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Ended LRP - Luke


Staff member
Name: LRP - Luke
Term: 3 Cycles
Cycle Amnt: 20,000
Total Amnt: 60,000
Author: Luke, Mirela, JSKitty
Receiver: Luke
Address: DNkAdmxHiGvYvMV3Cvtb4FFYhJMUTc8oR2
Created: 07-04-2024
Status: Active
Vote Hash: a0fc0dd10d351a98cdd3128485d645b92c027858a613eb57a9b46917cef02c77

Role and Introduction
Luke is the primary backend developer across the majority of central Labs Platforms under JSKitty, he develops PIVCards, PIVX Poker, Labs Oracle, our Node Maintenance systems, and assists with architectural work and code-reviews for other parts of Labs - Overall, he's a core member of Labs' infrastructure, keeping everything running smoothly while adding new features and expanding the ecosystem.

PIVCards: massive delivery-time improvements, cost reductions, and a 1-in-100 error rate.
These last three months, Luke spent a lot of time cracking down on two areas of PIVCards: Speed, and Stability, both of which he nailed perfectly in our timeline, migrating the backend of PIVCards from Bitcoin Core to DogeCoin Core, as well as writing a custom fee management system; massively reduced the costs of internal currency movements, conversions, and sped-up the delivery of orders from over 30m to less than 5m on average!

The cost savings that this achieved allowed PIVCards to start using it's 5% fee as part of a Labs "Circular Ecosystem" project, this entails splitting PIVCards fees among various funding needs to reduce pressure on the DAO Treasury, and creating a positive reinforcement cycle for Labs projects to grow, for example: PIVX Rewards earns 20% of the PIVCards fees (equal to 1% of PIVCards markup), which is spent for on-boarding, which then drives users to PIVCards, a positive growth cycle.

Alongside speed improvements, he made a ton of changes to how PIVCards handles out-of-band orders, handles order errors, improves auto-refund reliability, and created a templating system alongside JSKitty which allows PIVCards admins to very easily add new "types" of cards to the service's delivery system.

TL;DR: all of these improved functions have dropped PIVCards errors to such a low probability, that we've had a single failed order in the last 100 orders, a 1% error rate. (A "failed" order is defined by being impossible to complete, requiring a manual refund, typically from internal or unexpected issues).

Labs Oracle: doing CoinGecko's job, better.
Labs Oracle is an open-source PIVX-exclusive price aggregation system planned for internal Labs use, however, in April, Oracle will release publicly with a Labs interface and website, giving users a bloat-free PIVX price monitoring experience, with the likes of CoinGecko becoming incredibly unreliable and bloated, while CoinMarketCap require high dues for their use, Oracle will save the PIVX community of these excessive issues.

For a few weeks, CoinGecko have been blocking MPW users from seeing prices in their app, as well as occasionally causing PIVCards and PIVX Rewards to adjust prices incorrectly, Oracle will replace CoinGecko as the primary data source, giving users a far more reliable experience, and also improving stability of Labs projects like PIVCards and PIVX Rewards, all of which rely on CoinGecko currently for pricing data to function.

PIVX Poker: stability, docs, and more docs!
PIVX Poker continued receiving bugfixes and improvements over the last few months, further polishing it's stability, and also writing a plethora of documentation for external developers to start assisting with Poker development.
PIVX Poker now has an improved profile system (fixed avatars, addresses, names, etc), a huge amount of developer documentation and code clean-up, and fixes to the referral system to ready the platform for upcoming onboarding events from the Labs team.

Labs Node Checker: beating forks and crashes for improved Labs uptime.
The Labs Node Checker is a system taken-over by Luke to create a side-daemon to PIVX Core that aims to improve a node's stability: this is achieved by Node Checker removing odd nodes, restarting the daemon upon detected instabilities, emails Labs admins upon daemon issues requiring manual intervention, and a bunch of additional node-protection features.

This will soon be used on a large amount of internal Labs nodes, improving uptime across the board - PIVX Core suffers the occasional crash on heavy load, as well as forking if a few too many strange peers are met, this system forceable steers a node to the best chain and peers.

My PIVX Wallet: reviews!
Luke has provided some additional review-power to MyPIVXWallet, helping us merge PRs a little faster for the v1.5.1 patch that released last month.

Proposal Plans

PIVCards: 🛡️ SHIELD, cashback!

Luke will next be working on the transition of PIVCards Platform to the SHIELD Protocol: enabling the most private PIVX purchases possible, PIVCards will be the first 1000+ brand merchant that accepts and processes 100% SHIELD'ed purchases, making it practically impossible for any one user to be tied to a particular purchase, combined with a good VPN and Tor: you might as well call it impossible.
Additionally, PIVCards will soon have a SHIELD Cashback system: in a cross-platform integration with the PIVX Rewards platform - users will be able to earn Cashback in SHIELD'ed PIV credited directly to their PIVX Rewards account: onboarding them if they don't already have one, or immediately crediting them if they do!
These two improvements will render PIVCards, by far, the most private and equally most beneficial place to shop with your PIV.

PIVX Poker: further opening the developer scope
Luke will continue work on improving the codebase's modularity and portability, allowing external developers (of which, PIVX Poker has attracted the interest of) to join the development alongside Luke and Labs, much of this work consists of upgrading base-level tech such as Python versioning, documentation and admin tools - overall, aligning Poker's architecture and design with Labs' standards.

Labs Node Checker: additional stability features and better email alerts
Work will continue on Node Checker's daemon protections, as well as improving the viability of Email Alerts for admins.

Labs Oracle: additional APIs and finishing touches
Luke will finalise the backend of the Labs Oracle, allowing JSKitty to create the frontend for a public launch in April, as well as helping with the conversion of all Labs from CoinGecko to Oracle.

Fun stuff: additional, low-priority free-time tasks
These tasks are around the realm of improving smaller Labs projects, such as performing reviews for MyPIVXWallet when additional reviews are needed - and experimenting with a Rust WASM implementation of PIVX Promos and VanityGen, both of which would enable massive performance improvements for PIVX Promos and VanityGen in MPW, by switching from a JavaScript implementation to Rust WASM - or potentially improving the Labs Cold Pool implementation for better stability and uptime.


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