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Archived Official Social Media Lead, Exchange Liaison


Staff member
Name: Ofcl-SocialFeb2023
Term: 1 cycle
Cycle Amount: 5675.00
Total Amount: 5675.00
Author: @LeacyMcK
Receiver: @LeacyMcK
Address: DGKPZajGSZ21XpMmejGnbHjAnMGYsZP4sr
Created: January 30th, 2022
Status: Active

This is a continuation from my prior proposal. I have chosen to submit my proposals monthly.

Please find my original proposal here: https://forum.pivx.org/threads/pivx...d-community-builder-and-content-creator.1225/
Please find the last proposal I submitted here: https://forum.pivx.org/threads/pivx-official-social-media-lead-community-builder.1267/

Completed Work Each Cycle:
Answering messages on Twitter/Instagram/Discord, PIVX.org contact us email, [email protected].
-Requesting articles from writer(s) when events or need of new material arises. Proof reading articles and all blogs prior to then publishing them on PIVX.org and pushing them out on socials.
-Planning content for each day of the week for PIVX official social accounts while keeping a watch on trends, like-minded crypto topics, analytics etc.
-Working with Shorn, PIVX's official graphic designer on new graphics for PIVX events, AMAs, updates and announcements
-Gathering our amazing social team together to help with PIVX promotions/announcements and having graphics ready for them should they choose to do their own posts.
-Fill out update form for Binance.
-Check in with PIVX labs, and a few core team members and community members on a regular basis to keep updated so that promotions and articles are planned ahead of time should they have news/updates or events they need.
-Checking analytics for social accts I run and for PIVX.org.
-Helping keep PIVX.org and Discord updated.
-Work with new community members, making sure they have the support and tools they need to make their experience positive.
-Support Hans Koning's AMAs by encouraging engagement among community.

Accomplishments Completed This Past Cycle:
-Planned and organized our first successful Twitter Spaces with BasicSwapDEX, Particl and yenachar who was host for PIVX for the first event. Promoted with Social team’s help. This will become a monthly event.
-Possible collaboration with cryptowallet.com; started by introducing one of their team reps in Discord so that the community can ask questions and help vet. They are requesting cross-marketing.
-1 contest for PIVXcommunity.
-Spent a few hours in total with a new member helping guide them so that they can grow within our ecosystem. This member completed a successful proposal for the first time.
-Emailed all exchanges and 3rd party services in regards to possible fork. Time spent on repeatedly requesting information from the larger exchanges and services until they responded due to our members not being able to assess some services, updating ECL list.
-Worked with a few exchange reps in either directing them to support in PIVX Discord, or giving them the support myself in regards to upgrade.
-Meet the PIVXcommunity series on hold as I started Twitter Spaces instead.

-Along with PIVX’s graphic designer and input from PIVX devs, I planned a successful campaign from Q3 2022 until Q1 January 22, 2023 GMT when #PIVX's financial structure changed.


-Planned a successful promotion: Working with nigelon11, the creator of 4 tutorial videos for PIVX, who also wrote a blog per my request to accompany the videos. Orchestrated graphics to accompany blog/videos to be created with our Graphic Designer, published blog and graphics to PIVX.org and official social accounts. Posted graphics and links to dedicated social team channel where they then helped promote and encouraged others with with engagement.

-I requested that a few vintage graphics be updated with a PIVX community Photo Shop designer vteq, anpromoted the


Please see, https://twitter.com/PIVXcommunity, https://twitter.com/_PIVX and https://www.instagram.com/pivxcrypto/ to see further content and tweets/posts.

Upcoming tasks, goals and plans:
-On top of repeated work each cycle. (Please see list above.) the following will be worked on:
-Work with Particl, BasicSwapDEX and yenachar for future Twitter Spaces.
-Start to plan Instagram and Twitter paid adverts; plan new PIVX series to promote, research analytics for best time and demographics.
-Starting up Medium social account again.
-Working with PIVXlabs on new marketing series when MPW update is completed.
-Getting PIVX.org synced with Google Analytics (again) to use SEO and other informative analytic tools to improve promotion's effectiveness. (Moved to end of March, early April.)
-Working with a well known Blockchain and Crypto YouTube influencer that has previously created a tutorial and review video of PIVX.
-Working with cryptowallet.com representatives in a collaboration with PIVX
-Work with PIVX DAO advisor Hans Koning and CryptoSi to host a Twitter Spaces regarding DAOs and PIVX's future as one.

-Fee breakdown:
Paid hours: 20 hours a week/ 80 hours a cycle = $2000 CAD.
Quote of PIV above reflects payment in USD. (calculated on www.XE.com. )
Volunteer hours: 20 to 30 hours a week/ 80 to 120 hours a cycle.
Total hours paid and volunteer per cycle: 160 - 240 hours a cycle.

Thank you for taking the time to read my proposal.
In support of this! @LeacyMcK has dedicated so much of her time over the years to PIVX for the betterment of everyone involved. Thank you for your dedicated help PIVX Aunty ;)

Good luck with the proposal.