alt-platforms continue growing and scaling on a daily basis, our partnership list continues to grow (with even more Game Servers and Giftcard provider partnerships planned for 2025) - there is simply too much to list in a single report over 3 months of work.
That said, 2025 picks right up where we left off: building our apps to be bigger, better, and faster, the all-in-one, homebrew PIVX Ecosystem.
Oh, also, I've started writing elaborated Labs announcements and news via @palmtree's new platform; PIVX News - we even have our own page!

What will I continue to do for the next three cycles?
Continue as Project Manager and Lead Developer to push PIVX Labs to it's best.
For once, I am actually going to delay the "What's to come?" section a bit - with holiday season rolling in, and the team winding down - right now is not the time to be planning our next 3 months in one post, in which I'd prefer to map out an accurate roadmap with the team's full consensus applied.
What I will say; is coming January 2025, the PIVX Labs team is going to begin publicly outlining our approximate roadmap for 2025, with massive My PIVX Wallet features that are not only PIVX-firsts, but Crypto-firsts, a complete redesign to PIVCards as PIVX's true, decentralised storefront - and new, completely radical plans and ideas that are simply too nutty to explain briefly here; PIVX Smart Chain - or Shield Messenger, anyone? - lest I bite off more than I can chew with ecstatic ideas!
PIVX Labs will return with a rollout-style Roadmap by Mid-Late January, I'll see you there, Happy Holidays.

... want to add your own ideas for us to build?
Join and let's get it done!
Join and let's get it done!
I, and the entire Labs team + community, thank everyone who have supported our work thus far, and allowed us to prove that we can get shit done without too much messing around - we have some fun, it's what keeps us sane and grounded, down-to-earth, but we keep our direction the same: build, and do it right.
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- JSKitty
Thanks for reviewing my proposal, now's your choice:
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- JSKitty