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Archived Micro Business PIVX Community Project

Sorry. I guess I am missing something. What 'banking business'?
Generally said with "banking business" I refer to "the management of the PIVX for the buyers and vendors". I'm not expecting anyone to do things for free, If someone contributes to PIVX growth this way it's legit he can also take some profit from it, so I would be okay if he earns a little although it was originally funded from the budget.
Not sure where this concern is coming from.

The only statements ONeZetty makes related to exchanging PIVX for fiat are;

"... being realistic, it will be necessary to convert this first transfer in Fiat, since otherwise it may not be possible to start ..."

"To convert the PIV to fiat I will be able to make the necessary arrangements using traditional payment channels, if the ambassador [vendor] is not able to do so."

In other words, he doesn't want to do exchanges, but understands that in order to move forward, initially it may be required.

At a high level, there is 4,000 PIV for this proposal. Even if he took an extreme 10% exchange fee, we are then talking about a grand total of $80. From that, there is indeed real fees that ONeZetty would have to pay anyways. So, I would hardly call this a 'banking business'.

It just seems questions like this type of questioning is 'micro-managing'.

Besides, there is absolutely no way to 'police' if such an exchange happens or not anyways. But, we do know the vendor will have the option to exchange PIVX to fiat any ways he/she likes as it is a free market.

Basically, if these questions are sincere, then there is no trust and you should just vote NO.

I just look at it this way ......

If we get 10+ images, plus a story, from each of 4 vendors, for a total of 4,000 PIV, that works out to 100 PIV or $18 per image to post all over social media, each of which 'screams' the message of "Adoption, Adoption, Adoption!". That is an extremely good deal!

When we get those images, and stories, over the course of say 3 months, THAT is all we can measure, and how we should judge the value of this proposal.

The rest doesn't really matter.
Not sure where this concern is coming from.
There is no concern
The only statements ONeZetty makes related to exchanging PIVX for fiat are;

"... being realistic, it will be necessary to convert this first transfer in Fiat, since otherwise it may not be possible to start ..."

"To convert the PIV to fiat I will be able to make the necessary arrangements using traditional payment channels, if the ambassador [vendor] is not able to do so."

In other words, he doesn't want to do exchanges, but understands that in order to move forward, initially it may be required.

Yes and that is what I called banking business. and I wanted to know about the option " if the vendor"is not able to do so.
At a high level, there is 4,000 PIV for this proposal. Even if he took an extreme 10% exchange fee, we are then talking about a grand total of $80. From that, there is indeed real fees that ONeZetty would have to pay anyways. So, I would hardly call this a 'banking business'.

It just seems questions like this type of questioning is 'micro-managing'.

I don't care about the name, maybe micromanaging this fits it better in the beginning, but could also develop into a banking business when done on a bigger scale
Besides, there is absolutely no way to 'police' if such an exchange happens or not anyways. But, we do know the vendor will have the option to exchange PIVX to fiat any ways he/she likes as it is a free market.

Never said that policing would be necessary. Yes, the vendor can exchange it on exchanges or maybe with onezetty if he's supporting the businesses and help them with the exchanging in the beginning.

Basically, if these questions are sincere, then there is no trust and you should just vote NO.

ehhhhm please?

I like the approach and the questions I have are for a better understanding of it. And in case this would lead to some kind of business option for onezetty I would be absolutely okay with that as he is bringing his time and effort.
How can you say I don't trust it? How do you know that? I think I know better if I trust the concept than you.

In the other discussion, you claimed I would have asked for merch, but I had asked only if merch is one of the promo options.
I gently ask you not to put my words into the opposite anymore or to make it look as if I had claimed certain things. Thank you.
An answer like this doesn't help in the progress.

Also, why do you think you can advise me on what to vote for or against? I'm not stupid! I understand the proposal and I like it, so I decide to vote for it.

I just look at it this way ......

that'S okay but please don't make it look as if this is my point of view.

If we get 10+ images, plus a story, from each of 4 vendors, for a total of 4,000 PIV, that works out to 100 PIV or $18 per image to post all over social media, each of which 'screams' the message of "Adoption, Adoption, Adoption!". That is an extremely good deal!

I never said sth else ;)

When we get those images, and stories, over the course of say 3 months, THAT is all we can measure, and how we should judge the value of this proposal.

Thats good :)

The rest doesn't really matter.

Well, for me it does. It would be good to see if sth happens after three months or not and if Onezetty is needed as a middleman or not. Everything else would be like starting a project sth and then after three months forgetting it. It will be interesting to see if it develops and what is needed for it over a longer period of time
You're probably right @flow11, and I confess that I'm not particularly “comfortable” with making the exchange to fiat, but I don't see any other way to take the first step, I always open to new ideas.

I remember that my first 5 dollars of BTC (many years ago) I bought using fiat from a friend of mine, so this friend "was for a moment a bank", a friend who, by the way, told me not to trust the banks.

In other words, yes, but no. This is the problem of the chicken and the egg, without this "sacrifice of principles", these hypothetical PIVians will never reach the community, they will not know about PIVX, they will never dare to make a proposal themselves, they will never give their first PIVs (they will not even know how acquire them in the first place), so here we are discussing philosophy, and Gerald is only trolling me. ;)
You're probably right @flow11, and I confess that I'm not particularly “comfortable” with making the exchange to fiat, but I don't see any other way to take the first step, I always open to new ideas.

Then thanks you want to do it anyway :)
I remember that my first 5 dollars of BTC (many years ago) I bought using fiat from a friend of mine, so this friend "was for a moment a bank", a friend who, by the way, told me not to trust the banks.

In other words, yes, but no. This is the problem of the chicken and the egg, without this "sacrifice of principles", these hypothetical PIVians will never reach the community, they will not know about PIVX, they will never dare to make a proposal themselves, they will never give their first PIVs (they will not even know how acquire them in the first place), so here we are discussing philosophy, and Gerald is only trolling me. ;)

yes, that's the truth and I'm completely aware of that and I support this approach :), I just wanted to know how it's planned and how long you plan to be the exchange service and how long will you engage here. I would also support it if it develops into a business for you, which means people ask you for exchange and you do it for a small fee if it's profitable at one point in case you feel comfortable doing so then. Because you are the one who is spreading the PIVX message.
Sorry @flow11 but I guess I have trouble following your logic.

I don't understand why you would ask (in the other proposal) if distribution of merchandise is included, when we don't have any, or why they would say No if we did ask them to distribute it. Especially if you don't care about merchandise. Very confusing.

With respect to this proposal and ONeZetty earning exchange fees, I assumed you were asking for this proposal, and not some completely different business idea. It sounded like you were stating he could be making a large enough profit off this to call it a 'banking business'. That is impossible.
Sorry @flow11 but I guess I have trouble following your logic.

I don't understand why you would ask (in the other proposal) if distribution of merchandise is included, when we don't have any, or why they would say No if we did ask them to distribute it. Especially if you don't care about merchandise. Very confusing.
just for my understanding of what's included in their promo representation package for that price, and how the promo is made. The question could also have been if there are PIVX logos all over their stand. I never said " Hey, I want Merch to be distributed"

They have 2 offers with different options, so I wanted to know these options and if merch is one of them. At conferences, they will represent themselves on the first hand so I did not see the value for PIVX there. That's why I asked -- nothing more nothing less.

With respect to this proposal and ONeZetty earning exchange fees, I assumed you were asking for this proposal, and not some completely different business idea. It sounded like you were stating he could be making a large enough profit off this to call it a 'banking business'. That is impossible.

I have the impression that you often interpret way too much in my examples or comparisons: When he is distributing collecting and exchanging PIVX he is investing his time and energy to help with adoption. And the things he's doing are the same as what banks are doing also. That's why I called it a banking business. And I would be okay if he profits from it also as he invests his resources.

You say it's impossible. I strongly disagree here. If he's making it good and local adoption is increasing due to his efforts and there are enough merchants who rely on him as an exchange person It can turn into a profitable exchanging business. Sure not from the beginning but over time it could evolve. And in my view, there is nothing bad about that ;) if he likes doing so. If some initial funding can start such progress it's awesome! To summarize: If he is bringing adoption he shall be rewarded for it :)
This is evolving into nothing. Your just bypassing the masternodes votes into an even more centralised "loan system" which you control the funds.

If someone has an idea and wants funds they submit a proposal. If they don't want to pay out the 50piv for the proposal fee they include that in their proposal to reimburse them. It's only 50piv so it's hardly breaking the bank and if it is a really worth while project they are wanting funds for I'm sure the community would donate to cover that 50piv so they don't even have to pay the submission fee.

The masternode voting system works in a way you don't have to pay it back but if you fail to deliver you are unlikely to get another proposal passed.

Your creating a role for yourself to manage funds and it is not needed. Stop trying to bypass the system already in place which works and is a far better voting system than if zetty deems your project worthwhile so keep him on your good side if you want some of the funds?

It's a no from me.

Hi Gerrald,
thanks for your thoughts. They're important.
I don't really see the problem you outline though, regarding the centralization. It's not more centralization than any (or most) other proposals. Someone has to take care of the funds to be paid out.
With Zetty's proposal, we have a big chance for a broad number of businesses and people to actually *use* PIVX. At the same time, the awareness and recognition of the brand PIVX will increase. Since funding micro businesses in developing countries and for less fortunate individuals is also usually seen as a good deed, there is also a significant potential for marketing use, further strengthening PIVX awareness.

Please, let us discuss your thoughts more :)

I would like to announce that the first micro business sponsored by the PIVX community and to accept PIVX would be:

Krmen Pastelería y Postres

This bakery and dessert shop specializes in preparing its products, in addition to being made with the highest quality ingredients, and specially designed for people with health problems such as diabetes, or people who want a dessert, but are also losing weight, since its products are low in calories, low in sugars and lactose-free. In addition to the fact that they can be prepared especially for people with allergies.

I personally think it's a great idea, and I too will train this entrepreneur in business and marketing to help her grow, plus of course, buy her a sugar-free dessert every week (since I'm diabetic myself). At the moment, "Krmen" only offers its products in the city of Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico, but I think it has every chance to be a great success. At the moment they only sell their products with recommendations from person to person, I will help "Krmen" create more publicity and thus reach more people (maybe a website).

The "official" launching would be next Thursday, Sep 15, I would make the fist “buy” paying using PIVX and take some videos and photos, to the community.


I would like to announce that the second micro business sponsored by the PIVX community and to accept PIVX would be:

Gelatinas con Amor

This Alejandra, she prepares this jellies at home, and sells them every Sunday in a flea market that is organized in the park known as "Parque de las Palapas" a traditional place in the city of Cancun, Mexico.

Alejandra is a great businesswoman and understands that the world of cryptocurrencies is the future (she herself has some BTC saved), I talked to her about PIVX, and she really liked the idea of instant payments, so from now on she will accept PIVX as method of payment for your jellies.

So if you're visiting Cancun and see them, ask them for a refreshing jelly and pay with PIVX.



