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Resolved MASTERNODE: Setup



I have a Raspberry PI 4 with 4GB RAM ready to be used as a PIVX Masternode and I was wondering if someone could help me in setting it up.

Thank you in advanced
Sorry for the late reply but I was working on gathering enough PIVX to start a Master-Node.
About setting up a PIVX MN, do I need to have a dedicated IP or I can just use my IPS's IP address?

Thank you again for your help.
When setting up a MN, there are 2 wallets involved, each on their own device. The MN Host wallet, which is running 24x7 and the MN Controller wallet, which can be turned off as desired, and it contains the 10K PIV collateral.

Your MN Host needs a unique WAN IP address. This can be the IP address your ISP provides to you, but they are typically DHCP, which means when your router reboots, you might get a different IP address. If that happens, you will need to update your MN setup, issue the START command again, and wait 3 to 5 days to get back into the payment queue.

When you get a 2nd Masternode, this method typically won't work, because your ISP only gives you one IP address. This is why many people use a service like AllNodes to run their Masternode Host for them.

You can run them using Tor, to get unique IP (Tor) addresses that way though. But, that is much more technical.

Hope this helps!
I will set a PIVX MasterNode tonight as soon as I get back from work. Hopefully it will work with my ISP's IP address otherwise, I will give AllNodes a try.
Thank you again.
My MasterNode went from PRE-ENABLED to MISSING.
So, I created a pivx.conf file and added the following:


and restarted my PIVX wallet.

Now the MasterNode is PRE_ENABLED and hopefully, will turn into ENABLED soon.

I will keep you posted.

P.S. I am suing my IPS's IP Address and my MasterNode is running on 51472 TCP Port.
As a last resort, I am going to follow this tutorial and let you know.
Anyway, thank you so very much for trying to help me! Now more than ever, I want to support this Coin by having multiple Nodes in the future ^_^
Success: I can see your service on ISP's IP on port (51472)

I used the "Create Masternode Controller" button in my PIVX Wallet V5.5.0 (RaspiOS 64Bit)
That is correct then and the port is open. I wonder if the PIVX wallet is crashing? Is there any other processes running on your RPI?

Thank you so much for your support 🙏
Hi everyone, I have a suggestion but I don't know if it will work.

Have you tried using NOIP?

I also have this problem to have the fixed IP, in the future I will test hostinger's VPS, ($6/month)
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I am not sure what happened but with the latest PIVX Wallet 5.6.1 now I can use my ISP.
I am so happy that I have sold my ETH to support PIVX!

Thank you again! :)(y)