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My PIVX Wallet (MPW) - The most powerful PIVX lightwallet.


Staff member
The wallet of the future - Receive, Send, Stake and Exchange using a completely decentralized, open-source, battle-hardened PIVX wallet.

Proudly built by PIVX Labs.

Be your own Bank!
Only you hold your keys, locally on your own device, all private keys, TX signing and construction, is done completely locally under your own control, at your own pace.
The wallet can be ran online or offline - while online, the wallet will use a Blockbook explorer to fetch your balances and display it visually, as well as auto-broadcasting of transactions.
In Offline mode, the wallet can create 'Manual Transactions' in which you provide ALL data yourself, you do the signing yourself, you do the broadcasting yourself, you are in control.

Be lightweight, lightning speed, with 15-inch steel armour.
The wallet allows freely importing/exporting new and old keys alike, and supports local AES-GCM encryption for secure and easy storage of keys within your browser's local storage,
MyPIVXWallet will NEVER store unencrypted keys in local storage, to be able to save your wallet in-browser, without manually importing each time, you MUST set a (strong) encryption password.
The wallet is completely portable, can be ran on Desktops, Laptops, Mobile, every single OS with a proper browser (not Windows 98 with IE, goddamn it).
The wallet doesn't require any synchronization, and dependency on explorers can be disabled or even removed with offline mode.

Don't trust, verify!
MyPIVXWallet is available on the PIVX Labs github - a community-ran organization for PIVX-oriented FOSS projects, don't trust us? Good! Download the source code, kill your wifi, lock yourself in a bunker
and the wallet will still function in Offline mode, with no dependency on the internet for barebones functionality, use 'Manual Transactions' to manually form raw transactions while offline
and broadcast them at your own pace, through your own node.


Current Features:
  • Sleek, lightwallet & mobile-friendly UI.
  • Full Cold Staking support.
  • Unlimited address support, rolling per-block.
  • Support for all major wallet types: HD, Seed Phrase, XPriv, WIF.
  • Customizable Addresses (VanityGen).
  • Explorer-powered automatic Coin Control, balances & transactions.
  • Secure AES-GCM wallet encryption support, with encrypted wallet exports.

Planned Features:
  • Kiosk mode (Use MPW as a secure business counter-top or OTC payment processor)
  • Exchanging (Exchange between PIVX and hundreds of other coins, instantly, or pay a shop in PIVX via BTC routing)
  • Store + Shop integration (Pay for goods directly within MPW, or an external 'Pay with My PIVX Wallet' button)
  • Governance (Masternode and Tango voting)
  • Masternodes (Act as a Masternode controller)
  • SPV sync (Use Simple Payment Verification to securely sync MPW with better chain validation abilities)
  • SHIELD (The PIVX Privacy Protocol)
  • ... much, much more.
With your help, we can add even more features, improve security, and improve the adoption of PIVX for people that simply don't have the hardware, or knowledge, to run their own full-node.
A budget proposal draft is likely to be created soon to ask for formal help in expanding the development of MyPIVXWallet, the first project of PIVX Labs.

Special thanks to @Liquid369 and his team for creating the original foundations of the software under the DogeCash project, you are epic developers - and thanks to @Snappy for his usual energetic ambassadorship.

This wallet has NO endorsement from (or relation to) the PIVX Core developers, this is a community-made project built for the love of PIVX.
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Updates Round #1

  • Sleek Dark Mode!
  • Added 'QR code' button to display a magnified QR for your Public Address.
  • Added 'Copy' button to copy your Public Address easier!
  • Font auto-resizing for large balance strings.
  • Added 'Community' Intro section and PIVX Labs address buttons.
  • Navbar auto-closes after clicking a menu on mobile. (Thank you @palmtree!)

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Updates Round #2

  • Revamped Dashboard: Cleaner interface, less button spam, curved QRs, refreshed widget UIs.
  • Upgraded Vanity Address generation: Now user-friendly, multi-threaded, and doesn't freeze the browser during generation.
  • Codebase-wide optimizations: MPW now runs MUCH faster on ALL devices, with fine-tuning to rendering & cryptographic functions.
  • Updated PIV Balance logo.
  • Fixed a bunch of Intro page text indentations.

New Dashboard!

New Vanity Address UI!

Now you can generate addresses ~113x faster!⚡

Under-the-hood improvements have been done to increase the speed of generating (and importing) addresses, this also includes the Vanity Gen system.

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I think MPW is best new step for more anonimity and privacy. However, I wish for a fully functional mobile wallet - android/iOS - that allows staking and also cold staking.
GOOD LUCK everyone with whatever step-up you take for PIVX.
I think MPW is best new step for more anonimity and privacy. However, I wish for a fully functional mobile wallet - android/iOS - that allows staking and also cold staking.
GOOD LUCK everyone with whatever step-up you take for PIVX.
Coming soon, the Labz team is agressive and if you keep following, you will see magic happen.
I think MPW is best new step for more anonimity and privacy. However, I wish for a fully functional mobile wallet - android/iOS - that allows staking and also cold staking.
GOOD LUCK everyone with whatever step-up you take for PIVX.
The good news @qtez is that Mobile is now The Primary focus of Labs, within 2 months MPW will be COMPLETELY redesigned for a mobile-first experience.

We are hammering down the final nail needed for MPW to be "adoption-ready", after this, let the fireworks fly.
If it were easy, we would have done it already; a DEX or a Marketplace (especially in a secure, decentralised, P2P method) is by no means an easy undertaking, they themselves would require a full dedicated team or sub-team to create and maintain.

However, regardless PIVX Labs still has a suggestions forum (in Discord) to keep ideas permanently for consideration, please go ahead and post each idea in their own Labs forum post with a good description of the system, and we'll give it a look to see what's possible! 😄 💜
THANK U, u already given the final answer.
All I thought of just to PROMOTE PIVX with other features besides PRIVACY.
THANK U again.