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Archived LRP - Labs Infra


Staff member
Name: LRP - Labs Infra
Term: 3 Cycles
Cycle Amnt: 1,250
Total Amnt: 3,750
Author: JSKitty, Mirela
Receiver: PIVX Labs
Address: DLabsktzGMnsK5K9uRTMCF6NoYNY6ET4Bb
Created: 04-03-2024
Status: Active
Vote Hash: a5d73a61a42b2edb748077e6033f8e218924831e72326969fc0b32bdcb398a08

Proposal Abstract
In the last three months, we completed the full transition of Labs services to Njalla hardware - it's proven to be far safer and more reliable than our previous providers, lowering our outage rate vastly, and giving us a beefy enough infrastructure to handle the half-a-dozen Labs services, we've also acquired various domain names that'll be used for new Labs Platforms, one of which releases this month! 🔥

In this time, we've also optimised! Our costs have lowered from ~750 EUR to roughly ~400 EUR a month by optimising and spreading our node setups, re-using nodes where possible across services, switching PIVCards reserves from Bitcoin to DogeCoin, and lowering the hardware capacity of services that don't need the power, such as PIVCards Proxies, QC microservices, and PIVi.

The price increase of BTC and PIVX also helps us drop the infrastructure costs in PIV, taking us from 7,500 to only 3,750 PIV in 3 months!

Njalla is "Considered the worlds most notorious "Privacy as a Service" provider", Njalla has the same founder as The Pirate Bay and countless other infamous anti-censorship services, including supporting WikiLeaks, Njalla have the same attitude as Labs, and we have a direct PGP-encrypted chatline to them - why wouldn't we use them?

Njalla (Onion) - Njalla (Clearweb)
Njalla's hardware is based in Sweden, and unlike most; they are not a reseller, but direct hardware-as-a-service.

/ˈɲalla/ (Sami),
Small hut in the Sápmi forest, built to protect against predators.

Proposal Plans

This proposal aims to cover all Infrastructure costs, including but not limited to: (New additions are highlighted in bold)
- All current and future Labs domains (MyPIVXWallet.org, PIVCards, PIVX Rewards, and room for additional if needed).
- MyPIVXWallet Primary server. (Hardened MPW-dedicated server).
- MyPIVXWallet Backup server. (Hardened MPW-dedicated server, used for load-balancing and/or test deployments).
- (New) PIVX Rewards server. (Used for the PIVX Rewards platform, hosts a PIVX full node and all PIVX Rewards data).
- Labs Cold Server. (Used for Labs micro-services such as Labs Cold Pool, PIVi, Prodder).

- PIVCards Master Server. (Runs full nodes of PIVX Core, DogeCoin Core, as well as the PIVCards Codebase, securely holding up-to 0.1 BTC worth of funds for operation).
- PIVCards Proxy Micro-Servers. (NOT hosted under Njalla due to Proxies needing to be located internationally, these servers allow PIVCards to operate in select global regions, like UK, US, EU, Canada, etc).

The costs are estimated to be around 400 to 500 Euros a month, with headroom for potential upgrades, converted to PIV at current rates, as a 'maximum band' number, meaning we could theoretically run lower, but it leaves little headroom for upgrading or changes of plans under a month (superblock cycle).
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