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Archived Market Making - top up


Staff member
Title: PIVXmm01
Name: PIVXmm01
Term: 1 Cycles
Cycle Amount: 127 850 PIVX
Total Amount:  127 850 PIVX
Author: Jeffrey
Receiver: Jeffrey
Address: D8VmnfvC57TrXrzmcJGyaNn3Bo9ChnKjH6
Status: Active
Vote Hash: 1827579f076052d76a1baf1d40737651a64e07cfd594396202f84e7739732523

Hi all,

This proposal serves as a "renewal" of a previous proposal here - https://forum.pivx.org/threads/pivx-x-armada-marketmaking.2261/ . The purpose of this is to expand on our liquidity on Major exchanges such as Binance to meet requirements, provide a healthy order book and to eventually gain access to additional trading services such as Futures etc. Our BTC pair currently lacks volume so majority of this proposal will be used to add liquidity there and a portion of around 4K usd worth of PIVX will be transferred as fees to our other market maker(Make-IT). Once our liquidity has reached a sufficient point we can work with our MM team at Armada to provide a wider array of MM services across our major exchanges utilising all liquidity to make the order books favorable for service providers such as payment gateways and swap sites.

Thank you again for your support. This will be one of many as I plan to grow our liquidity to a minimum of 200K across pairs and then to expand to other exchanges that are top tier.

Our Current MM portfolio with Armada:

If you have any questions please feel free to ask below.


Funding this round has no NET USD value, remaining budget requested to assist with market making efforts. Therefore for this proposal I am asking for:
127 850 PIVX

Of which I will deduct 50 PIVX to cover the cost of submitting this proposal.

Voting Details:

To Vote YES for this proposal:
mnbudgetvote many 1827579f076052d76a1baf1d40737651a64e07cfd594396202f84e7739732523 yes
To Vote NO for this proposal:
mnbudgetvote many 1827579f076052d76a1baf1d40737651a64e07cfd594396202f84e7739732523 no