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Active Marketing - RedByrd Jan 2025


Name: Marketing-RedByrd
Term: 3 cycles
Cycle Amount: 20,000 PIV
Total Amount: 60,000 PIV
Author: RedByrd
Receiver: RedByrd
Address: DBSviSiC8hNKvL2DszcMGR3AsvpAURxH9t
Created: Jan 12, 2025
Vote Hash: 10b48e9b45b2417d9e8ea1a590c33bb55b4e7b5ea867c685cd1d5d19e2d4d24e

Hello PIVians!
Happy 2025! I look forward to this being an amazing year for PIVX!

I am continuing to love the community with PIVX and love expanding my circle of discussions each month with the members. I can see the growth in the campaigns and believe that the we have an exciting year ahead and want to send thanks for my involvement this far. It continues to be a pleasure to work closely with @Hawtch and @ellamel and love to see our team grow allowing for a wider breadth of tasks and campaigns.

I believe I continue to add value with my animation and design services and we have a growing long list of campaigns that we would love to see flushed out over the year.

I also continue to love it when members reach out for collaborations! We have built some really fun and dynamic videos for promotional purposes and educational needs, that build upon the foundation that is PIVX. We are also exploring quarterly plan targets / campaigns as well as introducing a Marketing Town Hall to help generate more conversation and support the needs of PIVX moving through 2025.

Please find a list of our current tasks and updates on previous lists. (If you have a wish list - please send along for discussion we love feedback from the community)

Video & Animation


1. Get a wallet - completed
2. Send and Receive PIV - completed
3. Recover Wallet - in development
4. Get PIV - in development
5. Public vs Private PIV (next up after staking)
6. Stake (Hot and Cold - might put these in two / three separate vids) - in development
7. Spend PIV (PIV Cards)

Promotional VIDS
Our work on promotional materials continues to add a fun dynamic and help get the PIVX word out. WIth the new advertising budget proposal from Hawtch we are exploring more ways to leverage our material and new productions.

As mentioned before, often this work comes on a need by need basis, so we aim accommodate these requests as they roll in.

To the Moon Video (WIP completed and in final stages)
Polonium - completed
XT - completed
Xmas campaign for PIVX Core with @LeacyMcK - completed.
Labs rewards video - completed

Educational VIDS / Podcast shorts
(Outside of the How To VIDS)
@clem has been producing some amazing articles and we currently have a WIP of her recent 7 Times Your Financial Privacy Was Compromised.
Our plan is to break out this WIP into 7 distinct videos (shorter and possibly more digestible for some viewers). We will also maintain a full length video.

PIVX Website content - delayed until first quarter in 2025
We have a WIP of a series of small audio clips that are conversationally based utilizing the current PIVX.org website content.

Our goal is to leverage this content into a podcast / shorts / chats to help educate any that are looking to discover more about PIVX in an easy going and friendly way. Open to any suggestions on how to best leverage this content and maximize exposure!

Initial concepts of the designs have gone over well and there has been some community discussion and interest in having merch more widely available. We are currently working on submitting a small order to test out the designs and the results. We also have it recorded to expand a discussion on how to best provide this merch out to the community.

We are keeping our eyes and ears open to other opportunities such as the Faucet sites and even possible partnerships. This is where a lot of you can come in - if you have a connection or know new/unmentioned ways we can do ads, PLEASE let us know!

Up and running and the meme development working is being spearheaded by @ellamel as she gets more familiar with PIVX. Great to have you on the team @Ellamell!

Faucetpay.io and Viefaucet.com have already been a great alternative to Google Ads. We have spent only $30 and received roughly 5000 total views on our most recent videos! Could be very effective since it's crypto people already there clicking on the ads. This is also an affordable way to test effectiveness of various colours, CTA's and images on ads.

In what he is doing with PIVX listings, partners, and growth, adverts and reach.

If you have questions or comments, please feel free to reach out at anytime.
- RedByrd

Check out the latest XT video!
We used $40 on the faucet sites (faucetpay.io + viefaucet) to boost the video. @Ellamell helped to put these faucet ads up. Well done! Already has 1.3k viewers.
Last edited by a moderator:
Hello all!
Working on adding some updates into my forum page.
The following are currently being proofed in final stages.
If you have any feedback, please send along. Otherwise, I think we have it wrapped in all formats and exports and ready for distribution.

Final files for the 2 Easily Live of Crypto Videos can be proofed at the following link:
Once we have a couple of views and approvals, lets co-ordinate and setup a send-out date. Looking forward to your thoughts. Thankyou!
Update request from the Community: Ongoing (send something along if you are reading this!)

Hello all!
I would like to ask for your help. We are looking to build a compilation of small sound bites that answer ‘WHY PIVX??’.

WHY?We all have our own reasons for being involved and why we support and believe in PIVX and I believe these are important messages to get out to the world. Completely anonymous (DM me directly if you like), no video, no names. Just a few simple snippets. I’m really hoping to compile 10-20 sound bites and I think they should come from our community here that is active and involved.

The GOAL:Pull the sound bites together adding supportive motion graphics that align it to pump PIVians up a little. (WIP will be posted in Discord prior to posting on Socials for review and comment)

THE ASK: 2-8 sec sound slip answering ‘WHY PIVX’. eg: ‘The Community is amazing!’ or ‘ 9 year track record!’ ‘Leaders in Crypto technology!’ etc…..

HOW?Comp / mobile audio recordings will be fine. You can reply to this post or send me a DM.
OR if you want to send me a couple words, I can use AI to fill in where needed. Love the idea of a Global voice.

UPDATE - Thanks @palmtree for the suggestion of the file drop on next cloud. You can upload to this folder annonymously and this folder - perfect solution! (Note, folder will be shut down the end of next week.) https://marketing.pivx.org/s/xdK7EEQQT2DZgHqWHEN?Can you take 2 min now?

That said, ideally all are collected by the end of next week Feb 14th.
Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou.** We want the voice of our Community to come through in our Marketing. (edited)

PIVX Marketing Cloud
We need your voice - AUDIO CLIPS
PIVX Marketing Cloud - PRIVACY is non-negotiable, FREEDOM is everything!
We have built a pilot competition on Gleam.io to see if we can build a little traction. Would love any feedback on the competition and support to share. We will be posting on Socials this weekend.
MASSIVE Crypto Giveaway! Receive Free PIVX! https://gleam.io/YInfW/massive-crypto-giveaway #win via @GleamApp


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We also have a Merch Sample!
Thanks to ABF Prints for all of the hard work!


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