Name: LRP - Luke
Term: 3 Cycles
Cycle Amnt: 20,000
Total Amnt: 60,000
Author: JSKitty
Receiver: Luke
Address: DNkAdmxHiGvYvMV3Cvtb4FFYhJMUTc8oR2
Created: 14-01-2025
Status: Active
Vote Hash: 5db856b2d1d01b6678422d75fb7809d6670fb0e62e8dea2b0445a9f926eba94e
Role and Introduction
Luke is the primary backend developer across the majority of central Labs Platforms under JSKitty, he develops PIVCards, Labs Oracle, our Node Maintenance systems, and assists with architectural work and code-reviews for other parts of Labs - Overall, he's a core member of Labs' infrastructure, keeping everything running smoothly while adding new features and expanding the ecosystem.
Progress Report
PIVCards: the Catalogue System
Luke's work, has primarily been on the PIVCards Catalogue, adding the various DB schemas and codebase refactors to allow for PIVCards to sort through it's aggregated, anonymised purchase data for "Most Popular Cards", as well as categories like "Travel", "Tech", "Gaming", "Food" and more. PIVCards will soon be a fully-fledged storefront, no more search-only experience.

PIVX Promos Redeemer: the universal PIVX Promos sweeping client
Luke has largely taken over JSKitty's starter project "Redeemer", an open-source web app designed to be a universal, multi-coin redeemer client for PIVX Promos to work in a multi-coin environment.
GitHub - PIVX-Labs/Redeemer at sweep
A simple, non-custodial 'Sweeping' client for PIVX Promos. - GitHub - PIVX-Labs/Redeemer at sweep
The reason we're building this is to encourage and incentivise the use of PIVX Promos at a broader scale: many services and programmes may not wish to spend time integrating a custom system from scratch for just a single coin. But what if ALL coins (BTC-based) were supported out-the-box? PIVX Promos already exists in this fashion as a protocol, however, the only implementation of a PIVX Promos Redeemer client is built-in to My PIVX Wallet, making it inefficient as a source of code, given it's geared entirely towards PIVX.
Redeemer will open the doors for other coins - and thus other services at broad scale - to implement our custom on-chain promo code protocol - we already have two partnerships lined up, and this application will finalise those partnerships.

Proposal Plans
In a similar fashion to BreadJS ( - this January is primarily about carrying on previously-assigned tasks before the holiday cutoff. Post-2024 plans are yet to be fully decided, and a large team call will be held in the near future to help solidify the team's collective efforts on proper plans heading in to 2025.

With this part being unusually barren; remember, we'll be releasing some very wide-scope plans for the entirety of 2025 around the end of January, in which our plans will be much more solid, digestable and broken-down in to assignable tasks to distribute to the Labs team, such as Luke himself. Hang tight!
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