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Archived LRP - Rushali


Staff member
Name: LRP - Rushali
Term: 3 Cycles
Cycle Amnt: 12,500
Total Amnt: 37,500
Author: JSKitty, Rushali
Receiver: Rushali
Address: DQHajggqx1XXZPWuchWBB5jS4pmiT3LNJN
Created: 13-08-2024
Status: Active
Vote Hash: c7c48583b860a587a22d96d9ca97ad9a3a3485e75e342d3c3ba76aa22a647c3a

Role and Introduction
Rushali is the latest trial member at PIVX Labs - utilising her vast computing-academia to push the development of Labs Oracle, PIVX Rewards and PIVCards further, particularly in areas of frontend work.

Progress Report

Labs Oracle - Finished!

Rushali completed her first full project at Labs: to add multiple features and much needed polish-work to the Labs Oracle, releasing immediately after Quality Control ends and once marketing materials have been acquired.

All planned features were added, alongside a handful of additional unplanned features, those being:
  • Full charting system with three time scales (24h, 7d, 1mo).
  • Real-time price + chart tracking.
  • Currency Calculator.
  • Currency page sharing (via URL).
The full app frontend took around 50 commits from her, and multiple rounds of Quality Control with the PIVX Labs Community until it was deemed well-polished.
PIVians are welcome to protect their privacy further by switching to Labs Oracle for both price data (Developer API) and simply for keeping up-to-date with the latest 30 days of PIVX hourly trading data. No Google Analytics, no Cloudflare DNS, clean and efficient.

Proposal Plans
These plans are now ordered by priority, with the top-most items receiving the most attention and lower-most being "spare-time" ventures.
Plans may also change or expand during the proposal's timeframe, all work in which will be documented by PIVX Labs and reported on accordingly.

PIVX Rewards
Rushali's focus shifts now fully to PIVX Rewards, with some concise objectives carried along from the previous cycle:
  • Finishing the Labs Ads Submission Dashboard - allowing PIVians to design, submit, and pay for their own Labs Ads campaigns using PIV.
  • Finishing the Labs Ads Monitoring Dashboard - the spot for advertisers to monitor their various ads, see charts on their views, clicks - and change settings at any time.
  • Starting the PIVX Rewards Admin Dashboard - a web-dashboard built for the PIVX Labs team to more easily monitor platform stats, with charts and projection systems, i.e:
    - Tracking user growth rates, with outlier detection for abnormal account spikes.
    - Tracking user retention rates.
    - Tracking referral system usage, with outlier detection assistance for potential botting.
    - Tracking inbound and outbound PIVX balances of the PIVX Rewards pool; i.e: what systems bring PIV IN TO the pool, what systems spend the most FROM the pool.

In addition, after several reports from users saying that the referral and signup system is slightly too confusing - Rushali and myself will work on an improved onboarding page, with better FAQs, with an interactive signup experience catered to the user's wallet (MyPIVXWallet or PIVX Core), and an eye-catchy design to give incoming folks a warm welcome to the Labs Ecosystem, and retain as many new eyes as we can.

We're hoping all of these changes finalise PIVX Rewards as a self-sustaining and intelligent onboarding platform, in the area of onboarding, data is key - our platform can generate a lot of data on what existing PIVians like, and what non-PIVians like or dislike, so that we can build an experience for "noobs" that leaves a lasting impression.

Labs Oracle
With the very-nearly launched Oracle at the ready: bug reports and feature requests are a welcome thing, Rushali will be at the ready to handle said requests as long as the work fits within schedule and doesn't impede the progress of PIVX Rewards.
For bugs and/or requests, feel free to use the PIVX Labs Discord, or the Labs Oracle GitHub repository. Or feel free to fork Oracle, host your own, or submit your own changes!
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As always, I love and appreciate how well written your proposals and updates are. Also extremely happy to see a focus on data driven decision infrastructure.

Perhaps too early to ask, but are there plans for securing advertising space outside the PIVX eco-system, and use PIVX infrastructure to place and manage ads in those spots? Perhaps we can leverage @Jeffrey 's connections to find those opportunities?

Thanks for this well written proposal.
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Labs Ads was built as an API system - so it's already entirely possible to integrate it in to different apps and sites - tech-wise, I did prepare for that.

Would love to see what kind of connections we can build for ad hosting... the more the merrier, in case 3rd-parties ever get to hosting Labs Ads on their own platform: I'm tempted to add a "revenue share" system which rewards them in PIV for displaying our ads, it would effectively be our own "Coinzilla" for the PIVX Ecosystem, with competitive PPC pricing.